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To recap:

Rick would like to trade down and acquire more picks.

He doesn't plan on moving up but he might.

If a player they love falls to 11 they will take him. 


Honestly, I don't think higher plane genius like this should simply flow freely to the general public. When other GM's adopt this kind of forward thinking it's changing everything.

Daughter's softball team lost in the semi's today. My favorite fan wore her AP jersey. Again. 


Daughters team wear purple jerseys. Lost to a team that wears green. After the game my favorite mom in the AP jersey said "thought we had them". 


Me, "you're familiar with losing to a team wearing green aren't you". That was my 2015 softball walk off shot. 

Zimmer squirts a little testosterone into the fray, that's always helpful...and the polarization of the locker room continues. I'm sure Adrian will give extra effort now


vikings are stoooopid and they will most certainly screw the poooch on this issue just like they've screwed the pooooch on every issue in their past.


What a bunch of maroons....

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