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Aaron Rodgers exiting the NFC North after...

24-5 record vs. Bears  64 TD passes, 10 INTs
17-11-1 record vs. Vikings  57 TD passes, 8 INTs
18-8 record vs. Lions  54 TD passes, 12 INTs

Overall: 59-24-1, 175 TD passes, 30 INTs

That seems pretty good. Greater than 70 % win rate vs the division

@Pakrz posted:

In times where damn near everything is reported in the world, to my knowledge there are absolutely zero reports of this taking placeâ€Ķ. Not even from click-bait guys like Florio and other hacks.

So that leaves us with the option of believing somebody on X4 has direct inside contacts within 1265?  Yea okâ€Ķ I have a bridge to sell some of you dumdums.

Who did you buy the bridge from?

@Herschel posted:

This still works out perfectly for the NFL. Announced beginning of draft week, introductory press conference the day before Round one, and tomorrow they start multiple days of draft pub, speculation and scuttlebutt. Hype city.

Yep, this deal was probably done a month ago. The Jets inferred in their press conference that swapping #1s was what finalized the deal but I doubt it.

lol bad cell service


Rodgers on #Packers contact attempts: "People who know me, I'm fortunate to live in a beautiful house. The only downside is I have very limited cell service. If you want to get ahold of me, I need to see your face. You have to FaceTime me."

Rodgers says he didn't get FaceTimes.

Last edited by ilcuqui
@Satori posted:

How arrogant or stupid would you have to be to use this line of reasoning:

" I didn't hear anything about it - therefore it didn't happen"

" It wasn't reported anywhere, therefore it never took place"  

People who live in tiny little universes will dismiss anything that doesn't fit into their tiny little universes.

There are many examples to prove just how idiotic this stance is...

Recently, one of the fine posters here at X4 shared that Mason Crosby had packed up his entire house and was moving to Nashville. Not coming back to GB no matter what. Was that reported anywhere ? Did you know about that ?
The answer is NO on both fronts. Yet that's what happened.

We've also had X4 posters on the medical side who offered us insight into the severity of Packer injuries and expected recovery times. None of that was reported - but it still happened and we still knew about it

Now think about a crime scene - there are many cops who know all kinds of inside info that never gets reported. Do we know about any of that ?
Is it reported publicly ? The answer is NO on both counts. But some people know and they chat with their friends, sometimes on packer forums.
Non- public info is shared

Now think about a lowly tech at the State Lab of Hygiene in Madison WI - has access to every STD test and testee going back 20 years. Do you think he knows a few things ? Might some famous people be embarrassed ? Are any of them reported ? Are you aware of what he knows ? Did those positive tests not happen because YOU aren't aware ? Some people know things and sometimes they share them with others.

There's a million things you know nothing about - but they still exist.
At the end of the day, take it for what its worth to you - if you don't choose to believe it, that's fine.

But leaning into this lame-ass argument is absurd.

"...but but but Schefter didn't report it !!!"     LOL

And finally -  check out the band of brothers on Team Denial:

13X, BrainDed, Pakrz, DJ, Steve Luke

I rest my case.

So what I get out of this is that Favre tested positive for Syphilis?

@Floridarob posted:

nfl network says revised contract save packers 14 million this year on the cap.

This is misleading. He still has a dead cap hit this year of $40m like he’s always had. This just tweaks the contract so the option bonus for *this* year gets moved over to the Jets and not the Packers. This was always assumed should he be traded. So there is really no change in the cap for us.

@GreenBayLA posted:

SI writer says GB was winner on AR trade...

We all know this, why would a team that wasn't going to make the Playoffs this year regardless of who their quarterback is "win" this trade by swapping 1st rounders + 2 other picks this year and giving up their 1st rounder next year? Oh, and the Packers have no cap hits on his contract after this year either... so yea... the Packers won.

The Jets mortgaged the next 3-5 years of their future to miss the playoffs. Congratulations. Come back anytime for similar deals.

Last edited by NumberThree
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