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@vitaflo posted:

Aaaaand, the Jets lose out on Jimmy G as a backup plan.

I feel sorry for the Jets. Tough dealing with a psychopath.

@vitaflo posted:

What power over the packers does he have exactly?  He's really only screwing over the Jets by waiting.

I think he's screwing the Packers more. The Packers need to know where their cap is. They signed Nixon but there could be a few more deals being held up. If Rodgers does go to the Jets the Packers have $9 mil less cap room to work with. While the deal is in limbo that money can't be allocated to another deal.                     Not getting Rodgers means the Jets are losing something they never had and Jimmy G wasn't going to take them anywhere anyway. He'll be a placeholder for the Raiders as they use the #7 pick on their future QB. Rodgers is messing with their other FA decisions as they wait to know where their cap settles.

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