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The one thing I noticed about rodgers declining was his decision making. And as much he talked about wanting to play home games late in the season at lambeau the last few years he looked like Favre at the end and did not want to be there. Missing or not throwing to open receivers the last few years was mind boggling. And always throwing deep on 3rd and 3. Come on aaron

Rodgers isn’t as spry as he used to be, but he can still sling it and make some of the most difficult throws out there.  

I mean, the guy had a β€œdown year” with a busted up right thumb and no Adams yet still put up very respectable numbers.   I’m sure 2/3 of the QBs in the league would take his stats from 2022 - injury and motivations aside.

I feel like his legs are starting to go.  It felt more and more like that as the season wore on.  He (and many others) have said the legs are what make or break a QB, when they go, your game is shot.

He spent the offseason during one of his MVP years really working on his legs.  Not sure if he's kept that up or if father time has just caught up to him.

I still think he has the arm, and certainly the brains, but if his legs get worse this year, it could get ugly.

Last edited by vitaflo
@Floridarob posted:

And always throwing deep on 3rd and 3. Come on aaron

Hackett won't reign him in on that.  Hackett said when he was in Denver he let Russ do what he wanted because he learned with Aaron you don't get in his way.  What "works" for Aaron apparently doesn't work for Russ but as we've seen, when Rodgers is left to his own devices he's going to play hero ball.

Saleh may say Rodgers already knows Hackett's scheme so he doesn't need to get up to speed, but all the other players *don't* know Hackett's scheme and will need to learn it.  And as we saw this year with players needing to learn our scheme quickly, it didn't always go well for us or Aaron.  I'm frankly surprised he wants to go through that again.

@vitaflo posted:

I still think he has the arm, and certainly the brains, but if his legs get worse this year, it could get ugly.

His athletiscm used to be a point of pride and a 15 yard in your face weapon for him. It seemed to me last year there were times where he wanted to pull the trigger but hesitated.

It's also his body just isn't going to heal quickly at his age. Things that felt better in 2 weeks, now take 3 and in that 3rd game he might pick up something that takes 6 weeks instead of 4 because he wasn't at full speed yet. There's an extra game to survive before the playoffs now, too.

The bizarre thing is Gutekunst tried to build a team with a defense and run game to take pressure off him and he essentially got bored with it because it felt joyless. He wants the action at the line. I think his favorite moments were the presnap chess games with Urlacher.

@titmfatied posted:

His athleticism used to be a point of pride

I think his favorite moments were the presnap chess games with Urlacher.

Absolutely on the pride front and it started with his 40 time at the combine

But his favorite Urlacher moments were:

Tackling him post- INT with the NFCCG on the line

Posterizing both Urlacher and Briggs on the scramble

@titmfatied posted:

The bizarre thing is Gutekunst tried to build a team with a defense and run game to take pressure off him ...

This is where the narrative falls apart. You can speculate he tried, I guess, but then he failed miserably. Letting the WR corps go to shit =/= a team with a winning defense and run game.

Gutekunst has drafted a dozen offensive linemen, only one is worth a shit at this point, with a couple of JAGS.

Jones is a good back, though was inherited, while Dillon is okay, and they have some depth. This unit is good enough.

The defese is still softer than wet toilet paper with no depth and at least one gaping hole in the starting lineup.

Last edited by Herschel
@BrainDed posted:

I never got it either.   I litterally tried to get it so I could get that sweet Covid 2 week stay at home vacation.  No luck for me.

Prior to Covid it was light and fun.   kind of like this place.   Henry is the Arron Rodgers of X4.

Wifey had it. Super mild. We both worked from home, slept in the same bed and COVID told me to go fuck my self. That’s how I knew COVID was a woman. Wanted nothing to do with me.πŸ˜‚

I made it to this last thanksgiving before finally getting it.  That was with two 5 year olds in the house, going to different day cares and public schools over the last 36 months.  Thought I might be some kind of immune system unicorn then came down with the classic symptoms.  It had been 6 months since my last booster and it was not mild, it sucked. 

@Herschel posted:

This is where the narrative falls apart. You can speculate he tried, I guess, but then he failed miserably. Letting the WR corps go to shit =/= a team with a winning defense and run game.

Gutekunst has drafted a dozen offensive linemen, only one is worth a shit at this point, with a couple of JAGS.

Jones is a good back, though was inherited, while Dillon is okay, and they have some depth. This unit is good enough.

The defese is still softer than wet toilet paper with no depth and at least one gaping hole in the starting lineup.

There's a few things I disagree with here. I think our OL is very highly rated.                                                                                                                                                     When you have to bring back guys like Cobb while losing Adams, Valdes-Scantling, and now Lazard to FAcy I think it's unfair the blame Gute. If any mistake was done, and I doubt Gute had anything to do with it, was paying a QB so much money he drained the cap.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Our defense has enough talent to be much better.

@PackerRick posted:

There's a few things I disagree with here. I think our OL is very highly rated.                                                                                                                                                     When you have to bring back guys like Cobb while losing Adams, Valdes-Scantling, and now Lazard to FAcy I think it's unfair the blame Gute. If any mistake was done, and I doubt Gute had anything to do with it, was paying a QB so much money he drained the cap.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Our defense has enough talent to be much better.

Gutekunst is definitely to blame for the receiver room sucking. The picks he did spend weren’t much good,  nor did he find a way to make up for that.

β€˜The o-line’s reputation rides on a healthy Bakhtiari and Jenkins, and they weren’t healthy. The rest of the line has been JAGs and Newmans. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if an OT us taken with Green Bay’s first pick in the draft.

β€˜The defense has some talent, but there’s no viable depth at really any position that isn’t a huge drop off from a starter, but yes, the Barry Factor is also in play.

@Herschel posted:

β€˜The o-line’s reputation rides on a healthy Bakhtiari and Jenkins, and they weren’t healthy. The rest of the line has been JAGs and Newmans. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if an OT us taken with Green Bay’s first pick in the draft.

If they are in a position to get Skoronski, I think they pull the trigger. He really is the only OT with a first round grade IMO...largely because of his flexibility to play multiple spots (much like Jenkins coming out). Although from an RAS perspective. Broderick Jones has more of the measurables they like...but not nearly as versatile.

I just have a feeling #15 sees them take an edge guy.

Virtually everybody ranked the Packer OL in the top 5 in 2022 despite injuries.                                                                                                                                                        As far as WRs Rodgers was the highest drafted bust and he got released because he couldn't do returns. He was the 13th WR taken in the draft. So what are the expectations?  JaMon Moore was a 4th round comp pick bust but MVS and Brown were drafted later and are still in the NFL. FAcy was never an option.

@Chongo posted:

I just have a feeling #15 sees them take an edge guy.

Makes sense. Premium position and GB will want to replace Preston Smith next year

Packers are currently 3 deep at OT with Bak, Tom and Nijman so I think they'll look at OT in later rounds where they've been massively successful.

That crew above came from (2) 4th rounders and a UDFA

@Satori posted:

Makes sense. Premium position and GB will want to replace Preston Smith next year

Packers are currently 3 deep at OT with Bak, Tom and Nijman so I think they'll look at OT in later rounds where they've been massively successful.

That crew above came from (2) 4th rounders and a UDFA

Premium position, yes it's a loaded class this year so argument can be made you could get a quality prospect later, but with Gary's return timeline unknown, and as stated P-Smiff getting on in years, it seems like a reasonable thing to do.

@BrainDed posted:

Because he was fairly quiet and private until the Covidians mobbed up and went after him.   He didn't want to be the anti-vax poster boy, he wanted to keep his choices private.   But the Covidians couldn't tolerate that, they had to expose the evil MeeMaw killer.    So he pushed back with the long form interviews on a friendly stage.    Good for him.

He was doing the McAfee interviews and being open over a year before the whole "immunized" fiasco.

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