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Rodgers made clear he values guys like Cobb and Lewis in the locker room and that certain people need to be resigned so that he's playing on a reload team and not a rebuild team.

He believes he's got another MVP season in him, he just doesn't know whether that's in Green Bay or not.

In other words, the Packers needs to resign and get the missing pieces into the locker room or he's gone.

@michiganjoe posted:

Tom Silverstein compares the failure of the organization to move AR last year with the John Hadl trade in his most recent podcast. Was a massive blunder from the organization, no doubt about that.

Two issues with this.  One, this is only known in hindsight.  Back to Back MVP has just as much chance to play another MVP season and if he does it elsewhere then it is also seen as a massive blunder the other way.  And two, all of this trade talk assumes Rodgers would even want to be traded.  He has the final say because if he doesn't like where they would send him he could just retire.  Same is true this year.  People act like the Packers have total control over a trade.  They don't.

@michiganjoe posted:

If he retires, he retires. Does this sound like a guy that wants to retire?

Sounds to me like he's calling their bluff.  Which I think he also did with the new contract.  If there's anything that tells me Love isn't "the guy" it's this.

Problem for Rodgers is that after this season, it can't get much worse with Love at the helm.  But you can get better quicker with a few picks, even if they're not as good as they would have been last year.

Rodgers also said he wants Cobb, Bahk, Lewis, Lazard and Tonyan back, which seemed to imply if they're not then he's considering it a "rebuild" and wouldn't want to come back.

Bahk fine, he's under contract, but it just feels like Rodgers wants his buddies around for the hell of it so he doesn't need to do anything different.  I don't understand how he thinks we're in a rebuild if we don't have those guys, or how he thinks going to a different team is going to be any easier.

Last edited by vitaflo
@NumberThree posted:

Rodgers made clear he values guys like Cobb and Lewis in the locker room and that certain people need to be resigned so that he's playing on a reload team and not a rebuild team.

He believes he's got another MVP season in him, he just doesn't know whether that's in Green Bay or not.

In other words, the Packers needs to resign and get the missing pieces into the locker room or he's gone.

Yeah because resigning Cobb and Lewis will make the team competitive. πŸ™„

They are his friends...WTF is he going to say other than he wants them back?

Tonyan was coming off sub-par as he was, he's still best TE on the team. Lewis is a side-car OT on his best day. Bakhtiari is coming back...the last half of the season he looked like an All Pro again. Packers hold the cards really...the cap sitch is what it is...if 12 doesn't like the cuts they make, take the trade or retire.

If the Packers believe the reason for 12's poor performance was mostly rookie WR, a mostly terrible OL and a broken thumb, he will be back. If they think he's done-zo, they will trade him, eat the dead cap this season and let the Love era begin.

You people are making this way more complicated than it needs to be.

I don't mind having those guys back at all ....they have some value as role players IF, in the case of Lazard (who AR also mentioned)Tonyan, Cobb, & Lewis, more talent is added to their position groups. If we got a true #1 WR through free agency (watch Herman podcast today to see how it could be done $-wise) and drafted a receiving TE, having those 4 wouldn't hurt you at all.

Silverstein is a fucking idiot.  The Hadl trade is not even close to not dealing Rodgers in the offseason.  

Was it a missed opportunity?   Absolutely.   But β€œspoon” just needs to fucking retire to Floriduh already.  He was already a senile motherfucker, now he’s a senile curmudgeon motherfucker.  Nice reference Stein.  80% of current Packers fans couldn’t even tell you who Hadl was much less go down that rabbit hole so piss off old man. Or move to Iowa where drooling and mouth breathing and knuckle dragging is celebrated.  

As for Rodgers, he’s not retiring.  He doesn’t want his legacy to end on a horrendous pick at home losing to an inferior team.   If he wants to truly commit in the offseason and quit bitching about his over the hill buddies on the team I may consider bringing him back.   But it’s conditional on his desire and motivation.  You can’t check out and spend the offseason in Peru and appear on 50 podcasts telling everyone how smart you are and how stupid everyone else is.

You are all in or you aren’t. If he ain’t all in, then work with him to facilitate a trade that works for 12 and the Packers.  

Last edited by Tschmack
@vitaflo posted:

Rodgers also said he wants Cobb, Bahk, Lewis, Lazard and Tonyan back, which seemed to imply if they're not then he's considering it a "rebuild" and wouldn't want to come back.

Bahk fine, he's under contract, but it just feels like Rodgers wants his buddies around for the hell of it so he doesn't need to do anything different.  I don't understand how he thinks we're in a rebuild if we don't have those guys, or how he thinks going to a different team is going to be any easier.

It's a balancing act, but teams generally benefit from having a few crusty vet types in the locker room. Cobb and Lewis being back if Rodgers is also is probably likely.

@Herschel posted:

It's a balancing act, but teams generally benefit from having a few crusty vet types in the locker room. Cobb and Lewis being back if Rodgers is also is probably likely.

You could somewhat make the case for Lewis and Cobb, because they'd probably be willing to sign a one year deal closer to the vet minimum (which is $1.2m) if they really want to continue playing.

Lazard and Tonyan are harder because they're going to want long term deals, with much bigger contracts.  If the Packers don't see them as players they want to retain long term then they're not likely to be coming back.  They'd probably get more going elsewhere.  Like Adams, I don't see them signing a team friendly deal to play with Rodgers when they know Rodgers probably only has one more year in him.

Of course, if you do a bunch of shit to placate AR so he comes back, you've pretty much lost Love.  I would assume he demands a trade.  No way he's sitting on the bench for a 4th year.

Last edited by vitaflo
@ammo posted:

Looks like Rodgers ir ready to move on from Green Bay.   If they give in to him again by bringing back all his old buddies their record will be worse than this season.

So if it comes down to Rodgers wanting out of GB and wants a trade what team would give him a shot at winning an MVP ?  And I find it interesting he mentions MVP and not Super Bowl.  One thing I do not know does #12 have a no trade clause or a no trade clause to certain teams?

So that being said what team could he go to that would have the pieces around him to win an MVP?  Would it be a team that wants to go all in to win it or a team that is building.  Rodgers said he doesn't want to be part of a rebuild but if he is traded to a QB needy team that is more than likely what he will be facing.  The true contenders already have their QB so where could he go?

I don't think its totally out of the realm of possibility he could go to an NFC team but If I had to bet money on it that if he got traded he would be sent to an AFC team.

AFC Teams that could be in the market for a QB probably would be the Jets, Raiders, Colts, Texans and maybe an outlier like Miami, NE, or Baltimore if they don't get a deal done with Jackson.

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