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I Can't wait to get a buck 98 Venmo from Pakrz or send it to him

Let's use Mike Shermans timeline - 1 year to get any NFL job. Sherman was named Asst HC and then OC of the Texans after TT canned him.

1 year from the time Barry is terminated - fair??

Most people who get promoted end up getting promoted to one level too high/beyond their capabilities.  Just because he sucks as a DC doesn't mean he sucks as a positional coach.

"Peter" Barry, right?

@Boris posted:

I Can't wait to get a buck 98 Venmo from Pakrz or send it to him

Let's use Mike Shermans timeline - 1 year to get any NFL job. Sherman was named Asst HC and then OC of the Texans after TT canned him.

1 year from the time Barry is terminated - fair??

Now you want to change the rules?  

"Mark my words.....the guy will not get another NFL job in his lifetime."

The man is 53 years of age with over 20 years of coaching experience in the NFL.  He's getting another job.  

But in the spirit of the seriousness of $1.98, I will concede two years to you.  

Ok 2 years....that's fair. The longer he stays out the less chance he has of getting a job.

You win as soon as he gets a job, I can't win for 2 years. That's why I suggested the 1 year timeline...but 2 years is fine. I'm not going anywhere that I know of 😁

Last edited by Boris
@Boris posted:

Ok 2 years....that's fair. The longer he stays out the less chance he has of getting a job.

You win as soon as he gets a job, I can't win for 2 years. That's why I suggested the 1 year timeline...but 2 years is fine. I'm not going anywhere that I know of 😁

I'm earning interest on that shit too... just so we're clear bucko.  

@Boris posted:

Ok 2 years....that's fair. The longer he stays out the less chance he has of getting a job.

You win as soon as he gets a job, I can't win for 2 years. That's why I suggested the 1 year timeline...but 2 years is fine. I'm not going anywhere that I know of 😁

I mean, as long as you keep the ban power away from me you should be fine.

@Floridarob posted:

too much ol boy networking in the NFL. It is not what you know but who you know.

That's true ...there's a lot of shitty coaches in the NFL and @PackLandVA makes a great point about getting hired one level too high.

Mike Sherman Great O-Line coach.

Vic Fangio Great DC, HC? Not so much.

There are many others too.

It's a tough bottom line, results driven business

So let me get this straight.  It is $1.98 to "win" the DC position?  3 reasons why I say no thanks. 

First is the allusion to the above show (by Timmy and PackLandVA) which I thought was a waste of everyone's time - like trying to find defense in GB. 

Second, I would have to do the job in public and have people criticize how I blow my nose?  No thanks. 

Third, coaching athletes who make millions more than me?  No thanks. 

Fourth, standing out in freezing temps while trying to think?  No thanks. 

Fifth, it is just easer at my age to watch the snow globe game against Seattle from the comfort of my own living room.  That game had offense, defense, special team miscues, and snow - all the things I have come to expect from GB.  I have it on DVD. 

@Boris posted:

That's true ...there's a lot of shitty coaches in the NFL and @PackLandVA makes a great point about getting hired one level too high.

Mike Sherman Great O-Line coach.

Vic Fangio Great DC, HC? Not so much.

There are many others too.

It's a tough bottom line, results driven business

Sherman would have made a great "run offense coordinator" his run offense / blocking schemes were really good.

I found these pretty funny 😁

@YATittle posted:


This #32 cherry picked DVOA stat matches up with the eye test for this unit in about 3/4 of the games this year.

Honestly, this feels like maybe the weakest schedule and group of QBs I feel the Pack has faced in a long time.  Yet defensively in games you would think they could dominate or look good in, they played poorly.

They did play extremely well vs Brady Rypien, but geez, that guy shouldn’t even be in the league and that performance skewed defensive stats in the Pack’s favor.  

I think the D played reasonably well vs Bears, 2nd Lions game, and Chiefs game. Maybe they weren’t horrible vs Russell Wilson and the Broncos, but I don’t know that I’d legitimately consider any other performance something to be proud of considering the ineptitude of the teams we faced.  Both the Saints and Vikings lost their starting QBs mid game that helped our stats.

Joe Barry did just fine in 2021, but clearly he got figured out early in 2022 and our defense has never fully recovered.  Let’s just pray we can find a significant upgrade from Barry this offseason.  I guess the bad news is, there are very few guys in this world that can coordinate an NFL defense successfully.  Let’s just hope the next guy is not like Slowick, Donatell, Barry, etc. etc. etc.

JFC it’s Joe Berry he’s going to get “figured out” pretty goddamn quickly.  Not much left to the imagination there.

This is such a Packers thing and for all the idiot rube “we don’t need or want an owner” well then we get stuck with dipshits like Barry that probably outlasted his contract by 80%.  

@YATittle posted:

Yes, but the scheme HAS TO MAKE SENSE. Playing to prevent a TD against the Giants with a minute left when all they needed was a field goal WAS PLUMB STUPID! On Second and 5 playing the DBs more than 5 yards away IS PLUMB STUPID.

I know at least a half dozen posters here who have more common football sense than Barry does.

That’s not scheme.   That’s situational strategy.

Other than a base 4-3 or 3-4, is there really anything left as a defensive "scheme" in today's NLF? It seems like more and more teams are going to situational defenses that constantly change: dime, nickel, two-high, one-high, two down linemen, four down, etc. It used to be that if you played against X, you had to figure out their two-high safety scheme vs. playing Y with its one-high scheme vs. Z's base 3-4 blitzes backed by a zone. Now all teams seem to have all sorts of different alignments and combinations all of the time.

A DC's "scheme" seems less important today than is a DC who is smart enough to counter what the other team does best, disguises the D set on every play, employs the correct set to attack different situations, tailors things to his guys' strengths, and motivates guys to get their bodies bent out of shape every week, etc. That ain't Joe Barry. When a beat writer says, "Bryce Young knows exactly where to go on every play with no hesitation," that says that Barry is way behind the times and just counts on his guys being good enough to make a stop even if the QB knows what's coming.

Yes, when rule changes just kept favoring the passing game, defenses had to evolve to "surprise and change" techniques to counter. Scoring this season (and last) is at its lowest point since 2009., however, it is higher than EVERY season between 1966 and 2007. 

Ok. Let's give the guy some credit.

The game we saw last night.....THAT is what we were supposed to see vs. The Giants...and the Bucs...and the Falcons....and the Panthers.

A solid game called by our embattled hero vs. inferior competition.

He has a LOT to make up for starting with next week vs. a QB with excellent athleticism &  escapability. It's going to be a challenge. Let's see if our hero can keep it going.

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