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"We all failed." Bisciotti, Cass & Newsome discuss ' handling of Ray Rice investigation.


Bisciotti on why he didn't speak Monday: "This was so emotionally tough on us that there is no way I could have prepared to meet the press."


Last edited by titmfatied
Originally Posted by Boris:
Originally Posted by Pakrz:

I wasn't in favor of firing Goodell over this matter from the get go... but if the report is true that the NFL obtained the video and he's lying about it, the only recourse is to send the dude packing.  


I disagree with the thought that the NFL image is destroyed....maybe for some, but not with the majority of actual fans of the game.    I'm still watching football this Sunday.  Anybody else?


I'm so distraught over this entire issue I don't think I can bear to watch the games on Sunday. 

Seasons over


Good Riddens

Originally Posted by Brak:
Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

I would guess most have BEEN bitch slapped by their SO.

I've actually been punched in the head in an elevator by a woman.


It was after a particularly contentious foosball tournament at some bar on College Avenue in Appleton.  I may have deserved it, I'm not sure.

You definitely deserved it. I want to punch you in the head every day. How dare you?

It gets even more ludicrous:


@PSchrags: Reporting for @NFLonFOX -- Goodell was NOT in the league office April 9--date mentioned in AP report. Goodell was in Augusta, Apr 9-11.


@DonBanks: Really not sure I see the relevance of whether Goodell was in the office the day the tape was reportedly delivered to NFL. Help me out here.


@DonBanks: Way over-stated analogy warning, but if Nixon was out of town on the day the break-in occurred, he's in the clear? What am I missing here?

I think the one thing that the NFL has going for it is that most people recognize the owners are mostly sociopaths and the commissioner is cut from their cloth…Goodell exudes an understated, less flamboyant, creepiness found in the likes of Jones/Kraft/Snyder. I certainly have low to no expectations for the NFL…I think many fans are this way.


Football is one of my last true addictions. It helps that the Packers are community owned…but I have lived with game officiating that is absurdly below par, commercial laden games that last 45 minutes longer than they used to, concussion issues resulting in long term problems and terrible player behavior…but I'll keep watching.


Hopefully this will shed some light on battered women syndrome and add to a positive social discussion,  but the league will do just enough to cover their financial well being.. Goodell  will be fired and the next commissioner will again be cut from the owner's versace suits….or whatever they're wearing these days.




Damage control.


@RapSheet: .@NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announces ex-FBI director Robert Mueller III will conduct an independent investigation into Rice situation.


@AdamSchefter: Mueller’s investigation will be overseen by NFL owners John Mara of Giants and Art Rooney of Steelers, and final report will be made public.


@adbrandt: Independent investigation into Incognito/Martin saga took four months. Grab a Snickers; this could take a while.


@bruce_arthur: TMZ should be the ones running the investigation, natch.


Last edited by ilcuqui

Meanwhile, the clown show continues out west:


@EyeOnNFL: 49ers have suspended radio announcer Ted Robinson two games for 'offensive' remarks regarding Ray Rice's wife.


@bruce_arthur: Meanwhile, the 49ers suspend an announcer for comments on domestic violence, while still using a player accused of actual domestic violence.

I think he does.  This is exactly what he's paid for; to take the lumps when the **** hits the fan.  I think we're underestimating how quickly the attention setters move on to the next story.  The worst of this thing is over for the NFL with the announcement of the investigation.  I don't think they'd want to fan the flames by firing him.     

Last edited by titmfatied
It's one thing to take the **** in the face when it hits the fan, but it's entirely another to produce the **** and then pick it up and throw it into the fan yourself.  Commissioners are not supposed to **** up at this level.  If his story turns out to be bunk, he's done.  It's a PR position, and he went on a lot of media outlets and potentially lied.  If that's proven, it's curtains.  That harms the league in every negotiation it has on the calendar, and that's where the owners will draw the line.
Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:

I bet you were that guy that just spun the row......

That guy usually wound up getting punched for one reason or another.

Last edited by JJSD

@darrenrovell: Robert Mueller works for WilmerHale, which has represented the NFL in its Sunday Ticket deal w/DirecTV.


@darrenrovell: The #2 lawyer at the NFL, Jay Bauman, took the job at the NFL after leaving WilmerHale, which will now investigate the league.


@darrenrovell: Choice of WilmerHale isn't curious because of connections. Will get these hits on big law firms. But connections should be disclosed. 

Kind of sounds like investigations into the financial collapse. All with flaccid results. All these bozos have connections of some sort with each other. The one percent club.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Sadly, people pay a lot more attention to the inner workings of the NFL than they do the 'institutions' that ****ed us worse than anyone else ever has.  


Lots of these stories die quickly, but this one breaks the mold - there's a horrifying video of a horrifying crime being committed out there and available.  Public pressure won't cease even if this is a kangaroo court.  IMHO.

Nope.  Not this one.  


They tried to quash that whole concussion situation too.  It took a while, but it wound up costing the cartel three-quarters of a bil.  


This one is not going away until heads roll.  My honest guess is it'll be some underling, but even that won't be enough IMHO.

Last edited by JJSD
Originally Posted by cuqui:

@darrenrovell: Robert Mueller works for WilmerHale, which has represented the NFL in its Sunday Ticket deal w/DirecTV.


@darrenrovell: The #2 lawyer at the NFL, Jay Bauman, took the job at the NFL after leaving WilmerHale, which will now investigate the league.


@darrenrovell: Choice of WilmerHale isn't curious because of connections. Will get these hits on big law firms. But connections should be disclosed. 

Kind of sounds like investigations into the financial collapse. All with flaccid results. All these bozos have connections of some sort with each other. The one percent club.

More importantly, how does this impact the NFL's brand?

Originally Posted by cuqui:

It gets even more ludicrous:


@PSchrags: Reporting for @NFLonFOX -- Goodell was NOT in the league office April 9--date mentioned in AP report. Goodell was in Augusta, Apr 9-11.


@DonBanks: Really not sure I see the relevance of whether Goodell was in the office the day the tape was reportedly delivered to NFL. Help me out here.


@DonBanks: Way over-stated analogy warning, but if Nixon was out of town on the day the break-in occurred, he's in the clear? What am I missing here?

It was one of those online streaming rentals maybe?

Like before, where things go from this point will greatly depend on what the corporate sponsors of the NFL decide to do. If they start dropping, the owners will step forward as the brave face of righteousness and demand that Goodell step down and not wait for some independent investigation. Protect the money. 


Its already been mentioned here earlier. But how hollow is all that pink going to look and feel like next month?


Whatever happens though it's as obvious as it's ever going to get that Goodell is bad for the NFL. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

Don't see Goodell surviving this, regardless of what the Mueller investigation finds.

like cuqui said, I can smell the whitewash from here.  the whole ex-FBI director thing is just to make it look official and important.  would I like to see goodell removed in disgrace?  I would LOVE it!  but these actions aren't for that purpose.

Latest from Peter King - he talked to a few owners or team exec's last night.

“I am starting to get a sick feeling about how out of control this is getting,” one owner said Wednesday night, “but I am standing by Roger. He has been great for our league.”



I love how it's going to be an independent investigation, but two owners are going to "oversee" it.  


If they want it to be independent, then bring in folks with no ties to the NFL.  This is window dressing at it's best.  I don't think this is going away though, with McDonald and Hardy on the docket.  Amazing that Hardy is still playing, after he's been found guilty, (he's appealing).  CAR should sit him down, pay him, whatever, but they can't let him play, but they will, it's all about the Benjamins. 

let me rephrase that for you...

“I am starting to get a sick feeling about how out of control this is getting,” one owner said Wednesday night, “but I am standing by Roger. He has been great for our league bank accounts.”

If Ray McDonald injures Jay Cutler this weekend I'd like to hear Goodell try and explain how he allowed a second woman to suffer at the violent hand of Ray McDonald while doing nothing. 


Too early?

Goodell's fate rests in the hands of this "investigation". Whichever direction leads to the least amount of money lost by the owners is the direction they will go. If ousting Rog keeps the money flowing then they will do it. If they won't lose money by keeping Rog then he will stay, he's made the owners far too much money for them to dump him for no reason. My guess is that Rog keeps his job, like I said he's made these owners too much money. They will find another patsy like the head of NFL security or something.
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Let TMZ handle the investigation. If it wasn't for them Ray would be reinstated tomorrow am.

I wouldn't be surprised if TMZ has more junk on Goodall and the Ray Rice mess....and they're just waiting for the dust to settle before they drop the next bomb.
Last edited by bdplant

Could be bdplant



Not sure why the owners are sticking with Goodell. I know he's been in charge during this recent windfall of billion$ for all the teams, but couldn't just about anyone oversee that? Was Goodell really a difference maker?


A good point I heard this morning with regards to the Bills sale is they need a new stadium... use to be Goodell would come in and blow sunshine up the locals posterior for the local tax or whatever. Would anyone really listen to Roger now?



Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Whatever happens though it's as obvious as it's ever going to get that Goodell is bad for the NFL. 

Their profits and numbers are way up and he doesn't operate in a vacuum. What real difference would replacing Goodell make? It's not like a replacement would operate any differently. The days of Kennesaw Mountain Landis are long gone.

Last edited by Herschel

Ease up Tonto. Goodell is doing everything possible to screw up what Pete Rozelle and Paul Tagliabue worked hard to build. The NFL was getting to where it is today becasue of Pete and Paul and even a freckle faced **** like Roger Goodell couldn't have derailed this money train, although he's doing his best to try. 


His never ending "make **** up up on the fly as I go and it's all going to work out" is eventually going to catch up with him. Goodell couldn't commission a dogs ass. 


The days of Kennesaw Mountain Landis... WTF is that???

Last edited by ChilliJon

The days of Kennesaw Mountain Landis... WTF is that???


He's aint exactly my favorite commish for obvious reasons. 


Kenesaw Mountain Landis was a bad mother****er 
He was seventeen feet tall, he had a hundred and fifty wives 
He didn't do that much except he saved the game of baseball 
He put two and two together and he noticed it was four 
Now the treachery of Shoeless Joe can't hurt us anymore 
And he'll always be remembered as Kenesaw Mountain Landis 

Fellow named Joe Jackson was a fielder for the Black Sox 
And he always wore his black socks, but he never wore no shoes 
He weren't the nicest fellow and he had a couple problems 
Cause he drank a lot and he beat his wife and he always acted rude 
He killed and ate some babies and he copped an attitude 
And the one man that he hated most was Kenesaw Mountain Landis 

The mafia said Shoeless Joe 
You should really run this show 
You should be the guy who owns baseball 
And all you really gotta do 
Is help us make a buck or two 
We'll bet on the other team 
You'll lose the game but make it seem 
Like nothing could be further from the truth 

Shoeless Joe did what they said he dropped a couple fly balls 
And he walked up to the pitcher and he poked him in the eye 
And in the seventh inning with the Black Sox nearly beaten 
There was someone who was watching from his blimp above the stands 
Cradling a rifle in his thick and meaty hands 
And as if you hadn't guessed yet it was Kenesaw Mountain Landis 

Kenesaw said drop that glove 
Or I swear by God above 
I'll make you regret playing baseball 
And Shoeless Joe looked up and saw 
The silver rifle's gaping maw 
And though no one had noticed yet 
His underwear was getting wet 
He peed himself in front of everyone 

Shoeless Joe was finished but he couldn't quite admit it 
So he raised his middle finger up above the other four 
And Kenesaw took careful aim and fired a single bullet 
And he shot that dirty finger off and he dropped his trusty gun 
And everybody in the stands knew that he had won 
And today they still refer to him as Kenesaw Mountain Landis 

Shoeless Joe left baseball and became a famous pop star 
And he asked the musical question is she really going out with him 
He had a couple albums and a comeback in the 80's 
But he never won a Grammy and he never was the same 
And he never could be satisfied with critical acclaim 
Cause the critics all confused him with the great Elvis Costello 
Yes the critics all confused him with the great Elvis Costello


 Jonathan Coulton

Last edited by Shoeless Joe
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
They will find another patsy like the head of NFL security or something.

Agree with the patsy concept but not the head of NFL security. Dude is probably firing-proof, has too much dirt on everybody.


I know, they'll just fire that woman who answered the phone at NFL headquarters!




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