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@Boris posted:

You MUST adjust to the personnel you have on the field instead of forcing players into "your system"

If Barry did this, then congrats on {GASP}  adjusting and figuring it out.

Something tells me he didn't come up with this on his own.

This morning Wilde relayed an interaction from earlier this season during a discussion with DB coach Gray. In answering a question Gray said something to the effect of don't ask me, I don't call the defense. Wilde thought maybe Gray finally went to Barry and said you're using my guys wrong. Possibly after MiLF publicly commented that they needed to be more aggressive on D.

fuck joe barry and his soft-ass defense.  unless the packers win super bowl he needs to be replaced

I agree.  If it takes you half the season to get things sorted out, half a game to get things figured out, or for the HC coach to put a fire under your ass, or for the players to get upset enough to start making comments - you're not cut out for the job. 

I actually don’t think the roster is in that bad of shape.  Yes, Savage is toast and who knows how Gary will recover and return but if Bak is finally healthy and they can find a way to retain Jones they have a semi decent squad on paper with or without Rodgers.

The issue I have is MLF just implodes in big games and he’s horrific in the playoffs and I’m not sure that’s going to change.  We all know he’s slow to react to making other coaching changes and clearly Barry isn’t the guy either.   But Mark Murphy isn’t going to push for changes so why would MLF?  

I personally up until now have been giving MLF a pass because he has done a pretty damn good job.  BUT this team with all its talent and getting the big games at home continues to choke in big spots particularly on defense.   If you watch them they are always chasing the other team and if you watch really good defensive teams they take it to the other team.

Still after what a decade the Packers defense just sucks in big spots.  But the big question is how do you fix it?  That is where I lay it at MLFs feet fix the damn defense!

The lack of discipline on the absolute bone headed plays of Douglas, Walker, and also Reed (a forearm to the head that should have been called) and Wyatt (joined his idiot college teammate also in shoving a trainer) is stunning.

That tells you the culture of both Barry and MLF is such that these dudes have no hesitation fearing repercussions for being complete morons in a game that is for all purposes a playoff game.

Silverstein has assessed it well. The new car smell is off MLF. He has some tough decisions to make, and I am really not sure the "buddy/friend" in him has the balls to do it.       

Every year the season has ended with MLF looking like someone stole his lunch money, and it's gotten progressively worse.

2019 - Get your ass kicked by 49ers...OK understandable, it was a great season, Niners were better, more physical.

2020 - 1 seed, lose at to the eventual SB Champs the Bucs...your offense wasn't the problem, but your defense was an absolute sieve at the most critical times. Adios Pettine.

2021 - 1 seed, lose at the hands of ST, which you knew were fucking awful since you took over in 2019 and did nothing of value to address. On paper, your most talented team to date...and you lost at home to a clearly inferior 49ers team.

2022 - Don't even make the fucking playoffs, and while you addressed ST with Bisaccia, Barry once again shows what he is and always will be as a DC.

Some guys are suited to being HC and some are suited to being coordinators. Right now, anything is on the table with the franchise. The case is made to fire Barry. The case is made to fire Steno. The case is even made to fire MLF because ultimately the buck stops with Captain Eyebrows.

The rebuild starts now...this team isn't even close any more.

Absolutely true.  It can get worse than Barry and MLF.  Look around the league.  But standing pat doesn't get you anywhere either.  IF you're not getting better, you're getting worse.  They have no choice but to make changes. 

Barry clearly has to go.  Though going on your third DC in as many years isn't all that reassuring to candidates, the amount of talent on that side of the ball should be a draw.

The offense is the elephant in the room.  How much of it was AR?  Does he stay or go?  If he goes, is there a legitimate chance MLF's offense can be more successful with Love?

ST seems on the right track but what do they do at K? 

MLF will be here for at least a couple more years, no getting around that.  He needs to grow as a HC and playcaller.  More so if AR is gone.

Now let's see Barry/MLF apologize for the coaching failures on D that led to them woefully underperforming..

@packerboi posted:

Now let's see Barry/MLF apologize for the coaching failures on D that led to them woefully underperforming..

I mean, he could have said, 'no regerts - screw you trainer.' so that's steps people...

Packers plan for 2023 season:

1. Hire an experienced DC not afraid to impose his will on the other team; and his own players. A DC who knows when to blitz, how to bump and run and swarm to the ball.

2. Hire an experienced OC to call the plays, MLF not improving on the job, so delegate. A head coach has to be problem solver, even if he is the problem.

3. If Rodgers still wants to play find a trade partner for him (Vegas, TN?) and roll with J Love.

4. Cut some vets to salvage some cap space, get young and hungry.

5. Find a way to pay KR Nixon and S Ford for depth/ST.

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