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@DH13 posted:

This sentiment is growing in the scientific/medical community as well.  Michael Pollan has researched and written about it extensively.  There is a really good series on netflix called "how to change your mind".

Legal medical research was being done on the psychoactive benefits of LSD in the 60's until Nixon had it declared a Schedule 1 narcotic (federal legal implications), in an attempt to stem the waves of "tune in, turn on, drop out" that was causing draft problems for the Vietnam war.

Switzerland, where LSD was discovered/invented has picked back up on the research.  Microdosing LSD as a treatment for various disorders has grown exponentially though it is mostly illegal.

Research has also shown positive results from some hallucinating agents in treating alcoholism.
My one concern is that the NFL may react negatively to his admission.

Last edited by PackerPatrick
@Pistol GB posted:

It's a hallucinogen. It doesn't affect the nervous system.

I'm hopeful that someday you find some topic where you have something useful to offer. But after a decade of abject failure, its really looking rather bleak.

Let's start with what a hallucination is...and then we'll talk about what part of the human body is involved in a hallucination.

Hint: ( Its the nervous system )

Reading some of these comments reminds me of when a doctor prescribed Chantix for me many years ago.
The dreams it induced reminded me of tripping on acid.
strange subjects (a semi-erotic one that involved a half-nude Alan Jackson in the bed of a pickup at a drive-in theater kind of strange) and they were extremely detailed and vivid.
After waking up the first night, I thought I had literally gone over the edge, and it took a good 10-15 minutes for reality to return to 'normal'.
After a repeat the second night, I never took it again.

@Timmy! posted:

Reading some of these comments reminds me of when a doctor prescribed Chantix for me many years ago.
The dreams it induced reminded me of tripping on acid.
strange subjects (a semi-erotic one that involved a half-nude Alan Jackson in the bed of a pickup at a drive-in theater kind of strange) and they were extremely detailed and vivid.
After waking up the first night, I thought I had literally gone over the edge, and it took a good 10-15 minutes for reality to return to 'normal'.
After a repeat the second night, I never took it again.

Arguably one of the best posts ever on here.

@Satori posted:

I'm hopeful that someday you find some topic where you have something useful to offer. But after a decade of abject failure, its really looking rather bleak.

Let's start with what a hallucination is...and then we'll talk about what part of the human body is involved in a hallucination.

Hint: ( Its the nervous system )

Wow! What is up brother?

I hardly post shit here anymore and pretty much stick to football.  Not sure where you're at or what it is that brought that one on. Holy crap dude! 

Anyway on this one, sorry if I got it wrong, not pretending to be an expert, I've just never seen anything that would indicate the hallucinogen class of drugs could result in nerve damage, as a opposed to say, central nervous system stimulants, which I thought involved different neurotransmitters than hallucinogens.

That's why I referenced the nervous system.  You're probably right, that was a mistaken choice of words to say β€œ affect.”  I meant they don’t damage the nervous system.

Have you ever heard of or seen anything in the literature that indicates a hallucinogen could result in nerve damage? If so, post it. And don't be such a dick for no good reason hey. Jesus Christ it's just a fucking football forum.

Last time I posted was from Lambeau tailgating. Checked in now and again and saw you arguing with people a lot during Covid and all. I guess it got you pretty snarky.

Hang in there, I don't remember arguing with you ever, and I've always in the past read your posts and opinions with respect. I'll definitely re-think that if you want to put me on blast like that.

Making enemies over Timesfour discussions WTF.

Last edited by Pistol GB
@Pistol GB posted:

Last time I posted was from Lambeau tailgating. Checked in now and again and saw you arguing with people a lot during Covid and all. I guess it got you pretty snarky.

Hang in there, I don't remember arguing with you ever, and I've always in the past read your posts and opinions with respect. I'll definitely re-think that if you want to put me on blast like that.

Making enemies over Timesfour discussions WTF.

Satori’s contract rider at X4 states that you will not address him directly or make eye contact.

Stay in your lane.

Last edited by Blair Kiel
@Goldie posted:

Breaking: Aaron Rodgers shaved his mustache.

The news of Rodgers’ shaving his stache sent β€œshockwaves” through the NFL community.

What will Rodgers do next? Who can say? Perhaps he’ll shave his head. Or maybe he’ll unveil another tattoo. Or maybe he’ll claim we don’t need to take vaccines for monkeypox. The sky is truly the limit for Aaron.

Maybe he’s going with hardwood flooring in the β€œbasement”. Ya’ know, to look β€œyounger”.

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