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From The Athletic

They do an annual series where they query 50 NFL coaches and personnel executives on the current QBs- and divide them into Tiers.
( pay article, excerpt here)

1.  Aaron Rodgers

"Rodgers stands alone at the top, the eighth time in nine years of QB Tiers balloting that he finished no worse than tied for the top spot. He is the standard for Tier 1 quarterback play.

“I can’t wait to rate him as a 2,” a defensive coordinator said. “That will be like the favorite day of my career.”

Rodgers through the years has received 401 votes in Tier 1, seven in Tier 2 and none lower than that. Some who placed him in Tier 2 previously repented in follow-up conversations.

“Where is the flaw?” a defensive coach asked. “He can make every throw, he has got command of things, he can read defenses, he is challenging to go against because of the mental part of it.”

This is the sixth time in nine years Rodgers was a unanimous Tier 1 choice.

“The smirk, the shoulder shrug, the command of hurry-up tempo in 2-minute, he’s got it all,” a coach said. “The head coach (Matt LaFleur) wants to run the field goal team on and Rodgers waves them off, calls another play, completes it to make the field goal try easier and burns enough time so the kickoff coverage team doesn’t have to run out there. The guy oozes Tier 1 in ways others QBs can only dream doing.”

Rodgers beats the competition in two categories multiple voters cited: the ability to elevate his weaponry and in how he not only outsmarts opponents, but relishes doing so.

“(Tom) Brady has had the more decorated career with 10 Super Bowls and seven rings, but I will say this,” an offensive coach said. “Aaron Rodgers has helped elevate every player on that offense. Brady with N’Keal Harry did not elevate his game. Aaron has had Davante Adams, but he is still waiting for a first-round receiver, they have not had great receivers overall and he is still putting up major numbers.”

As for showing up opponents, Rodgers owns the most condescending smirk in the game.

“It’s not enough to make a good read and see a coverage rotation and throw where he needs to throw,” a defensive coach said. “He wants you to know that he got you and look at the sideline with that smirk. He is outsmarting you … always trying to catch you in a blitz and throw a little smoke out, or whatever. He’s just an extreme challenge to go against, beyond any of these other guys that have talent.”

“I can’t wait to rate him as a 2,” a defensive coordinator said. “That will be like the favorite day of my career.”

Must be the Bears guy.

“It’s not enough to make a good read and see a coverage rotation and throw where he needs to throw,” a defensive coach said. “He wants you to know that he got you and look at the sideline with that smirk. He is outsmarting you … always trying to catch you in a blitz and throw a little smoke out, or whatever...”

"I still own you!"

@Timmy! posted:

“I can’t wait to rate him as a 2,” a defensive coordinator said. “That will be like the favorite day of my career.”

Must be the former Bears guy.

“It’s not enough to make a good read and see a coverage rotation and throw where he needs to throw,” a defensive coach said. “He wants you to know that he got you and look at the sideline with that smirk. He is outsmarting you … always trying to catch you in a blitz and throw a little smoke out, or whatever...”

"I still own you!"


@packerboi posted:

His new girlfriend's name is Blu of Earth. No, really.

They have been dating one month. That tattoo? It's a matching one he got with her after month.  "That Aaron Rodgers got a matching tattoo with his new girlfriend after dating one month is about the most Aaron Rodgers thing he could do."

And the new GF is trolling the ex. You can't make this up.

Aaron Rodgers' Love Life Is Playing Out Right Before Us | New Girlfriend Trolling Ex-Girlfriend On Social Media - The Shadow League

Oh, she also sings:

I feel dirty after reading that linked article. 😖

This is from an article at  Sharp Football

* the data is from 2020 season, but 2021 is very similar  ( can't find it)

Here we see the average drives / game by team and you'll note that The Mighty Green Bay Packers have the fewest drives per game. From another source, I've seen that the Packers have the longest time / play.

I know it drives some fans nuts when AR takes the play clock all the way to zero...but there's a method to their madness. When GB is possessing the ball
( with a QB who doesn't turn it over) that's the best defense of all. And by waiting, he's getting the defense to declare their intentions.

You'll also note that while the Packers are the slowest-play team in the league - they are also the most efficient at scoring. Right hand column is TD/s per game
( 2020) and GB came out on top for the entire league.

GB also leads the league in time of possession:

All of this efficiency helps the offense... AND the defense.

I disagree with that concept.   I would, and have, say that when you have a potent offense your goal should be more possessions.   The more drives, the more chances for scores. Yes, the opponent gets more drives as well, but we believe we will convert drives into points at a higher rate.

Pretty much how the Warriors changed basketball.  

This year, I’m all for running the clock until we prove we can still be a top scoring offense.

Last edited by BrainDed

I think psychedelics can be very useful for mental health and perception gains....but as far as Aaron's  insight .....narcissism is not self love

I would not expect him to recognize this---says the fanboy who enjoys his QB play, but little else about our sage/guru signal caller

Last edited by Johnson

I mean, he used it in the offseason. If the dudes that were getting busted for weed limited it to the offseason when the NFL was testing for it in TC, regular and post season they would have been fine, too.

@BrainDed posted:

I disagree with that concept.   I would, and have, say that when you have a potent offense your goal should be more possessions.   The more drives, the more chances for scores. Yes, the opponent gets more drives as well, but we believe we will convert drives into points at a higher rate.

You pretty much just described how the KC Chiefs play.

I'm still pissed off the Pack only scored 10 points in a fucking playoff game

@Johnson posted:

I think psychedelics can be very useful for mental health and perception gains....but as far as Aaron's  insight .....narcissism is not self love

I would not expect him to recognize this---says the fanboy who enjoys his QB play, but little else about our sage/guru signal caller

This sentiment is growing in the scientific/medical community as well.  Michael Pollan has researched and written about it extensively.  There is a really good series on netflix called "how to change your mind". 

Legal medical research was being done on the psychoactive benefits of LSD in the 60's until Nixon had it declared a Schedule 1 narcotic (federal legal implications), in an attempt to stem the waves of "tune in, turn on, drop out" that was causing draft problems for the Vietnam war.

Switzerland, where LSD was discovered/invented has picked back up on the research.  Microdosing LSD as a treatment for various disorders has grown exponentially though it is mostly illegal.

Last edited by DH13

The fact that Rodgers can openly talk about using psychedelics but, until recently, other guys were getting suspended for smoking weed is ridiculous.

If guys want to fuck themselves up doing whatever it is they want to do, fine.  Just don't cheat using PED's.   That's all the NFL should test for, IMO.

@DH13 posted:

This sentiment is growing in the scientific/medical community as well.  Michael Pollan has researched and written about it extensively.  There is a really good series on netflix called "how to change your mind".

Legal medical research was being done on the psychoactive benefits of LSD in the 60's until Nixon had it declared a Schedule 1 narcotic (federal legal implications), in an attempt to stem the waves of "tune in, turn on, drop out" that was causing draft problems for the Vietnam war.

Switzerland, where LSD was discovered/invented has picked back up on the research.  Microdosing LSD as a treatment for various disorders has grown exponentially though it is mostly illegal.

True, and it shouldn't be schedule 1, same with weed.  Neither have the addictive properties that coke, meth, heroin, fentanyl, etc. have.

@DH13 posted:

This sentiment is growing in the scientific/medical community as well.

Legal medical research was being done on the psychoactive benefits of LSD in the 60's until Nixon had it declared a Schedule 1 narcotic (federal legal implications), in an attempt to stem the waves of "tune in, turn on, drop out" that was causing draft problems for the Vietnam war.

Switzerland, where LSD was discovered/invented has picked back up on the research.  Microdosing LSD as a treatment for various disorders has grown exponentially though it is mostly illegal.

There is a lot of interest in the medical community looking at some of these psycho-active drugs in a more robust fashion. Proper dosing, the length of the trip, post- trip therapy/discussions are all being looked into for various mental health maladies. Some with impressive results

Atai Pharma has several subsidiaries working on them, including psilocybin, DMT, LSD and Ketamine. Historically, these psycho-active drugs were all vilified by stupid people for self-serving reasons - but now science is diving back in and looking at clinical development of their active ingredients.

Here's the DMT program:

"Although DMT has a short half-life, the psychedelic effects of ayahuasca can last anywhere between two and six hours, Short said. That’s because it doesn’t just contain DMT—it also has monoamine oxidase inhibitors that, as their name suggests, block the enzymes that metabolize DMT.

Isolating DMT could result in a drug that triggers psychedelic experiences that are much shorter in duration than what’s usual with ayahuasca and psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms.

A shorter experience could open up psychedelic-assisted treatment to people who can’t or don’t want to undergo a longer psychedelic experience, said ATAI CEO Florian Brand in a statement."

Colorado de-criminalized mushrooms a few years ago, partly to pursue the medical benefits they can offer (in addition to maybe some recreational use).  I had a "friend" in college who took mushrooms a few times and "he" said it was a pretty cool experience and a little eye opening on how you perceive the world.  If the opportunity came up, I bet my "friend" would partake again. 

@Satori posted:

There is a lot of interest in the medical community looking at some of these psycho-active drugs in a more robust fashion. Proper dosing, the length of the trip, post- trip therapy/discussions are all being looked into for various mental health maladies. Some with impressive results

Atai Pharma has several subsidiaries working on them, including psilocybin, DMT, LSD and Ketamine. Historically, these psycho-active drugs were all vilified by stupid people for self-serving reasons - but now science is diving back in and looking at clinical development of their active ingredients.

Here's the DMT program:

"Although DMT has a short half-life, the psychedelic effects of ayahuasca can last anywhere between two and six hours, Short said. That’s because it doesn’t just contain DMT—it also has monoamine oxidase inhibitors that, as their name suggests, block the enzymes that metabolize DMT.

Isolating DMT could result in a drug that triggers psychedelic experiences that are much shorter in duration than what’s usual with ayahuasca and psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms.

A shorter experience could open up psychedelic-assisted treatment to people who can’t or don’t want to undergo a longer psychedelic experience, said ATAI CEO Florian Brand in a statement."

So happy I didn't miss any! 

@Boris posted:

You pretty much just described how the KC Chiefs play.

I'm still pissed off the Pack only scored 10 points in a fucking playoff game

They scored 17.

Unfortunately, 7 of those points were the special teams scoring for SF. 

[considers finding a Raiders board and telling their fans to fire Drayton]

Last edited by Fedya
@CUPackFan posted:

Colorado de-criminalized mushrooms a few years ago, partly to pursue the medical benefits they can offer (in addition to maybe some recreational use).  I had a "friend" in college who took mushrooms a few times and "he" said it was a pretty cool experience and a little eye opening on how you perceive the world.  If the opportunity came up, I bet my "friend" would partake again.

Mushrooms are fun, not that I'd know.  Not that I laughed hysterically through the entire concert at Alpine Valley with Stevie Ray Vaugh, Eric Clapton, Jeff Healey, Buddy Ray Guy playing.

@CUPackFan posted:

Colorado de-criminalized mushrooms a few years ago, partly to pursue the medical benefits they can offer (in addition to maybe some recreational use).  I had a "friend" in college who took mushrooms a few times and "he" said it was a pretty cool experience and a little eye opening on how you perceive the world.  If the opportunity came up, I bet my "friend" would partake again.

Yeah, my wife had a co-worker with a daughter who had a boyfriend who gave her shrooms and she ended up with nerve damage. Almost died. They are potent.

@YATittle posted:

Yeah, my wife had a co-worker with a daughter who had a boyfriend who gave her shrooms and she ended up with nerve damage. Almost died. They are potent.

Yeah, they're  kind of like weed in that respect, although weed's never given anyone nerve damage.  There are different strains with different potencies.  And a bad trip is always a possibility.  And because it's not sold like weed is in shops, who knows what someone might have mixed in with it.  I wouldn't do it nowadays, but when you're young and stupid.  That could have happened to a lot of us, we just got lucky.

Yeah, they're  kind of like weed in that respect, although weed's never given anyone nerve damage.  There are different strains with different potencies.  And a bad trip is always a possibility.  And because it's not sold like weed is in shops, who knows what someone might have mixed in with it.  I wouldn't do it nowadays, but when you're young and stupid.  That could have happened to a lot of us, we just got lucky.

One obvious case where government regulation might help

@YATittle posted:

Yeah, my wife had a co-worker with a daughter who had a boyfriend who gave her shrooms and she ended up with nerve damage. Almost died. They are potent.

Yeah buddy maybe something she did to hurt herself while on them? There's nothing in the literature anywhere about LSD causing nerve damage. It's a hallucinogen not a central nervous system stimulant.

I mean, float us anything you have to the contrary ?   I don't think the co-worker got the whole story there.

@Fedya posted:

They scored 17.

Unfortunately, 7 of those points were the special teams scoring for SF. 

[considers finding a Raiders board and telling their fans to fire Drayton]

Is this some kind of California math?

Posted that previously

@YATittle posted:

Yeah, my wife had a co-worker with a daughter who had a boyfriend who gave her shrooms and she ended up with nerve damage. Almost died. They are potent.

Around 17% of pot users suffer psychotic events. The likelihood is equal if not greater with these things. Very dangerous stuff to play around with. Hopefully, AR will not suffer any flashbacks (HPPD).

Last edited by D J
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