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Boris posted:

So....Let's understand the facts.

He was pulled over for driving 81 MPH in a construction zone which I'm assuming was 55 MPH. - certainly a valid reason to be pulled over (speeding)

They were most likely smoking before they got in the vehicle which is why the cop smelled pot. I can 100% guarantee you I smell it coming from my neighbors house when they smoke it & I'm not in their personal space like a cop at a drivers window. Probable cause. These are the facts & they are indisputable

  Boris, the voice of reason as always!!!   Since Z admitted to smoking earlier in the day I would say his clothes probably reeked of mary jane, hence the probable cause.  Once out of the car the cop could see he was not impaired, so no sobriety test.   2 weeks ago I was pulled over for rolling thru a 4 way stop. The cop said he had me on video rolling thru at 3 mph. Since it was 1:30 A.M. I was sure he would make me get out and do a F S T.  Nope, gave me a warning and let me go.  Good cops in both instances. 

GBFanForLife posted:

Reeked of maryjane? Personal experience? Roll through stop signs? Assholes do that everyday a block from my house. Stop means Stop.

Like the speed limit, a "stop" sign is only a suggestion.  

When I was growing up many moons ago, we lived very close to a street corner.  The north/south cars had no stop sign.  The east/west cars had a stop sign but rarely obeyed it.  Making the situation more dangerous is that the 25 mph residential speed limit wasn't obeyed by cars going in either direction.  I can remember 4 very serious accidents that occurred in that intersection.  Serious as in people were hauled off to the hospital serious.  So it was a problem even back then - at least where I lived.  In the rest of the country people were probably perfect angels while driving.  

GBFanForLife posted:

Reeked of maryjane? Personal experience? Roll through stop signs? Assholes do that everyday a block from my house. Stop means Stop.

So call me out for rolling thru a stop sign at 3 MPH at 1:30 in the A.M. when you can clearly see no cars are coming  and yet in another post you admit to speeding because everyone else is and I'm the asshole?   Pot meet kettle!!!

Last edited by ammo
BrainDed posted:

Car is speeding and gets lit up for a traffic stop.   Officer Blood Hound sees 3 large black guys who have more money than the avg black guy.  Probably sporting some nice jewels and obviously traveling in a nice car.    Officer Blood Hound suspects these 3 large black guys with money might be trafficking narcotics.........

Ignore what actually happened and pivot to cop's a racist. Credos.

ChilliJon posted:

White privileged dumbasses yucking it up. Fuck you two. Seriously. 

Why is this kind of comment on a football forum? 

This is why I left the board about 5 years ago.

Not everything in life is about race, politics, gender identity and the proletariat vs. the bouiswasie 

In fact that’s WHY I like football.  I get to escape this kind of conflict for 3.5 hours.

Daylight Savings Time  =  an extra hour wait for the Packer game.  anybody up for a quick 18 before  the game,   suns up, almost 40 degrees, no wind, a little chilly in central Wis.

Last Updated: November 3, 2019 6:44  AM

a lot of defense out for the Chargers,

LA Chargers
11/01/19NTBrandon MebaneKneeis downgraded to doubtful Sunday vs Green Bay
11/01/19WRGeremy DavisHamstringis "?" Sunday vs Green Bay
11/01/19DLJustin JonesShoulderis downgraded to doubtful Sunday vs Green Bay
11/01/19SRoderic Teamer Jr.Groinis downgraded to doubtful Sunday vs Green Bay
10/31/19SNasir AdderleyHamstringIR
10/30/19KMichael BadgleyGroinis upgraded to probable Sunday vs Green Bay
10/25/19DTCortez BroughtonMononucleosisis out indefinitely

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