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Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

I would guess most have BEEN bitch slapped by their SO.

I've actually been punched in the head in an elevator by a woman.


It was after a particularly contentious foosball tournament at some bar on College Avenue in Appleton.  I may have deserved it, I'm not sure.

ESPN legal analyst Lester Munson

Updated: September 9, 2014, 6:19 PM ET


PTI is rarely used in aggravated assault cases in Atlantic County, several victims' rights advocates said Tuesday.


"I was stunned," said Donna D'Andrea, a legal advocate for The Women's Center, a domestic violence and sexual abuse help center in Linwood, NJ. "I'm outraged."


D'Andrea said in her nearly 30 years of experience, she cannot recall a single other aggravated assault case being resolved by pre-trial intervention.


"None of it makes any sense on why this was allowed," she said. "Usually, there is a plea deal to a lesser charge so the person is put into the system and can be monitored. They didn't do that here. None of it makes any sense why this was allowed to happen this way." -espn


I wonder if this has anything to do with it. 


Thev've been trying to get it through for a while now



Last edited by titmfatied
Last edited by titmfatied

I don't buy either explanation.  We all know this is a "What did you know?  When did you know it?" society.  It's often reported (not necessarily validated) that the NFL and NFL security teams are a Who's Who of former police officers and FBI agents.  They had the means to figure out what happened and didn't exercise it.  My belief is that it was willful.


As an example, GB Packers let of Lyerla in the nick of time.  Wilde reported that some in town had seen Lyerla getting excessively in town prior to the release.  My take is that Packer's security officers found this out and Ted made the proper knowledgable decision.  


This is ultimately about a lot of money, and these guys don't make uninformed choices.  To me this points to willful negligence on the NFL's and Bisciotti's part--but no one has enough money to buy a legal team to prove it against these guys.

Last edited by Green Crustacean
Originally Posted by Shoeless Joe:

Granted TMZ came up with the video, but c'mon people, TMZ aint nothing but a newer version of the National Enquirer. If you start citing their "news" as something resembling fact, well there's a 3-headed wolf boy working with Elvis at a 7/11 in Des Moines y'all oughta check out. 

Harvey Levin, who founded TMZ, is/was a lawyer and as such has always been surprisingly better than other gossip sites about the accuracy of the stories posted.  Not that I care for TMZ or any of the gossip sites, but there you are.
Originally Posted by Pakrz:

Ok, I'll bite... based on what?

Based on siding with a nasty harridan like Judith Sheindlin?  Even if she's only playing a character (and I'm not so sure of that), a real-life judge portraying judges as being nasty people who shout litigants down as if that were a good thing is thoroughly unseemly.
Originally Posted by Fedya:
Originally Posted by Pakrz:

Ok, I'll bite... based on what?

Based on siding with a nasty harridan like Judith Sheindlin?  Even if she's only playing a character (and I'm not so sure of that), a real-life judge portraying judges as being nasty people who shout litigants down as if that were a good thing is thoroughly unseemly.


Originally Posted by Sufferinginmn:

I'm just wondering when the times4 mods will be mailing out an honorary doctorate in women's studies to me after reading this thread?

There's a test.  Did you take the test?  Did you pass the test?  Because you have to pass the test first. 


Dr. Sufferinginmn will be earned.

Originally Posted by Sufferinginmn:

I'm just wondering when the times4 mods will be mailing out an honorary doctorate in women's studies to me after reading this thread?


I see no mention of vaginas.

Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Good read about abuse. Why I stated


Totally off topic. Saw another article "Why I Stayed"


Its easily the best thing I've ever read on ESPN. And this thread needs a little "we're better than this". 

Weak sauce questioning by CBS.


The question becomes: Did the NFL "drop the ball," or was the NFL willfully ignorant about what was on this tape?


"Well, we certainly didn't know what was on the tape, but we have been very open and honest, and I have also, from two weeks ago, when I acknowledged that: 'We didn't get this right.' That's my responsibility, and I'm accountable for that."



But what changed? I mean, on the first tape, she (Janay Rice) was lying unconscious on the ground being dragged out (of an elevator). Did you really need to see a videotape of Ray Rice punching her in the face to make this decision?


"No, we certainly didn't. I would tell you that what we saw in the first videotape was troubling to us in and of itself. But what we saw yesterday was extremely clear, it was extremely graphic and it was sickening. And that's why we took action yesterday."


Did you really need to see a videotape of RR punching Janay out to make this decision?

No, we certainly didn't.


Where is the follow up to this Q & A? Should have asked the follow up of... Then why the f^ck did you only suspend him for 2 games initially?


Willfully ignorant is spot on.

Last edited by H5

More fuel to the fire...


Perhaps the most fascinating element of Tuesday's interview was Rice's status. Asked what indefinite meant and whether Rice could play again in the NFL, Goodell didn't say no.

"I don’t rule that out," Goodell said. "But he would have to make sure that we are fully confident that he is addressing this issue. Clearly, he has paid a price for the actions that he has taken."

Boom goes the dynamite.


@AP: BREAKING: AP Source: Law enforcement official sent copy of Ray Rice tape to NFL executive in April


@AP: MORE: Law enforcement official says he sent video of Ray Rice to NFL 3 months ago


ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — A law enforcement official says he sent a video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee to an NFL executive three months ago, while league officers have insisted they didn't see the violent images until this week.

The person played The Associated Press a 12-second voicemail from an NFL office number on April 9 confirming the video arrived. A female voice expresses thanks and says: "You're right. It's terrible."

The law enforcement official, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, says he had no further communication with any NFL employee and can't confirm anyone watched the video. The person said they were unauthorized to release the video but shared it unsolicited, because they wanted the NFL to have it before deciding on Rice's punishment.

Last edited by ilcuqui

@bruce_arthur: Roger Goodell sighs, stares at the mahogany ceiling, turns off his phone, pours  some scotch, and checks his severance package, just in case.


@bruce_arthur: The big question: Which NFL exec was the tape sent to? Because that exec is going to have to jump into the volcano to save the village.


@bruce_arthur: Seriously, though, that NFL executive is grabbing the fake-your-own-death-and-become-a-fisherman kit he keeps under his desk right now.


@aaron_leib: BREAKING: Roger Goodell has suspended the Associated Press for two games.

Last edited by ilcuqui

What an embarrassment. Goodell and Co. bungled this up so bad and now the NFL's image is being rightfully destroyed by the public, and it's only getting worse as they continue to lie


Does Goodell get the ax or does somebody else take the fall for it(this is more likely)?



Originally Posted by CAPackfan:


Does Goodell get the ax or does somebody else take the fall for it(this is more likely)?



Goodell to the Saints when suspending Sean Payton for bounty gate : "If he didn't know, he should have ".

I wasn't in favor of firing Goodell over this matter from the get go... but if the report is true that the NFL obtained the video and he's lying about it, the only recourse is to send the dude packing.  


I disagree with the thought that the NFL image is destroyed....maybe for some, but not with the majority of actual fans of the game.    I'm still watching football this Sunday.  Anybody else?

Think this has a lot to do with it. League office loves Steve Bisciotti and Ozzie and their unwavering advocacy for Rice had to sway Goodell.


@jeffzrebiecsun: Bisciotti: “The buck stops with me. ..We kind of heard what we wanted to hear and imagined what we want to imagine because we loved Ray."

How is NFL looking into new AP report? Source says "our security dept will be doing everything we can to determine if this is true."


Same security department that never asked for the video to begin with???


NFL exec says AP report doesn't change what Goodell said but "if there's a delivery sitting under someone's desk there will be consequences"


What an unmitigated cluster****. 

Last edited by ChilliJon
Originally Posted by CAPackfan:

What an embarrassment. Goodell and Co. bungled this up so bad and now the NFL's image is being rightfully destroyed by the public, and it's only getting worse as they continue to lie


Does Goodell get the ax or does somebody else take the fall for it(this is more likely)?



Goodell better get the ax.  Couldn't happen to a nice guy (sarcasm alert).  I can't stand that SOB.

Originally Posted by Pakrz:

I wasn't in favor of firing Goodell over this matter from the get go... but if the report is true that the NFL obtained the video and he's lying about it, the only recourse is to send the dude packing.  


I disagree with the thought that the NFL image is destroyed....maybe for some, but not with the majority of actual fans of the game.    I'm still watching football this Sunday.  Anybody else?


I'm so distraught over this entire issue I don't think I can bear to watch the games on Sunday. 

Let's be honest. If any player brought this level of embarrassment, ridicule, and terrible press Goodell would have suspended them already. 


Protect the shield Rog. Fire yourself. 

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