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@michiganjoe posted:

I agree that it was appropriate for the Packers to take the high road, but I remain extremely puzzled why some appeared to blindly accept AR's version of events at face value considering his past record.

If you're anywhere near the NY media market, it's pretty much been wall to wall "Packers are greedy, Packers are acting in bad faith, Packers are asking for the world." That's a product of one party knowing they have the luxury of presenting the narrative they choose, because they're all too familiar with the fact that 1265 can't afford to air their own grievances while maintaining some level of professionalism for public display.

Rodgers has fully enjoyed that he can frame the situation the way he wants, knowing the organization has to sit there and take it. All he has to do is care about his own situation, and casually include teammates he thinks were done wrong on their way out. Given the track record, Rodgers always had some plausible reason to point to when the inevitable playoff choke would happen. It was McCarthy's fault, our defense sucks, our special teams suck, you let my friends leave town, how am I supposed to throw to these dumb guys half my age, etc. It shouldn't surprise anyone if the disdain and lack of respect for MLF is true.

I think Rodgers checked out once Davante took off. He was fine collecting a paycheck, but his attitude showed on the field. I don't think he gives one fuck about going hard for another chance at a ring. I think he's perfectly fine pointing to his mvps and saying this is proof it was never my fault. And he'd be right on that in many cases. But the most astonishing part of his story, to me, is how many times he's clearly articulated how much he learned from going through the petty bullshit drama with Favre. He carried himself as a professional for the better part of his career, he won a ring, personal accolades, so many great moments, and in the end, on his way out, he resembles the same diva he learned so much from all those years ago.

Rodgers has taken a very emotional approach.

Gutekunst has taken a very professional approach.

It's not show friends, it's show business.

Last edited by H5
@artis posted:

But the most astonishing part of his story, to me, is how many times he's clearly articulated how much he learned from going through the petty bullshit drama with Favre. He carried himself as a professional for the better part of his career, he won a ring, personal accolades, so many great moments, and in the end, on his way out, he resembles the same diva he learned so much from all those years ago.

I mostly agree with what you're saying, but did we forget what he said shortly after he took over for Favre?

He's had these kinds of barbs in him from the beginning.  He was always been known to be very sensitive and hold a grudge.  His body language during games has been shit for years.

I don't think he's probably changed much as a person, I think the biggest difference is once he got a platform to speak on McAfee, he found a new voice and decided to use it (for better or worse).  Up until then he was fairly quiet and private.  Afterwards it became a bit of a "don't meet your heroes" thing.  Plus, HOF players don't like being told "no".  Especially towards the end of their careers.

Hard to believe the Jets are lowballing for a guy who is 39, may only play for one year, who may or may not show up for off season workouts, who may or may not show up for meetings, who will be on a very friendly tv show weekly and may say anything at any time.  They also have to throw in big bucks for the privilege.

Lamar doesn’t look so bad when you think of it.

@vitaflo posted:

I mostly agree with what you're saying, but did we forget what he said shortly after he took over for Favre?

He's had these kinds of barbs in him from the beginning.  He was always been known to be very sensitive and hold a grudge.  His body language during games has been shit for years.

I don't think he's probably changed much as a person, I think the biggest difference is once he got a platform to speak on McAfee, he found a new voice and decided to use it (for better or worse).  Up until then he was fairly quiet and private.  Afterwards it became a bit of a "don't meet your heroes" thing.  Plus, HOF players don't like being told "no".  Especially towards the end of their careers.

"Up until then he was fairly quiet and private."

Up until the Covidians accused him of killing MeMaw.   Then he decided it was time to control the narrative and do the long interview form.   He's a strange dude for sure, but  I applaud him for standing up and being willing to share his opinion when it isn't the popular opinion.

Last edited by BrainDed
@BrainDed posted:

"Up until then he was fairly quiet and private."

Up until the Covidians accused him of killing MeMaw.   Then he decided it was time to control the narrative and do the long interview form.   He's a strange dude for sure, but  I applaud him for standing up and being willing to share his opinion when it isn't the popular opinion.

Yup, he stood up to them and shared his opinion….after he was caught in a fib.


@Pikes Peak posted:

Yup, he stood up to them and shared his opinion….after he was caught in a fib.


To me it sounded more like he was being disingenuous. It’s technically not a lie. Sorta like what I hear from Washington. I believe that I read somewhere that he was ready to to explain why he did not want Covid shot (some body type reactions fears). But nobody followed up so he thankfully left it. That blew up when he actually caught it later.

Last edited by PackerPatrick

Packers need to dump this cancer asap. Do you all still think GB holds all the leverage? Yikes. Most of the fan base has turned on this DIVA so launch him into the sun for a 5th round draft pick. This guy lost at home against the Lions for a chance to get into the playoffs. He isn't worth a 1st rounder IMO.

Yes, your fault. Get ahold of your owner, fer crying out loud!

@BrainDed posted:

"Up until then he was fairly quiet and private."

Up until the Covidians accused him of killing MeMaw.   Then he decided it was time to control the narrative and do the long interview form.   He's a strange dude for sure, but  I applaud him for standing up and being willing to share his opinion when it isn't the popular opinion.

Why didn't he stand up and share his opinion before he got busted for lying? Like I said earlier, we're going to find out a lot of things about Rodgers after he's gone that aren't going to sit well with Packer fans. Gute even threw a counter punch before he's gone. That leads me to believe everything is on the table with the Jets and the deal could be done.

@Satori posted:

Excellent, feel the hate building in you.
Your transformation is nearly complete, soon you'll know the full power of the Dark Side.

Ah shit, I forgot who I was talking to.

GL is already a little on the dark side...     

That’s racist. 😂

His body language was going downhill for the past couple of years, and it totally tanked this year without Adams. I believe Rodgers' skills have been eroding for longer than we really realize, and Adams often bailed him out by being more open than the average receiver and making difficult catches. It's been a while since I remember saying after a game, "Wow, Rodgers used everyone and was on the money with all his throws!" And I'll say it again: his field vision and ability to react have drastically dropped. I think if he had stuck to MLF's playbook this past year, he would have looked a lot better. He does not have the skills anymore for the hero ball he played.

Frankly, I like it when athletes aren't the cookie-cutter mouthing-the-words type of guys. Rodgers was that, but now he just comes off as a mean-spirited jackass who's above it all. Let the Jets handle it now.

@Fandame posted:

I believe Rodgers' skills have been eroding for longer than we really realize, and Adams often bailed him out by being more open than the average receiver and making difficult catches.

All anybody has to do is look at his stats the three previous years to his MVP seasons. He hasn't thrown a decent deep ball for several seasons and supposedly the is the first tell that a QB is losing it. Adams made a ton of circus catches for Rodgers. Adams still got his numbers in 2022.

@Pikes Peak posted:

We best hope the  Jets don’t change their mind.  

Not sure even the Jets want to deal with this shit.

The Jets are 100% locked in and dedicated to Aaron Rodgers.

They're simply trying to extract Aaron Rodgers from the Packers for virtually nothing. We all know that's not happening.

I honestly think The trade may not happen until the first round of the draft is ongoing. Then both teams will see what player is available at #13 and it will get done.

I think it's hilarious The Jets think they can get Aaron Rodgers for nothing. It goes to show how desperate they truly are.

@Fandame posted:

It's been a while since I remember saying after a game, "Wow, Rodgers used everyone and was on the money with all his throws!"

It happened in the handful of games Davante was out. It's what I was hoping to see once Adams was traded. Rodgers didn't have an all world guy anymore, but he had plenty of guys who could make plays to move the chains. Two rbs capable of catching the ball and making positive yards. A system that at one time created space for marginal wrs to contribute. The o-line should have been better this past year, but we've also seen Rodgers talent overcome and make something out of nothing his entire career.

I think he looked bored this past season, and uninvested. I'm probably guilty of letting his body language slide because of the massive upside of his ability, but I think it'll be interesting to learn just how much he and Gute didn't smooth things out when they both said in the press that the lines of communication had so drastically improved between them.

The organization has made their share of mistakes over the years, and we all look forward to the day Murphy goes on his way. But I think at this point, it's also safe to say that Rodgers' claim of being direct and to the point is only something he puts into practice when it suits him. He had a list of grievances that were supposedly addressed, at least in part. But he had no issue with dusting them off on Mcafee to put the onus on 1265 when it might benefit his case. He's handled this like a little bitch, just like the guy who asserted it wasn't his job to mentor a young qb, and all the talk of separating the fans from the organization seems to be his way of trying to come out of this as the innocent flower.

He's not obligated to do right by anyone but himself. But if you're this headstrong about 1265 treating guys right on their way out the door, do you have any responsibility to do right by the fans you claim to appreciate so much when you've chosen not to honor the massive contract you signed? If they had done like he claims they should have done, and been up front in January when the season ended, why should anyone believe Rodgers would not have made that a public spectacle to squirm his way out of town regardless? The guy has a plan for every which way the Packers brass goes, and so it doesn't matter how right they try to do by him, he will spin it to get his way.

@Pikes Peak posted:

Yup, he stood up to them and shared his opinion….after he was caught in a fib.


Right over your head.   The point is that his medical choices were none of their damn business and he tried to keep it private.   When it got exposed, he decided to push back via the long form interviews.   Good for him.   He took control of the narrative from the click bait crew.

@PackerRick posted:

Why didn't he stand up and share his opinion before he got busted for lying? Like I said earlier, we're going to find out a lot of things about Rodgers after he's gone that aren't going to sit well with Packer fans. Gute even threw a counter punch before he's gone. That leads me to believe everything is on the table with the Jets and the deal could be done.

Fromt he OP  I responded to.

"I don't think he's probably changed much as a person, I think the biggest difference is once he got a platform to speak on McAfee, he found a new voice and decided to use it (for better or worse).  Up until then he was fairly quiet and private. "

Because he was fairly quiet and private until the Covidians mobbed up and went after him.   He didn't want to be the anti-vax poster boy, he wanted to keep his choices private.   But the Covidians couldn't tolerate that, they had to expose the evil MeeMaw killer.    So he pushed back with the long form interviews on a friendly stage.    Good for him.

@BrainDed posted:

Right over your head.   The point is that his medical choices were none of their damn business and he tried to keep it private.   When it got exposed, he decided to push back via the long form interviews.   Good for him.   He took control of the narrative from the click bait crew.

No.  He must have mislead the team prior to getting infected. But, whatever you think is fine with me.  Some think he was disingenuous, some think he lied. Some think he was on the up and up.

Doesn’t really matter.

@BrainDed posted:

Right over your head.   The point is that his medical choices were none of their damn business and he tried to keep it private.   When it got exposed, he decided to push back via the long form interviews.   Good for him.   He took control of the narrative from the click bait crew.

Are we still talking about COVID? Jeepers! I think I am the only person on this planet who hasn't had this damn illness, and I don't know why. Let's move on.

Last edited by Goalline
@BrainDed posted:

Fromt he OP  I responded to.

"I don't think he's probably changed much as a person, I think the biggest difference is once he got a platform to speak on McAfee, he found a new voice and decided to use it (for better or worse).  Up until then he was fairly quiet and private. "

Because he was fairly quiet and private until the Covidians mobbed up and went after him.   He didn't want to be the anti-vax poster boy, he wanted to keep his choices private.   But the Covidians couldn't tolerate that, they had to expose the evil MeeMaw killer.    So he pushed back with the long form interviews on a friendly stage.    Good for him.

He was doing McAfee every week for months before the covid shenanigans.  He stopped being quiet and private when he started doing those interviews, not when he started getting all buthurt over vaccines.

If covid never happened we would have eventually found out how weird, vindictive and annoying he can be either way.  He was given a platform to show people who he really was and now we know he's probably always been like this, we just never knew it before.  That's all I was saying.

Last edited by vitaflo
@Pikes Peak posted:

No.  He must have mislead the team prior to getting infected. \

WHAT?   My man, you are so misinformed.   Every single one of his teammates new his status because of the different poicies for vax vs non vax players.    He attempted to mislead the media because he wanted his choices to be private.

This is common knowledge for Packer fans.

@Pikes Peak posted:

We best hope the  Jets don’t change their mind.  

Not sure even the Jets want to deal with this shit.

But some jeanyous' here insist the Packers have the leverage.  Number 13 pick is ours by right!

@Blair Kiel posted:

Do you think the only reason you and I didn’t get it is because nobody wants to get near us?

Or else you guys are so bad you  looked Covid in the eye and said, "Just try us!!"

Last edited by ammo

Packers need to dump this cancer asap. Do you all still think GB holds all the leverage? Yikes. Most of the fan base has turned on this DIVA so launch him into the sun for a 5th round draft pick. ...

Oh, then  trade him to the Midgets of the Midway©.

@Goalline posted:

Are we still talking about COVID? Jeepers! I think I am the only person on this planet who hasn't had this damn illness, and I don't know why. Let's move on.

I never got it either.   I litterally tried to get it so I could get that sweet Covid 2 week stay at home vacation.  No luck for me.

@vitaflo posted:

He was doing McAfee every week for months before the covid shenanigans.  He stopped being quiet and private when he started doing those interviews, not when he started getting all buthurt over vaccines.

If covid never happened we would have eventually found out how weird, vindictive and annoying he can be either way.  He was given a platform to show people who he really was and now we know he's probably always been like this, we just never knew it before.  That's all I was saying.

Prior to Covid it was light and fun.   kind of like this place.   Henry is the Arron Rodgers of X4.

@D J posted:

Oh, then  trade him to the Midgets of the Midway©.

Been binge watching the “Seven Little Johnstons” with the Mrs. lately……They don’t like that word. Should be “Little People of the Midway.”

Just sayin.

@Goalline posted:

Are we still talking about COVID? Jeepers! I think I am the only person on this planet who hasn't had this damn illness, and I don't know why. Let's move on.

Now I know of 2. My wife is the other. When I got it I sent her to a hotel for a week. She was happy camper.

I finally got C19 last September.  Didn’t feel great, but wasn’t on my death bed either.  Then again, I got vaxxed and don’t have diabetes or high blood pressure or asthma or weigh 400lbs.  Got the flu after the holidays and it knocked me on my ass.  Go figure.

As for Rodgers, honestly my take on him has little to do with his C19 nonsense.  There’s a whole lot of passive aggressive BS, finger pointing, self centered behavior over the course of his career that leads me to believe he’s kind of a putz.  That’s tolerable when he’s playing at an elite level, but when your team is winning 8 games and you don’t lead by example then yeah, it’s going to rile up and annoy a lot of people.

I actually think he’s still a top 5-6 QB in the league.  I think last year was not typical because clearly he was injured for a number of games, and I don’t think he was really all that interested in playing for the Packers.

A healthy and chip on shoulder 12 should be poised for a really good year so pony up cheap ass Jets!!

Last edited by Tschmack
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