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@Boris posted:

No....just want it on record that Berry is already done. I don't care if they win it all. The dude is inconsistent and we've all seen it for 3 years

On record?  It’s been on fucking record repeatedly from the dumdum crowd for months. He’s likely goneâ€Ķ until he isn’t.

Helluva job by Bury this week snuffing out the Cowboys at their place. Monumental win by the mighty Green Bay Packers!

Would love to know what went on to get the defense playing better. Did MLF take a much more active role, did he assign someone else on the staff to take a more prominent role, did the suspension of Alexander bring some attitude issues to the surface to be resolved (I've experienced a similar scenario)? Will be probably never know, but what ever it was I hope it continues.

@FLPACKER posted:

Would love to know what went on to get the defense playing better. Did MLF take a much more active role, did he assign someone else on the staff to take a more prominent role, did the suspension of Alexander bring some attitude issues to the surface to be resolved (I've experienced a similar scenario)? Will be probably never know, but what ever it was I hope it continues.

Will need to watch the reply but it looked like MLF was consulting a play sheet and talking into his head set during a defensive series during the 3rd quarter - the Packers offence was already humming and way ahead and so I wondered if he was having some live input into was was happening on defence?

@FLPACKER posted:

Would love to know what went on to get the defense playing better. Did MLF take a much more active role, did he assign someone else on the staff to take a more prominent role, did the suspension of Alexander bring some attitude issues to the surface to be resolved (I've experienced a similar scenario)? Will be probably never know, but what ever it was I hope it continues.

Something changed the weeks that Campbell basically said he quit and JA flipped off the coaches.  

Credit to MLF for circling the wagons and bringing the team together.   It could have, and I thought it would, have gone the complete opposite direction.

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