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Wilde had some interesting comments about 12, Love, and MLF on Scalzo and Brust today. Get the sense he usually knows more than he says. He's well connected with everyone.


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And a close relationship with Gutey since well before he was GM (though somewhat strained since) . Of anyone he knows all sides of this. I think he knows things about 12 that Gutey doesn't and things about Gutey that 12 doesn't. It's fascinating trying to infer what he isn't saying. It's not fact, but his impressions and intuitions are carefully crafted from conversations with people we'd all like to bounce ideas off of.

Wilde's default position has typically been that when the Packers move on from an established veteran to a younger player that it's a mistake. Everyone understands that Love may not pan out but it's still the right move to make and I suspect the team's belief in Love is based on a bit more than his play in Philly.

Late Mon night Aaron tweeted:


One Twitter user guessed it was ref to Capt. "Sully" Sullenberger who safely landed his JET on the Hudson River.

Another said it was the  ayahuasca talking. Lol

Wait, is it a shout out to Rasul Douglas for responding to Gary Ellerson’s Twitter query? AR did like the tweet.



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Last edited by GreenBayLA
@Chongo posted:

What are all the media fanboys going to do when this thing ends?

Man, these guys are humping air at this point. There's so many stories to create, I don't know how they are able to contain themselves!

Lamar Jackson/Baltimore
Tua/Miami (Double bonus for the concussion damage/risks opinions)
Kyler Murray/AZ
There's more I can't recall at the moment, perhaps not as controversial as the above may be, but the opportunities to create reports is still present.

Plus, there is still internal strife in the League.
Ol' Rog and Washington/Snydergate
Gruden vs NFL

Job security.

@titmfatied posted:

Wilde had some interesting comments about 12, Love, and MLF on Scalzo and Brust today. Get the sense he usually knows more than he says. He's well connected with everyone.

If what he says in that clip is true, it really doesn't put this Packer regime in a very good light and doesn't say much about MLF. This would reinforce what I personally think of MLF in that the guy doesn't have much say or pull within many of the decisions going on. I would THINK that would make it hard for him to have the respect then of the players as well.

The Jets, with a load of talent at WR, aren't doing this unless Rodgers is on that team.

@GreenBayLA posted:

Late Mon night Aaron tweeted:


One Twitter user guessed it was ref to Capt. "Sully" Sullenberger who safely landed his JET on the Hudson River.

Another said it was the Ayawaska talking. Lol

Wait, is it a shout out to Rasul Douglas for responding to Gary Ellerson’s Twitter query? AR did like the tweet.


Wasn't he one of the ghostbusters villains?

@GreenBayLA posted:

Late Mon night Aaron tweeted:


One Twitter user guessed it was ref to Capt. "Sully" Sullenberger who safely landed his JET on the Hudson River.

Another said it was the Ayawaska talking. Lol

Wait, is it a shout out to Rasul Douglas for responding to Gary Ellerson’s Twitter query? AR did like the tweet.

Rasul literally has Rodgers' phone.  If you follow his Twitter that was the big hubub yesterday.  Rodgers gave it to him before his darkness retreat.

Gee, wonder why..

@michiganjoe posted:

Nepotism at its finest.  Funny how everyone wanted a WR here when these are the only guys he really wants to play with.  I can't wait for him to ignore a wide open Garret Wilson and instead throw it to Lazard on 3rd down only to drop it.

@Packy posted:

I wonder how many WR's the Jets will carry on their roster?

They just let one walk (Jeff Smith).  So it seems like they're making room for Rodgers' buddies.  I wouldn't be surprised if Big Dog and/or Tonyan sign as well.

If you’re a starting TE for the Jets, you may want to find a hobby to do while you are at the game. Because I can only assume not only is Big Dawg Lewis signed, AR will demand he is the starting guy.

The amount of 🍑 kissing the Jets are having to do to get Rodgers is amazing to watch. I also wait for his golf cart to be shipped on the Jets tab as well..

@packerboi posted:

If you’re a starting TE for the Jets, you may want to find a hobby to do while you are at the game. Because I can only assume not only is Big Dawg Lewis signed, AR will demand he is the starting guy.

The amount of 🍑 kissing the Jets are having to do to get Rodgers is amazing to watch. I also wait for his golf cart to be shipped on the Jets tab as well..

Does Woody have a daughter?  

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