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@Fandame posted:

"Let's negotiate a way out of this mess so we both look good."

Aaron, how does $58 million next season to become our official spokesman for a year sound? We'll have you keep up with the weekly Pat segment, punch a couple cancer patient kids, and have your brother sign some footballs. Oh, and if we're able to sign any free agents this offseason we'll say in the presser that you made a phone call. ... yes Aaron, your girlfriend can have free passes to the sledding hill next winter.

Last edited by Shadow
@FLPACKER posted:

I have seen a ,lot of "there is no way he leaves 60 million $ on the table", but Rodgers "is a complicated fellow". Asked this very question at the presser after the Lions loss he said "money is energy" and he wouldn't have any problem walking away from it. I didn't really understand the quote so I googled it. Found the concept was popularized in a book and sounds like Rodgers.


Most people think whiners are complicated. They are not. They have strictly defined self interests. Nothing Rodgers does surprises me. If he walks away from the cash it will be the first time.

While it wouldn’t be a complete shock to see Rodgers retire, if he does I’d argue he’s one of the dumbest people on the face of the planet.  He also lacks conviction and courage despite running his mouth to the contrary.  

50++ million to play a kids game is nothing to sneeze at, and do you really think he wants his lasting legacy to be two straight early playoff exits at home?    

I doubt it.

As for a change of scenery, I think that’s a real possibility.  But the safest, most convenient, and most self serving path is to return to GB and it’s not even close.  

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

While it wouldn’t be a complete shock to see Rodgers retire, if he does I’d argue he’s one of the dumbest people on the face of the planet.  He also lacks conviction and courage despite running his mouth to the contrary.  

50++ million to play a kids game is nothing to sneeze at, and do you really think he wants his lasting legacy to be two straight early playoff exits at home?    

I doubt it.

As for a change of scenery, I think that’s a real possibility.  But the safest, most convenient, and most self serving path is to return to GB and it’s not even close.  

I agree with everything you say here.  I think he comes back to GB most likely.

I do worry that the longer the Pack delays Rodgers exit, the more long term damage that is done.  I’ll hope for the best that things work out, but it really does feel like the whole situation is kind a mess and not a mark of a solidly run organization.

@FLPACKER posted:

I have seen a ,lot of "there is no way he leaves 60 million $ on the table", but Rodgers "is a complicated fellow". Asked this very question at the presser after the Lions loss he said "money is energy" and he wouldn't have any problem walking away from it. I didn't really understand the quote so I googled it. Found the concept was popularized in a book and sounds like Rodgers.


Murphy offered Favre a $20m marketing deal with the Packers after he retired (before he decided to return instead and was shipped to the Jets).

It's certainly possible that Rodgers makes that $60m by retiring and signing a similar deal.  Meaning, the $60m in salary isn't really a reason for him to come back because there are probably other means in which he can get it.

Lil Wayne appears to be just another dumb fanboy.  

To recap 2022, Rodgers lost an all-world receiver in Adams, played behind an offensive line that was constantly shuffling in different players, played through a broken thumb and was throwing the ball to two rookie receivers, a washed up Sammy Watkins, an old Cobb and a "#1 receiver" that runs like he's pulling a trailer behind him.  

But Rodgers.

Last edited by Pakrz

Look at the drops this year, when has the Pack had this much Butterfinger in a year. 

If Rodgers retires or is traded, I will cheer like crazy for Jordan love (and Watson and Doubs to continue to grow), if Rodgers is back, I hope he can return to form with consistent line play and better receiver play.  I don't think he is nearly as bad as people want to make of him, but I do believe he is declining.

Go Pack Go

@Herschel posted:

What is he supposed to do, wipe their butts and read them bedtime stories? They don't even know the basics of playing in a pro offense yet, and Watson was hurt and not even participating in activities/drills. Your lead engineer is not best suited to be a tutor for guys in Freshman Physics.

He knew he was going to have to deal with young receivers this season.
Other QBs have brought in their receivers during the off season to work out.
Rodgers wasn't invested enough to give himself that advantage.

I don't think the way the NFL is presented on TV really does any favors to the average viewer trying to evaluate QB play. The zoomed in, camera follows the ball at all times format means that at best you can ignore the QB a bit and get a feel for how the pass protection is holding up by watching the OL. You can tell, "hey, that's a tight spiral", after the ball leaves his hand. You can evaluate the end result of the play, and that's about it.

You can't watch the routes develop in real-time downfield... I guess it's not quite as bad as it was before HD, but if the QB is taking a decent drop, and the receivers are going downfield, they may as well be in the Bermuda Triangle for all you know.

In an era where we pretty much all have 4k TVs the size of our walls for the purposes of watching football, I'd much prefer a more "all 22" view. They probably figure it's too much for the average viewer to process.

The problems with Rodgers are that he's not getting any younger. Physically he's on a reasonably paced decline. Obviously, he's not as athletic as his prime.

Mentally he has peaked, and maybe slightly declining. I don't think he has any more football he can learn. And I think the league in general has caught up to him. Teams are definitely baiting him into checks. You can't tell me on that last interception that they didn't know exactly how Rodgers would react to their pass rush.

For that matter, you can't tell me the Lions didn't know exactly what kind of soft coverage they would get on that last fourth down conversion. The 85 Bears couldn't have made that scheme work against that play.

I'm rambling, as per usual, but my point is with an improvement to the receivers, the OL holding together healthy, and not going to the "drain the play clock to 0 check exactly to what the defense knows I will check to" well every single down... do those things and I think Rodgers can still be very effective.

Trot out more of the same next year and you might make the playoffs at 10-7 if he doesn't break his thumb.

It is easy to forget just how good previous WRs we've had were with contested catches. The ball down the sideline that Doubs didn't ever seem to see was a routine catch for guys like Adams & Nelson. I know that AR is in decline but having an undrafted guy who runs like a TE as your number one, and two rookies as #2 and #3 (who missed time because of injuries) is a steep drop off from what we have had in the past.  

@Herschel posted:

What is he supposed to do, wipe their butts and read them bedtime stories? They don't even know the basics of playing in a pro offense yet, and Watson was hurt and not even participating in activities/drills. Your lead engineer is not best suited to be a tutor for guys in Freshman Physics.

You come to mini-camp and ALL the OTAs.  You help them learn the routes and how you want them run.  You help them build confidence and know how to play in a pro offense. Quit being a Rodgers ball washer and start holding him accountable for doing what is needed to be a team leader and the highest paid player.  If you are using up cap $$$$ so better guys can't be signed, then be here to help those you do have get better.

@ammo posted:

You come to mini-camp and ALL the OTAs.  You help them learn the routes and how you want them run.  You help them build confidence and know how to play in a pro offense. Quit being a Rodgers ball washer and start holding him accountable for doing what is needed to be a team leader and the highest paid player.  If you are using up cap $$$$ so better guys can't be signed, then be here to help those you do have get better.

Because sharing a plate of nachos means they're more connected on the field, huh. Watson missed a bunch of offseason stuff, as well. The cap is also abstract, which has been proven time and again. 

Rodgers basically had everything go wrong this year.  He was hurt at least half the season, the young WRs weren’t healthy and rarely played together, and the OL didn’t get solidified until late in the year.  

Still, he put up pretty respectable numbers and proved he can still play at a high level. He just isn’t an elite player anymore, but let’s not pretend he’s Matt Ryan or Carson Wentz either.  

I get it he’s making a shit ton of money.  But if he’s committed to returning and is willing to do the little things like OTAs and all the offseason related stuff I think that’s their best chance to win this upcoming season.

If Bak is truly healthy, if they can find a way to retain Jones, and if the defense and special teams play up to their ability this can be a competitive team.  Yes they need some things to break their way but just about every team does.  

It all boils down to if 12 is truly β€œall in” for 2023.  If he is, I think he’s back.  

Last edited by Tschmack
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