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@FreeSafety posted:

To quote Hanz und Franz....Hear me know and believe me later....Love's poor mechanics will undermine any chance at development into a top-tier franchise QB.

I like a lot of the stuff he does, especially pre-snap, but dude needs to be able to throw a football.

Those "poor mechanics" have yielded these stats...


You expecting more from a first year starter?!?!😧 Because those stats with his "poor mechanics" are right on par with the MVP candidates of the league.

But this thread is about Joe Berry and how he isn't holding up his end of the bargain as Packers DC


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@CUPackFan posted:

Hammer into every front 7 player the importance of gap control, that nothing matters if they don't fill the right gap every single time.  Freelancing is unacceptable. 

That one always boggles my mind. There's nothing worse than getting run over on defense. The offense is going to keep running until you prove you can stop them. Holding each other accountable for gap control should start from the players. You'd think out of self preservation they'd get that sorted out.

@mrtundra posted:

Marlon Humphries, CB of the Ravens, does the same thing. He just runs into the ball carrier and never seems to wrap him up. Twice last night, the ball carrier got extra yards because of Humphries not wrapping up. Who teaches these guys to tackle?

The tackling issue is league wide. Not really an excuse for GB, but it's become pretty clear that the few teams that can tackle well are almost always in the hunt come January. Was it Humphries that thought he was putting a lick on Deebo last night? Wonder how that hit feels for him today. He ran into a brick wall.

...and the ones who didn't, their teams probably rushed for around 200.

Falcons 211 yards
Lions 211 yards
Raiders 175 yards
Rams 184 yards
Steelers 205 yards

Just absolutely fucking pathetic. 

Last edited by BrainDed
@BrainDed posted:

Herbert's would have been higher and that game a loss if his receivers didn't have butter on their gloves. Those guys done Herbert wrong in that game, and Barry benefitted.

Young, DeVito, Mayfield. Damn. That's embarassing. Barry should be wearing a paper bag over his head anytime he sets foot outside his house.

10 games where either the QB had a career day or the running attack eclipsed or flirted with 200 yards.   10 out of 15 or 66% of the time.     Does it get any worse than that?

Last edited by BrainDed

This interview from 2017 where Marinelli was asked if he wished his daughter had married a better DC, after getting grilled about why Barry has a job still, is internet gold.

@BrainDed posted:

This interview from 2017 where Marinelli was asked if he wished his daughter had married a better DC, after getting grilled about why Barry has a job still, is internet gold.

Holy F.  Why have I never seen that before.

@BrainDed posted:

This interview from 2017 where Marinelli was asked if he wished his daughter had married a better DC, after getting grilled about why Barry has a job still, is internet gold.

Was Parker out of line?? Yeah sure.....but damn son!🤯😆🤭

6 years later..... Nothing has changed for Joe

Last edited by Boris

Just Mike Clemens gossiping, but boy do I hope there's no truth to it.

A common refrain in Packer staffing searches is monetary considerations. It should be the last thing standing in the way of #14 with the support they get from the fan base. Infuriating if MLF isn't getting first choices because of budget reasons.

Money will ALWAYS be an issue for the Packers as long as they don't have a specific ownership group.  The only coffers they have to get resources from are the ones they create through football-related activities (cue the stupid sledding hill comments). This is the same with signing (would be) free agents and "up front" and/or "guaranteed money". The Packers do not have unlimited resources. So firing coaches and cutting players is a bit different in Green Bay than for any other professional sports franchise.

I can understand being frugal when it comes to eating millions of dollars firing coaches willy nilly out of emotional frustration, and I think free agency is a waste 90% of the time unless it's a perfect fit or bargain shopping for the second and third tier guys to backfill the roster, but for the love of God if we're going cheap on coaches invest in the search and find a young hungry guy that will take less for the opportunity and pour his soul into it instead of a discount retread that makes the head coach stretch his waking hours just to keep that side of the ball afloat. Spending less shouldn't necessarily mean lesser results. Just means the hiring process should be more thorough instead of just listening to the coaching agents. Spend wisely.

Hire a "leader of men" rather than a guy whose scheme you like. Don't know who I heard talking about this but one aspect that I never realized was that offensive guys like MLF may want to hire guys who run a scheme that: 1) they have to play against often 2) has given him the most problems , so they can practice vs. it.

I honestly don’t think that’s why MLF hired or retained Barry this long.  

I think MLF is insecure and doesn’t want anyone underneath him that will threaten his authority.  

He might agree with Barry’s scheme but at the end of the day the adage of past performance being the best indicator or predictor of future performance certainly doesn’t apply with Barry.  His track record is terrible.  

@titmfatied posted:

find a young hungry guy that will take less for the opportunity and pour his soul into it instead of a discount retread that makes the head coach stretch his waking hours just to keep that side of the ball afloat. Spending less shouldn't necessarily mean lesser results. Just means the hiring process should be more thorough instead of just listening to the coaching agents. Spend wisely.

First Chair thinking

@Tschmack posted:

I honestly don’t think that’s why MLF hired or retained Barry this long.  

I think MLF is insecure and doesn’t want anyone underneath him that will threaten his authority.  

He might agree with Barry’s scheme but at the end of the day the adage of past performance being the best indicator or predictor of future performance certainly doesn’t apply with Barry.  His track record is terrible.  

Sadly, I was actually thinking the same thing.  An up and coming DC or one with head coaching experience, would inherently create a hotter seat for MLF.  Hate to go there, but....

Last edited by The Crusher
@The Crusher posted:

Hate to go there, but....

Competition creates winning culture. MLF better coach his ass off in 2024 if Gutey brings in a challenging DC.

Aaron Rodgers won 2 more MVP's because Jordan Love was right behind him.....if you think it didn't matter, it does.

Last edited by Boris

Not sure if Gutey or wmm will pick the next DC. As I recall MLF has hiring/firing authority of his assistants and coordinators. Gutey or wmm may have ultimate approval, but I suspect it will be MLF's call.

@The Crusher posted:

Sadly, I was actually thinking the same thing.  An up and coming DC or one with head coaching experience, would inherently create a hotter seat for MLF.  Hate to go there, but....

MLF’s seat won’t get any hotter than if he hires a DC that doesn’t produce. He HAS to get this one right or he’ll be gone. I don’t believe MLF is concerned about hiring a DC that could end up overshadowing him. He’ll no longer have the luxury of worrying about that.

@The Crusher posted:

Sadly, I was actually thinking the same thing.  An up and coming DC or one with head coaching experience, would inherently create a hotter seat for MLF.  Hate to go there, but....

I don't see it.  I see MLF as wanting to work with someone he gels with as a person.  Obviously Barry is a friend of his, so that was important to him.  He's also a guy who doesn't want to upset the apple cart just for the sake of it.  I honestly think there is value to that, regardless of what impatient fans think.

Next D coordinator needs to be aggressive.  But also needs to be good at calling plays.  This is the issue with the team currently, nobody below Barry has experience calling a game because none of them ever have.  I think this is half the reason he hasn't canned Barry yet.  The rest of the staff lacks play calling experience.  That's on MLF tho.

Remember how we used to question/criticize MM for moving coaches like chess pieces and cross-training, like moving an RB coach (sorry, can't recall names right now) to WR coach?  He said something about believing that coaches should also know more than just their specialty. While it's never good to be switching guys all over the place all of the time, I wish the current staff had someone else able to call defenses about four games ago. Maybe then Barry would be gone. I was hoping Bisaccia could call D, but he's only done STs for his entire career. Even when he was the HC for the Raiders, he had Greg Olson calling offense and Gus Bradley calling the D.

I think at this point all a defensive coach would have to do is pick any play other than "defend the hail Mary" and it wouldn't be any worse of a selection than what we are currently experiencing.

DC's have been successful with all kinds of different schemes. It isn't the scheme that wins, it is how well you play it. Everyone who they will interview will have the sufficient knowledge base,  I want a guy who : 1) Is a leader (can command a room and get guys to buy in) 2) Can teach 3) Can motivate. How well they do those three things trumps scheme every time.

Yes, but the scheme HAS TO MAKE SENSE. Playing to prevent a TD against the Giants with a minute left when all they needed was a field goal WAS PLUMB STUPID! On Second and 5 playing the DBs more than 5 yards away IS PLUMB STUPID.

I know at least a half dozen posters here who have more common football sense than Barry does.

@Pakrz posted:

As shitty of a DC Joe Barry is, there are absolutely zero people posting on X4 that have more common football sense than him.  

Define "common football sense" because on 3rd &15, I would never have any of my defenders 20 yards off the line of scrimmage.

The fact we've seen him do this exact thing multiple times this year is a fire-able offense and certainly not "common football sense"

Barry is going to be fired without question and probably should've been much sooner.  As much as Packer fans hate the guy, he has over two decades of coaching defense at the highest level.  

I said before the man has forgotten more about football than any of us will ever know.  That's the reality.  Neither you or anybody else on this board (Myself certainly included) can even sniff the knowledge he has.  To think otherwise is laughable.  

X's and O's. Agree 100%

Communication and leader and motivational? Not a chance.

Mark my words.....the guy will not get another NFL job in his lifetime.

Let's see what happens.

@Pakrz posted:

Ooooooh...  I think I'll take that bet.  Maybe not as a DC, but as a positional coach for sure.  Probably at the position he played D1 football at (Linebacker).  

Should we go $5? Or $1.98? 🤭

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