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@Boris posted:

Teams that have a young QB & GASP ๐Ÿ˜ณare changing things up when it's not working.

Eagles got their fucking asses kicked by the Niners. It took them all of 1 game to make a change.....we get 3 years of the same fucking bullshit.

I hate this team

The Eagles just lost their third in a row and got beaten by a backup QB who marched his team 92 yards down the field while throwing a game winning TD with 28 seconds left. Most of Philly hates their DC this morning.

Iโ€™m not defending Barry because he clearly needs to go, but the rules are stacked against defenses and thatโ€™s exactly what the NFL wants. High scoring games = ratings.

Well, as a position coach, how much scheme should he be coaching?

If any at all, position coaches should be teaching the DC scheme, not his own?

He's teaching them film study and how to use that in a scheme, that's teaching, what a good position coach should do.

Now, if they ask him point blank what is your defensive scheme/philosophy and he answers he doesn't have one, he just watches film, then that would be an issue I imagine.

Probably why Jerry Gray isn't coaching the secondary in GB anymore.  He didn't like/coach Dingleberry's scheme.

Last edited by EC Pack
@bdplant posted:

The Eagles just lost their third in a row and got beaten by a backup QB who marched his team 92 yards down the field while throwing a game winning TD with 28 seconds left. Most of Philly hates their DC this morning.

Iโ€™m not defending Barry because he clearly needs to go, but the rules are stacked against defenses and thatโ€™s exactly what the NFL wants. High scoring games = ratings.

I saw this morning that the Eagles and Packers and a couple of others I can't remember are coached defensively by disciples of the Fangio scheme.  They are both near the bottom of the NFL statistically on defense and the NFL has passed that scheme by.

As for MLF and the decision on Dingle Berry I do think it will happen on black Monday when the NFL teams do all of their firings.  Do I want it now? absolutley but it won't happen.

@michiganjoe posted:

Whether Barry is fired now or after the season doesn't strike me as a particularly meaningful decision (just like the MM termination). Given his apparent angst at firing Drayton decision yesterday wasn't at all surprising.

Seems to me MLF is losing the locker room. Too many player comments from clearly disgruntled players. That is not a sign of a healthy mindset. MLF could have fixed much of that by firing Barry. He was too soft to do it. It will cost him his job. I am expecting the Panthers to beat them.

@EC Pack posted:

Well, as a position coach, how much scheme should he be coaching?

That's my point.  But I will guess that most position coaches are in lock step with their DC and teach their scheme or at least reinforce it with their personnel to show how they fit in the bigger picture.

Now Harris didn't say he didn't know scheme or how to run a D, I'm just going off what he did say and guessing on what he didn't because the question was directly about scheme.

@michiganjoe posted:

I apparently have a much higher opinion of MLF than many here do. I think he's a good coach ...

I like MLF as a person.

I think MLF is a bright offensive mind. I think MLF did quite well handling a difficult and outsized personality in Rodgers. I like what MLF has done with Love and the receivers.

I think MLF was saddled with the already under contract Pettine as his first DC by the FRONT OFFICE. I don't think MLF handled his relationship with Pettine very well.

I think MLF made a monumental error hiring 2-time (now 3-time) loser Joe Barry as his preferred DC.

I think MLF got saddled with Mennenga because the FRONT OFFICE refused to ante up for his preferred choice Rizzi.

I think MLF screwed up royally by promoting Drayton from within. I think MLF screwed up even worse by keeping Drayton on after every drunk in every tavern across Wisconsin recognized he was in over his head.

I think the Bisaccia hire has been more hype than substance.

I think MLF is likely to have his second straight below .500 season.

I think MLF better get his next DC hiring right or he may be looking at a third straight below .500 record at the same time that the guy who hired him is retiring.

@SteveLuke posted:

I like MLF as a person.

I think MLF is a bright offensive mind. I think MLF did quite well handling a difficult and outsized personality in Rodgers. I like what MLF has done with Love and the receivers..

I think MLF was able to handle Rodgers well because he's a very good person and willing to sublimate his ego to deal with difficult personalities. To handle Rodgers, you have to constantly treat him like he's the smartest person in the room in every situation. I think MLF was probably able to get Rodgers to do things by convincing AR that it was AR's idea to do something MLF wanted.

The same willingness to be treated like a subservient in that situation can also lead to the impression that you aren't really in charge and aren't a natural leader. I don't get a sense that there is much accountability for failure in MLF's tenure. Amari Rodgers got seemingly dozens of chances. Drayton was one of the worst special teams coaches in modern NFL history and he stayed on an entire year. DeGuara is another guy that keeps getting sent out there to do try to do things he can't do. Barry does the same thing over and over and nothing happens.

Does anyone think that Mike Holmgren would have put up with any of this stuff on his coaching staff? He'd have exploded. Holmgren (along with Andy Reid and Mariucci) were also the guy that Favre respected and feared. Holmgren also built some of the best assistant coaching staffs ever assembled (just like his mentor Bill Walsh). MLF really seems to struggle at building a coaching staff - which I think is largely due to not wanting anyone around to really challenge him.

Be interested to see what people with a lot of coaching experience (like FLPacker as a college head basketball coach) did to handle these types of situations.

Mike Holmgren nearly benched Favre in 1994, so thereโ€™s no question he had the stones to make the tough decisions.

Ron Wolf fired Ray Rhodes after 1 season.  

There isnโ€™t really any comparison to what goes on in GB today. MLF is more a coordinator than head coach and he wonโ€™t hold anyone accountable, whether itโ€™s a player or coach.  Heโ€™s more interested in making impressions and friends.

That being said, it seems like college and pro football are really all about who you know and how you build your staffs than actual performance on the field.  

@H5 posted:

Communication doesn't seem to be a problem in that tweet.

LaFleur is losing the team.

This team knows it's good enough to compete for the playoffs right now. That includes the defense.

Fucking coaches suck and I'm lumping MLF in that too.....

Yeah firing Berry right now doesn't help much but it sends a message. Failure is not an option. It's a performance based business.

I'm sick of watching this defense get its ass kicked by inferior QBs and inferior teams.


I wonder if assistant coaches around the league see LaFleur positively by not throwing them under the bus in press conferences or canning them mid-season.  This was a get right year for the Packers (who still have another year of cap hell next year) to figure out if Jordan Love could potentially be the future.  None of the guys in the secondary, except Valentine, are NFL-starter quality players.  That doesn't absolve Barry, but this team wasn't going to win a Super Bowl this year and would get exposed so fast in the playoffs (LaDarius Gunter flashbacks, anyone?).  The time to get rid of Barry is this off-season.

@50k Club posted:

  None of the guys in the secondary, except Valentine, are NFL-starter quality players.  That doesn't absolve Barry, but this team wasn't going to win a Super Bowl this year and would get exposed so fast in the playoffs (LaDarius Gunter flashbacks, anyone?).

So what?? The experience in the playoffs would've been excellent! A fantastic learning tool.

What if they shocked the world and won a playoff game?? Upsets happen you know.....the better team doesn't always win.

Do you think the Packers are the better team over the Chiefs or Lions? They're not

Last edited by Boris
@50k Club posted:

I wonder if assistant coaches around the league see LaFleur positively by not throwing them under the bus in press conferences or canning them mid-season.  This was a get right year for the Packers (who still have another year of cap hell next year) to figure out if Jordan Love could potentially be the future.  None of the guys in the secondary, except Valentine, are NFL-starter quality players.  That doesn't absolve Barry, but this team wasn't going to win a Super Bowl this year and would get exposed so fast in the playoffs (LaDarius Gunter flashbacks, anyone?).  The time to get rid of Barry is this off-season.

The time to get rid of Barry was last off-season.

@BrainDed posted:

You are losing the locker room NOW.   It makes no sense to wait and let this get even worse.

Couple things... who steps in as interim DC? Olivadotti makes the most sense as he's on the headset with his LBs while plays are called in.

What happens if they win out with much better D play and play very well (on D) in the playoff? Then he's looking at what to do with the interim guy.

Will it really get worse? Quay accepted a lot of responsibility yesterday about the communication issues, saying he needs to be better.

I wonder if Campbell's comment was directed more at JA than JB or ML?

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