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You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect it.  But it seems like by your standards, teams/HCs/GMS should make assessments just prior to the playoffs as to whether or not their teams can make an impact in the playoffs and win the Super Bowl.  If it's determined they can't make/win the Super Bowl, they should not play their high-priced players the final week or two.  I know I'm overly simplifying things, but that just seems like a defeatist attitude.


The only teams that have no shot of making/winning the Super Bowl or the 20 teams that don't make the playoffs. 


While I don't have high hopes of the Packers making it to the playoffs, let alone winning several games,....I do know they'd be an entirely different team WITH ARod!  First off, they'd have a home game, most likely against New Orleans, Carolina or San Fran.  Two are warm weather teams. The Saints aren't as good on the road this year and Carolina is banged up.  San Fran also is a bit banged up.  On the road, they'd most likely play Seattle, and Seattle offense just doesn't look that great from week to week.  They are beatable. 


Quite honestly, I think any of the teams in the NVC are beatable, and none are a clear favorite to advance.


Get into the playoffs an anything can happen. I trust the Packer organization to make the best decision.

Last edited by PackLandVA
Originally Posted by PackLandVA:

I don't get sitting players who are healthy and medically cleared to play.  Once in the playoffs, anything can happen.  Teams get hot, other teams go cold.  If Rodgers is cleared to play, play him. 


And as I mentioned in a thread a week or so ago, I don't care if the Packers get destroyed in the first round of the playoffs.  I want them IN the playoffs!!!  Not just because I prefer they win.  But it also knocks the Bears OUT!

I want in the playoffs, too, and as much as getting our asses handed to us in the first round would suck if that happened, knowing that Aaron Rodgers could miss part of next season because of a serious injury would suck worse.


Ted Thompson has built this team to compete and have a shot at winning it all every year. With other positions, you can catch lightning in a bottle, and plug a player in to take up for an injured teammate. But Aaron Rodgers is the one guy on this team that cannot be replaced. His command of the offense, and his accuracy, makes this team a Super Bowl contender. Without him, we went 2-5-1. Some of the other areas that were exposed can be addressed in the offseason, but I'm just scared to death about what could happen to Rodgers playing behind that line, and getting slammed onto the frozen ground at Soldier Field. If his collarbone was injured before, maybe this time he breaks his shoulder, or his collarbone and shoulder. 


If I thought for a second that this line could protect Rodgers, I'd say put him back there. But they can't, and again, in my opinion, which could totally be wrong, it's just not worth risking it, and possibly throwing away his future to do so.


I respect the opinions of you guys here that think he should play, and I'll be the first to cheer us on if we make the playoffs. But I would need a lot of reassurance from the medical staff that he's 100% healthy. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens between now and Friday. 

Originally Posted by Boris:

You risk the possibility of a career ending injury every time you step onto that field. Even when you're 100% healthy.


Lotsa dum in this thread

You're right. Every player on the field could have their career ended in a heartbeat. It's a violent game, and it happens all the time.


But if you put a guy out there that is not completely healthy, or even acceptably healthy, the likelihood that he gets hurt again, possibly even worse, increases exponentially. 


Everybody's been reporting that Aaron is throwing like he normally does. He's moving normally, his arm strength is back to normal, and he's supposedly not experiencing any pain. Yet he's not playing. Why? 


Originally Posted by ammo:

Then why play at all? You can get a career ending injury on every play.  And yes this team with this crappy defense could win the Super Bowl.  Wasn't the defense in 2010 ranked 28th or lower? All you have to do to win is score more than the other team.  But you just go hide and play for next year.

The Packer 2010 defense was second in the NFL in points allowed, and 5th in yards allowed.

Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

If I thought for a second that this line could protect Rodgers, I'd say put him back there. But they can't, and again, in my opinion, which could totally be wrong, it's just not worth risking it, and possibly throwing away his future to do so.


I'm curious why you don't think this line could protect Rodgers? They seemed to protect Flynn just fine todayโ€ฆif anything he ran into a couple of sacks. They had some brutal penalties (nice to see Newhouse get one play and commit a penalty).

But I have a lot of confidence in Rodgers to get rid of the ball quickly. It seems pretty simple to meโ€ฆif teams want to load the box with Rodgers, he'll make the read, get rid of it quickly and has the arm strength to make plays. If they don't load the box, I like Lacy and Starks against that Bears defense. The problem with Flynn is he may make the right read (e.g., Boykin for a quick pass), but his arm strength is so bad that he can't execute it. Flynn was cut by awful teams for a reason -- he doesn't have credible NFL arm strength. He's trying the best he can, as are the coaches to game plan around it. But having A-Rod changes everything.

Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

Everybody's been reporting that Aaron is throwing like he normally does. He's moving normally, his arm strength is back to normal, and he's supposedly not experiencing any pain. Yet he's not playing. Why? 


Because the bone is not 100% healed. Terry Bradshaw said he had a similar injury, they rushed him back, he took a hit and they needed to pin it. Practicing has zero to do with playing and risking a far greater injury to a bone that is not totally healed. Why is that hard to comprehend?

Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

Everybody's been reporting that Aaron is throwing like he normally does. He's moving normally, his arm strength is back to normal, and he's supposedly not experiencing any pain. Yet he's not playing. Why? 


Because the bone is not 100% healed. Terry Bradshaw said he had a similar injury, they rushed him back, he took a hit and they needed to pin it. Practicing has zero to do with playing and risking a far greater injury to a bone that is not totally healed. Why is that hard to comprehend?

It's not hard for me to comprehend, excalibur. Not at all. My post was in response to Boris' assertion that players faced the possibility of getting hurt when they were healthy. I was saying that Rodgers was throwing normally in practice, and appeared to be back at 100%, yet wasn't playing. The "why?" I ended with was meant to be rhetorical. It's my belief that Aaron is not yet healthy, and I don't want him exposed to the possibility of an even worse injury. 

Originally Posted by lambeausouth:



IMHO, it's really not worth playing Aaron against the Bears, even if he's cleared medically. I just don't think we'd do anything in the playoffs even if we did win the division, and it's not worth risking further injury to Aaron. The offensive line is decimated right now, and it's the play of the line that got him injured in the first place. Who's to say he won't get killed back there again? We all know how crappy the playing surface is at Soldier Field in the winter, and all it would take is one sack and slamming him down on the cold, hard ground to hurt him again.





That is a chickenschit statement on many levels.  If he is cleared to play in a game with a division championship on the line he should play.  No question about it.  

Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

Everybody's been reporting that Aaron is throwing like he normally does. He's moving normally, his arm strength is back to normal, and he's supposedly not experiencing any pain. Yet he's not playing. Why? 


Because it hasn't been 8 weeks yet.  Facts are hard.


It's a collarbone break, not bypass surgery for ****'s sake.

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

Everybody's been reporting that Aaron is throwing like he normally does. He's moving normally, his arm strength is back to normal, and he's supposedly not experiencing any pain. Yet he's not playing. Why? 


Because it hasn't been 8 weeks yet.  Facts are hard.


It's a collarbone break, not bypass surgery for ****'s sake.

There's no guarantee his collarbone will be healed at 8 weeks, even with him using a bone growth stimulator. I hope it is, but everybody heals at different rates. 

I'm not contradicting anything his doctors are saying, Henry. Everything I've read has stated it's normally a 6 to 8 week healing period for a non displaced fractured collarbone. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons state that a broken collarbone can take several months to heal, regardless if treatment includes surgery or not.


Maybe he's ready Sunday. I hope he's healthy, and that he's 100% healed. I just don't want to risk further injury by putting him out there before he is healthy. Our playoff chances should have zero impact on the decision. 

There's a big difference between being medically cleared, and being 100% healthy. He might be cleared Friday to play week 17. That doesn't mean he's fully healed, and I wouldn't want to risk his future if he were not.

Robert Griffin III was medically cleared to play clearly before he was 100%, and the Redskins have had to shut him down at the end of the season again. Granted, they weren't going to the playoffs, but if you look at the impact their rash decision has had on Griffin's healing, I don't think I'm being unreasonable. He wasn't the same player this year, and a playoff team in 2012 completely fell apart in 2013. 


If the doctors were to come out and say "Aaron Rodgers has completely healed from his broken collarbone, and there is no risk of his re-injuring it by playing now", I'd be cool with his coming back. I just don't want to mortgage our future by having him come back too early for a long shot at the Super Bowl. 

I do want to say one other thing. I know the Packer front office and medical personnel are much more conservative than the Redskins, and even other teams in the league. If they are looking for signs that he is fully healed, which is entirely possible, then I have no problems with his coming back. Unfortunately, all we have is what we hear from Mike McCarthy. It seems each week he's close, then he doesn't play, and we find out afterwords that he was a lot further from coming back than we expected. I guess it just seems to me that he's not close to being 100%.


Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

There's a big difference between being medically cleared, and being 100% healthy. He might be cleared Friday to play week 17. That doesn't mean he's fully healed, and I wouldn't want to risk his future if he were not.


Considering how conservative Dr. McKenzie is, I suspect this post is way off. My take is when Rodgers is medically cleared he is a lot closer to 100% than you think.



I doubt Rodgers is cleared this week.

The difference between RG3 and Rodgers is significant. 

Griffin blew out his knee and typical recovery is like almost a full year.   The other factor is Griffin uses his legs a lot and that's a big part of his game. 

A busted up collarbone takes 6-8 weeks to heal and from what I understand he's right in that timeframe unless there is something going on the team isn't sharing (like it being worse or other damage). 

If he can't play against Chicago it is what it is but we all know this team is a lot better with him than without him.  With a playoff berth up for grabs I would think he plays this week but I am not part of the "organization" that MM refers to

No, Rodgers is not playing this week.


I think his injury was either worse than reported, or else his recovery has been much slower than hoped for.  I think they've known this since his scan a couple of weeks ago.  Remember how deflated Rodgers was after that scan?  They all said it wasn't as far along as they had hoped.  I think Rodgers and the Packers were expecting him to be ready by the Atlanta game, but that scan put the end to that, and possibly Rodgers's season unless Flynn can get the Packers past the Bears (not too likely at this point).

BSPN has been spinning stories this morning, with no real references, that Rodgers "isn't even close". Not sure whether there's anything to that, but the Packers sieve defense can now barely find enough players to get on the field. It's the poster child of the old Snicker's commercial, "Not going anywhere...?" Now couple that with the image of Matt Flynn scraping his carcass off the turf in the very first series yesterday. Let Flynn continue to be the sacrificial lamb this year and keep Rodgers safe and warm so he can continue to lead the Packers to many more victories in the future. 

Originally Posted by Henry:

No, your argument was he should be shut down for the year to get him  "healthy" for next year.  If he's cleared, he's cleared.  You just want to roll around in the same bull**** conjecture with the other fact challenge posters and media.

Well, at least LS is rolling "nicely."


A tip of my hat to you, LS, but it seems to me the Packers are so cautious with player health that if THEY give him the green light, well, I'll give it to him as well.

What do we really know about Rodgers injury?

- He broke/fractured his clavicle vs CHI on Nov. 4th

- Based on reports from orthopedic surgeons questioned by the media outlets this type of injury typically is 6-8 weeks

- at 4 weeks it "wasn't as far along as we hoped", per Rodgers

- Jordy Nelson and Aaron Rodgers have both spoke of the 6-8 week time-line

- Today, is 7 weeks since Rodgers broke/fractured his clavicle

- last week McCarthy said "Aaron LOOKS ready to play" but "has not been medically cleared"

- Numerous times McCarthy has commented that with Aaron practicing or whatever is part of the rehab protocol, they have a plan for him.    (What I wonder, is why hasn't anyone asked more about the rehab plan?)



What we don't know.

- How often the bone has been scanned

- What Dr. McKenzie has told Rodgers, McCarthy, Thompson, whoever about the recovery progress - other than the 4 week statemdnt "wasn't as far along as we hoped", per Rodgers

- If surgery would have helped the recovery process

- If Rodgers is pissed that the Dr. hasn't cleared him

- If Thompson has actually had to step in to support the Dr's decision

Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by Rusty:

It's all a conspiracy by McCarthy, Thompson, Mckenzie, A.J. Hawk and the Kennedys.....#wakeupsheeple that doesn't believe that JFK was "neutralized" by a force greater than Lee Harvey Oswald probably believes that we haven't had Ancient Alien "visitors"....#wakeup


BTW...only 25 more years to go until they (US Government) officially opens the vault to all the information surrounding the JFK assASSination.

now....carry on....


Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan
Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

There's a big difference between being medically cleared, and being 100% healthy. He might be cleared Friday to play week 17. That doesn't mean he's fully healed, and I wouldn't want to risk his future if he were not.


Considering how conservative Dr. McKenzie is, I suspect this post is way off. My take is when Rodgers is medically cleared he is a lot closer to 100% than you think.



I doubt Rodgers is cleared this week.

I hope so. I thought about this all some more last night before going to bed, and I think that everybody else is thinking like you are, that if Aaron is cleared to play, he's pretty much back to where he was prior to the injury as far as the collarbone is concerned. 


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