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@Goalline posted:

An all out blitzing team is as dumb as an all soft zone game plan. Barry needs to mix it up. He needs to keep the other team’s offense on its toes and he needs to be more situationally sound.

^  This dude gets it.

The most important thing really isn't which tactics you choose, its that the offense doesn't KNOW WITH CERTAINTY which ones are coming. Its a 3 hour chess match vs some of the brightest minds in the NFL.

We have a checkers player trying to play chess vs Master level chess players.

No matter what tactics / scheme you choose, it will be used against you -  so you have to keep them guessing.

One brutal example was the tactic of having LeRoy Butler assigned to follow/neutralize Shannon Sharpe in SB32. Once Shanahan KNEW that, he motioned Sharpe away from the run direction knowing LeRoy would follow and then be useless vs the run - and that opened the door for 157 yds and 3 TD TDs.

We've heard teams say it over and over:
If the OC/QB knows what you're doing every time, you're dead.

After Jordan Love and the Packers sliced & diced DC Flores' scheme... they need to evolve a bit too. Chess, not checkers.

Here's vikes HC talking about it:

"Credit to Flo and his staff for the evolution of the defense, week in and week out," O'Connell said, "[and] where they took it to try to give our players a great chance to have success.

At the same time, as they put more on tape and more on tape, maybe teams are honing in on certain ways that they want to play, and now it's our time to either adjust or take a look at it with a microscope and say, 'We need to be better in our execution there, and tighten up a little bit there, and understand formations and tells and tendencies.'"

Flores said last week his goal has been to "try to get back" to the way the defense played in the middle of the season. He did not blame injuries or personnel issues but said the top priority at this point is "really, really honing in on being precise and detailed on those fundamentals."

QB pressure will be big, in this game. We need to pressure Fields, early and often and our OL needs to stop Sweat and Co from pressuring Love. Love is as cool as a cucumber,  when pressure is coming, so our OL needs to find where the pressure is coming from and deal with it. Maybe having two RBs in the backfield or a TE there, to pick up a pass rusher can protect Love, long enough, to get the ball downfield, to move the chains and/or score. Chicago has nothing to lose, in this game, except maybe, keeping Fields as their QB, for next season. About the only thing Chicago has to win is to keep the Packers from advancing to the playoffs. That would be as huge a victory as Detroit beating the Packers, in this game, last year.

Last edited by mrtundra

Get the defense off the field so you don't wear them out.

The bend but don't break....

praying the offense makes a mistake....

all that does is wear out the defense.

Go get the effing QB and make him choose quickly!

@Boris posted:

Yes rushing 3 and dropping 8 into zone is the best way to play defense.  Yes that sounds good. 😭

And playing the DBs at least 12 yards off the receivers and once the ball is snapped have them running backwards.   The Barry Prevent should be trademarked.

He’s had a hell of a 2 week run.

We all see the difference in what’s being called.   The question is why did he wait until now to become aggressive?

it’s fools gold, he has his cowardly philosophy and it breeds softness.   I don’t care if he continues this run into the SuperBowl, he can’t be brought back.

We've seen this before.  Crap all season then shut down in the playoffs.  Is this the third year in a row he's done this?  Guess he's just playing 'possum and saving his best for last?

But DAL will be whole different animal to defend.  Talent at every level and they're scoring points in their sleep.

Would have been fun to be in the building on the Monday after the Panther game.  Hope the notes from those meetings become public someday.  
In book form it would be a best seller in Packerland for sure.

@BrainDed posted:

He’s had a hell of a 2 week run.

We all see the difference in what’s being called.   The question is why did he wait until now to become aggressive?

it’s fools gold, he has his cowardly philosophy and it breeds softness.   I don’t care if he continues this run into the SuperBowl, he can’t be brought back.

One of three scenarios...

JoeBa is running the defense exactly the way MLF wants it run

JoeBa is running the defense exactly the way he wants it run and MLF is OK with it.

JoeBa is running the defense exactly the way he wants to run it and MLF is too much of a pussy to demand changes.

#3 seems to be the most popular choice around these parts.

There is enormous pressure on Dak Prescott in this game. He's laid some eggs in playoff games and needs to get over that mental hurdle.

If they come out and let him get going early, Dallas may roll them by 20+.

But if the Packers keep this close into the second half, the Dak's collar (and MM's for that matter) will start to get really tight.

Last edited by MichiganPacker

I’m wondering if some of the players may have had a say in whatever changes were made?  I’m thinking the players may have had enough of looking inept in his schemes and made constructive comments as to how to be employed better.

If so congrats to all, coaches for listening and players for stepping up.

@DH13 posted:

We've seen this before.  Crap all season then shut down in the playoffs.  Is this the third year in a row he's done this?  Guess he's just playing 'possum and saving his best for last?

But DAL will be whole different animal to defend.  Talent at every level and they're scoring points in their sleep.

And playing on a fast track at home. 

But, I was just listening to ESPN and they had Orlavsky on there and he said that everything the Packers do on offense is exactly what is the Cowboys weakness on defense.  Of course everyone else on at the time quickly pounces on him about the Packers defense being bad.  We will see soon.

@The Heckler posted:

And playing on a fast track at home.

But, I was just listening to ESPN and they had Orlavsky on there and he said that everything the Packers do on offense is exactly what is the Cowboys weakness on defense.  Of course everyone else on at the time quickly pounces on him about the Packers defense being bad.  We will see soon.


@ilcuqui posted:

@mattschneidman: Preston Smith: "Joe B’s been dialing it up. He gets a lot of hell in the media. But we’ve come together. We play for Joe B."


That's a leader, right there

@Pikes Peak posted:

I’m wondering if some of the players may have had a say in whatever changes were made?  I’m thinking the players may have had enough of looking inept in his schemes and made constructive comments as to how to be employed better.

If so congrats to all, coaches for listening and players for stepping up.

Isn't that how last season ended?   The players demanding that we make more aggressive calls, such as JA, and the coaches saying they have turned over a new leaf?

Yeah, we've been here before.   The man is a coward and his philosophy / play calling suffer from it.

Shit, was it three weeks ago we were playing prevent and almost gave up the game winning FG attempt with 25 seconds or so left and no TO's?     

Come on fellas, this is not the guy we want leading a Defense.

Last edited by BrainDed
@H5 posted:


Do it against a better QB, better offense like DAL, then maybe I'll start believing. He did it against DET and KAN, so we'll see.

Fuck this. I've convinced myself that JoBa is calling the D that LaFleur, Alexander, Clark, Smith, and maybe others have wanted.

They can win the Owl next month and I still want Barry replaced. Back in the spring he said they can't wait 10 weeks to figure it out, and the reality is the strong finish last year give him another chance, and feeling no pressure he reverted back to what he knows. And here we are again, just like '22. Difference this time is offense is humming and taking some pressure off the D.

He has to go or it'll be week 13 or so next year before LaFleur inserts his loafer up Barry's ass, again.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...  something about Mott the Hoople.

RE: confusion

What I saw was a lot of Jaire directing, moving players around. At first it looked like chaos to me, and early there was a play where JA was late, but then I noticed the backend more often being in the right spot.

DL with a big assist to the DBs.

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