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I think it is just a similar situation to Campbell's and is not indicative of unhappiness with the scheme, or him wanting out of GB.  These guys read what is said about them. Jaire has played before with a shoulder injury, tried protecting it by avoiding tackling, and gotten roasted for it. I'm sure the packers want him out there, if only to cover, have had guys in similar situations elect to play, and that is where the "rub" is. MLF is in a tough spot because if he knows if every payer decides they aren't going to play if "hurt", he would have trouble fielding a team! I sensed them not bringing Jaire on the Giants trip, and MLF saying they felt it best if he stayed in GB to "rehab", was a punishment.

@ammo posted:

Article about Joe Whitt returning to Green Bay as Defensive Coordinator.  I don't recall anybody mentioning him. Might be a good hire.


If we hire Joe Whitt GB only needs to change one of the two names on his office name plate.  So we will benefit from that savings. 

@Fedya posted:

I submitted my entry under Fedya’s name and email address. Fedya, please choose another name and email address and enjoy the spam emails. FIRE JOE BARRY!

I edited thread title until this asshole is gone

I've fucking had it.

Allowing 30 points and season highs to this bullshit Panthers team is 100% unacceptable.

I don't GAF if it's Christmas.....fuck him! GTFO of 1265. If MLF won't fire you then Quit!! you spineless MF'er

Last edited by Boris

Remember in Varsity Blues when the Jon Voight character essentially quit the team at halftime of the last game and the players "coached" themselves somewhat under the leadership of injured quarterback Paul Walker? What's to say "we" can't do this the last 2 games going into sectionals?

And then post game Matt dumbass LaFleur is ranting about Jaire Alexander’s coin flip gaffe.  It didn’t do anything or mean anything in the game you dip shit.  But keep defending or deflecting from your idiot buddy Joe Barry.  

MLF needs to fucking go as well.  He’s not accountable to anyone at this point.

@Boris posted:

I edited thread title until this asshole is gone

I've fucking had it.

Allowing 30 points and season highs to this bullshit Panthers team is 100% unacceptable.

I don't GAF if it's Christmas.....fuck him! GTFO of 1265. If MLF won't fire you then Quit!! you spineless MF'er

Boris, again with the couched and coded opinions.  If we just knew what he was really thinking.

@Boris posted:

I'm not sure whether to post this under MLF thread or this one

I want MLF fired too as he's BLIND to incompetence in assistants. First time around it cost us a Super Bowl with a Special Teams coordinator who cost us that SF game. We would have slapped the Rams around. Now he is CLUELESS about Joe Barry's incompetence.

It isn't the players. It's the scheme.

@Tschmack posted:

And then post game Matt dumbass LaFleur is ranting about Jaire Alexander’s coin flip gaffe.  It didn’t do anything or mean anything in the game you dip shit.  But keep defending or deflecting from your idiot buddy Joe Barry.  

MLF needs to fucking go as well.  He’s not accountable to anyone at this point.

YUP!!! Just as clueless as when he was telling Troy Aikman he hoped special teams wouldn't cost us the game before the Niner debacle at home.

He is NOT CUT OUT to be a head coach. End of story. Just like that fool that the Chargers fired.

@YATittle posted:

I want MLF fired too as he's BLIND to incompetence in assistants.

I don't disagree....however. Love's progress and continued development is of utmost importance to the future of the Packers.

Gutey might need to step in and "hand pick" a DC for MLF that can potentially replace him as HC.

The HC replacement would need to happen in 2025 not 2024.


@Boris posted:

Gutey might need to step in and "hand pick" a DC for MLF that can potentially replace him as HC.

Do we know for sure that’s not how they ended up with Barry? The silos of Stupidity may have already burned them.

@Herschel posted:

Do we know for sure that’s not how they ended up with Barry? The silos of Stupidity may have already burned them.

Very possible ....we don't know because those pussies at 1265 are not willing to stand up and take any blame for anything.

To fix the's time to man up and make changes. HARD changes.

@YATittle posted:

How bad is this guy? He makes Dom Capers look like a genius.

Is there a single defensive player who has exceeded expectations in 2023?

Conversely, how many players have failed to meet expectations? 5-10?

The "talent" may not be very good, but when an entire defense plays so poorly across the board that is on 3-time loser Joe Barry and the guy who hired & retained him MLF.

2023 has been just a complete waste of a "rebuilding" year on the defensive side of the ball.

Last edited by SteveLuke

As many of us have been saying ad nauseum, a top-down change needs to happen, but Alfred E won’t get out of the way until he ages out. The board itself is reposnsible for allowing some of this. The ownership structure is both a blessing and a curse.

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