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Just listened to Mike Wahle on Herman's podcast. Some interesting points on both sides of the "Aaron's offense" debate. One thing I found interesting was that he said Peyton Manning would basically write the offensive practice / game plan.

@vitaflo posted:

The quote from Sternberger that GB's offense is the most complicated he's been in, compared to his time in Seattle, Wash and Pittsburgh I think is telling.

Are we talking about the incomparable Jace Sternberger here?

The one who was on the Seahawks practice squad for less than 2 weeks in 2021, with the Washington Football team for less than a month in 2021, and then briefly on the Steelers practice squad before getting cut early in training camp in 2022?

Why no mention of the Browns' offense from Sternberger?

I mean Cleveland hosted old Jacey for a tryout last month so surely he is just as big an expert on that offense as the others.

The Packers should have moved on from Rodgers and let the Love era begin after last season.

But quoting the likes of a loser like Jace Sternberger, who could not hack it with 4 other NFL teams since his time in GB ended and who caught an amazing 12 passes for 114 yards during his career, to take shots at Rodgers is just silly.

Then again, maybe J'Mon Moore was not available to give us the real dirt on how Rodgers mistreats young receivers.

What is more incredible, that Rodgers could be a multiple MVP and one of the greatest QBs of all time all the while having a shit ton of unwritten rules meant to impede the success of wide receivers, or that there were wide receivers that could overcome these insurmountable challenges to succeed on the playing field? 

@Gsands posted:

I'm merely posting this article that I found interesting. Agree or disagree with it but don't shoot the messenger (me).

"Dean Lowry was atrocious"

Don't bother posting this kind of shit around here again

@YATittle posted:

Made me think of that Holly Hunter scene in "Broadcast News" where an executive above tells her it must be great always being the smartest person in the room. She looks at him with disgust and says, "It's awful."

That's a problem you'll never have.

@SteveLuke posted:

Are we talking about the incomparable Jace Sternberger here?

The one who was on the Seahawks practice squad for less than 2 weeks in 2021, with the Washington Football team for less than a month in 2021, and then briefly on the Steelers practice squad before getting cut early in training camp in 2022?

Why no mention of the Browns' offense from Sternberger?

I mean Cleveland hosted old Jacey for a tryout last month so surely he is just as big an expert on that offense as the others.

The Packers should have moved on from Rodgers and let the Love era begin after last season.

But quoting the likes of a loser like Jace Sternberger, who could not hack it with 4 other NFL teams since his time in GB ended and who caught an amazing 12 passes for 114 yards during his career, to take shots at Rodgers is just silly.

Then again, maybe J'Mon Moore was not available to give us the real dirt on how Rodgers mistreats young receivers.

I actually think you're proving Jace's point here.  He's such a dumb player that he was able to pick up those other offenses more easily in a short amount of time compared to all his time here.

@vitaflo posted:

I actually think you're proving Jace's point here.  He's such a dumb player that he was able to pick up those other offenses more easily in a short amount of time compared to all his time here.

Just out of curiosity, how exactly do we KNOW Jace picked up the offenses easily in Seattle, Washington, and Pittsburgh?

Are we supposed to take paragon of honesty and production Jace Sternberger's word for it?

I mean, who could doubt that Jace was telling the truth when he insisted that his 2-game suspension for substance abuse back when he was still a Packer in 2021 was just a mixup "of anti-depressants and alcohol," right?


The records reveal that Jace was on those other rosters for 13 days, 27 days, and about 9 months respectively and during that time old Jace caught ZERO passes, while being targeting ZERO times, and getting exactly ZERO snaps in actual NFL games.

Why is it not more likely that Jace was cut by Green Bay just 2 years after he was selected in round 3 of the draft and then failed to to get any playing time in Seattle or Washington or Pittsburgh because he was such a dumb player that he was unable to pick up any offense for any of the teams who employed him during his brief and inglorious NFL career?

Last edited by SteveLuke
@4 Favre posted:

Well, so long as the people who crucified Favre for not taking football seriously enough are not the exact same people raging at Rodgers for making everything too complex... carry on!

So, bottom line, how long does it take to teach the kids the 30+ genders and pronouns? Do zey figure it out by the end of September xis or xerself, or would zey benefit from getting a head start in summer school?

You wrote all that without once invoking the term, WOKE? How?! 🤣

Last edited by Goalline

Uh Oh. Looks like trouble in paradise.

“Not about what is it I can get from this experience, but how can I contribute and when every single person comes from that mindset of what can I contribute to the space then you can truly actually create microclimates of a pockets of fun amidst the chaos and finding the eye of the storm within community.”

What the hell?

Last edited by Gsands

People getting bent out of shape that he unfollowed her on Instagram when the real story is she didn't bother to learn any of his hand signals he used with Danica

People getting bent out of shape that he unfollowed her on Instagram when the real story is she didn't bother to learn any of his hand signals he used with Danica

He just needs to admit he really plays on a different team.

Rodgers does seem like the guy who would overcomplicate the offense just to make rookies look dumb so he could call them out.  Or make stuff up on the fly so they screw up and then belittle them. 

@CUPackFan posted:

Rodgers does seem like the guy who would overcomplicate the offense just to make rookies look dumb so he could call them out.  Or make stuff up on the fly so they screw up and then belittle them.

Funny, there was no problem with his MO the 1st 15 years of his playing career. NOW, its a problem. LOL

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