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Originally Posted by Boris:

You risk the possibility of a career ending injury every time you step onto that field. Even when you're 100% healthy.


Lotsa dum in this thread

Yeah, but you still need to weigh the risk vs benefit and take a graded approach. The benefit of having AR out there against the Bears is now crucial. Without him, despite how poorly the Bears played last night, the Packers will lose.  Flynn can't throw the ball more than 20 yds and is way too skittish and thus the deep threat is practically eliminated.  I think the Packers should raise the stakes a bit and play AR and to make a demand to AR to not take any hits he can avoid even at the cost of extending a play or drive.

Originally Posted by phaedrus:
Originally Posted by Henry:

No, your argument was he should be shut down for the year to get him  "healthy" for next year.  If he's cleared, he's cleared.  You just want to roll around in the same bull**** conjecture with the other fact challenge posters and media.

Well, at least LS is rolling "nicely."




Who doesn't love ridiculous over conjecture that's born from idiot sources.  



Broken Collarbone

Standard heal time 8 weeks

You and LS are not doctors.


Go ****ing figure.

All that matters if the bone scan shows 100% healed. Nothing else. If it is, AR plays. If not, AR sits, again.


Tough news on Clay, now he is a recurring injury machine. Sheesh. TT needs to find pass rush help, I mean he should have done this already over the nine drafts he's overseen, plus a strategic FA signing here and there. That this era requires multiple pass rushers is no secret.

Originally Posted by turnip blood:

Out of ESPN Milwaukee they are saying Rodgers might have  a circular collar bone fracture. If that is right Rodgers was done for the year once he was injured.

If that turns out to be true what purpose was served by not telling the truth? The league needs to crack down on all teams over these injury reports. Normally not in favor of more league action, but this has been getting out of hand across the league for some time now.

Originally Posted by Elias:

Who gives a **** if he plays.  This team isn't going anywhere in the playoffs as is.  Plus the fact that they can't stay healthy for 2 straight weeks makes it more frustrating to watch.

The back-to-back comeback wins against the Falcons and Cowboys changed the dynamics. If AR is cleared he must play, no excuse not to play him.

Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by turnip blood:

Out of ESPN Milwaukee they are saying Rodgers might have  a circular collar bone fracture. If that is right Rodgers was done for the year once he was injured.

If that turns out to be true what purpose was served by not telling the truth? The league needs to crack down on all teams over these injury reports. Normally not in favor of more league action, but this has been getting out of hand across the league for some time now.

Packer season ticket holders recently got their invoices to pay for 3 potential playoff games.  Who would have sent sent any money in knowing that Rodgers was done for the year? The Packers hang on to the money for a couple of months and get interest on it.  Probably not a lot of money, but I can't think of any other reason they would possibly keep everybody hanging while they already know he's done for the year.

Originally Posted by Hungry5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wilde wrote a few weeks back that Rodgers had a spiral fracture. I think that is a common classification for a clavicle fracture. 


Like Rodgers, Romo broke his left collarbone, although his was more severe because his was a displaced fracture. Rodgers’ isn’t displaced but it is a spiral fracture, where the crack reaches two opposite edges of the bone in what resembles an S-shape.

Last edited by H5

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