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True, it seems organization is paralyzed. Afraid that if they trade Rogers away and he wins a title they look bad. Afraid if they trade Love away and he succeeds they missed on the future. Afraid if they do send Rogers away fan to a revolt like they did with Favre. Afraid Love not the guy? Head Coach and GM got their extensions so make a move!

Last edited by GreenBayLA
@Fandame posted:

Barry's scheme is predicated on soft, softer, and softest -- just keep them in front of you. This soft stuff allows RBs the luxury of space after they get through the line and before they encounter the LBs. It also allows receivers to either sit in that soft coverage and wait for the ball, or it allows the QB/WR to hit the zone holes on timing passes for easy completions. It's pretty easy to predict what he's calling, and there are no surprises as far as adjusting to what's happening on the field. Bend-don't-break is frustrating when you've got some good talant on D and you have to watch it be so passive.

IMHO this sums up the issues.  I firmly put the continuing defensive problems at the DC and his game plans.  The one word that sums up your post and what I think of this defense and that word is SOFT.  It is mind boggling to me how soft this defense has been this year but also for what the last decade?

Some examples would be not putting Alexander on a teams best WR. You have a legit shut down corner and you don't use him right.

Having your CBs play 12 yards off receivers when its a down such as 3rd and 3.

Now I will say this though the fall off in the play of the safeties is alarming.  And I have to wonder is that a talent issue or is it a product of the scheme. That one I will blame on the fall off in talent.

If you want to see how a soft D can implode, watch what Indy did against the Vikings. The D was playing soft because they thought they had the game won, kept playing soft all during the comeback, and ended up losing. Yes, it took a lot of favorable things to happen, but the Indy D "kept everything in front of them" even when MN got to within two scores. Then if those really skilled players get through into open space (Jefferson, Cook), the D is getting beat. Barry's is a sieve defense: it keeps control of the big stuff while letting the little stuff through until sometimes you got nothing left.

@Fandame posted:

If you want to see how a soft D can implode, watch what Indy did against the Vikings. The D was playing soft because they thought they had the game won, kept playing soft all during the comeback, and ended up losing. Yes, it took a lot of favorable things to happen, but the Indy D "kept everything in front of them" even when MN got to within two scores. Then if those really skilled players get through into open space (Jefferson, Cook), the D is getting beat. Barry's is a sieve defense: it keeps control of the big stuff while letting the little stuff through until sometimes you got nothing left.

That game still chaps my ass.

Found on the internet: Did you watch the Rams game?  Like, really watch it?  The defense looked good.  Sure, they were squaring off against an offensive unit that would struggle to score in the SEC, but I digress.  The thing I can't wash out of my mind from that game?  3rd and 16.  Soft zone shell coverage.  18-yard completion.  3rd and 15.  Yet another far-too-generous zone.  Yet another 17-yard completion.  Four times the Packers got the Rams into 3rd and forever situations, and four times Barry trotted out the same stupid-ass zone and gave up easy first downs.  This motherfoghorner could be visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve, each detailing the error of his play-calling ways, wake up in a cold sweat in Miami, and still call a Pampers-soft zone on 3rd and 6 that afternoon.  I hope the Ghost of Christmas Future has a pink slip for Ol' Joe.

Just watched his presser ...when asked about the two third and long conversions by Rams early in the game , he briefly gave an excuse for each "kudos to them for catching us with tempo" and "we screwed up a pressure"  ....but this is what really got my attention "they were kind of early game jitters that you have to get out" WTF!!!!!

@FLPACKER posted:

Just watched his presser ...when asked about the two third and long conversions by Rams early in the game , he briefly gave an excuse for each "kudos to them for catching us with tempo" and "we screwed up a pressure"  ....but this is what really got my attention "they were kind of early game jitters that you have to get out" WTF!!!!!

Are you surprised that Barry has early game jitters given the way his defense has (under)performed this season? Makes perfect sense to me.

Last edited by PackLandVA

Barry still holds a lot of blame for placing players in the wrong position, and Douglas is one of them. But that's an interesting stat..

Let's not forget that the offensive woes experienced earlier in the season have a direct impact on the defense.  You stumble your way through enough "3 and outs" and the defense loses its gas.  Long, sustained drives will improve any defense.  

That said, having players like Alexander jacking around playing zone defense is stupid.  He's a great CB that can shut down the opposing teams' best receiver.  There are other examples of questionable decisions obviously but that one stands out to me most.

But hey.  GB has been in the playoffs for the past month and they are still chugging along.  I'm digging this ride.  


@michiganjoe posted:

Defense continues on its current trajectory for the remainder of the season and it's hard to see MLF making a change.

If you said this before the 2nd half last week I would have said you are fucking nuts.

You can't do much better than the last 6 quarters of football by this defense. I just hope it's a trend that continues for another month!

Good piece about some of the changes Barry has made. Previous criticism was warranted but he also deserves some credit.

@michiganjoe posted:

Good piece about some of the changes Barry has made. Previous criticism was warranted but he also deserves some credit.

Curious as to whether Barry came up with these changes on his own or MLF stepped in and dictated the changes? This more fully explains Romo saying "they now have all eyes on the QB and it has made a huge difference"

Last edited by FLPACKER
@michiganjoe posted:

Good piece about some of the changes Barry has made. Previous criticism was warranted but he also deserves some credit.

You MUST adjust to the personnel you have on the field instead of forcing players into "your system"

If Barry did this, then congrats on {GASP}  adjusting and figuring it out.

Something tells me he didn't come up with this on his own.

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