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@SteveLuke posted:

Is there a single defensive player who has exceeded expectations in 2023?

I think TJ Slayton has shown quite a bit of improvement , especially given his 5th round status. He’s been a bright spot.

McDuffie has filled in admirably and is also playing better with more opportunity this year.  

Wyatt has shown a lot of improvement just by the fact that he plays this year.

VanNess has been fine for a Junior-drafted player.

The two rookie DLs and two rookie CBs have played a lot more than I would’ve thought, and have been okay/good at times/shown flashes.

So, yeah, I’d say so.

Last edited by PackLandVA

Packer fans when asked about Joe Barry

  • I want him brought right here! With a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

I don’t think there’s any doubt that Joe Barry should be fired.  But the scary thing about the whole situation is that MLF is the one doing the hiring.  

Defense is hard to play in the NFL nowadays.  That said, if you at least want to have a prayer of slowing teams down, there has to be real true coordination throughout the defense.  Our defense just does an awful job of communicating with each other and being on the same page as a unit.  Lack of discipline is evident at all levels of the unit.

At the very least we need a coach that can drill the fundamentals into these guys hard as to what their roles are and where each individual needs to be in various situations.  It’s clear as day just how poorly drilled this team is.

And man, it would be nice to have a coach that could bring out the best in players instead of the worst.  Soft coaching seems to have emphasized the worst traits in our guys instead of the best.

Yeah, look at the way Dallas' opening drive yesterday ended.  Miami defensive player makes a brilliant twisting play to keep the ball from breaking the plane, and on the next play Dallas fumbles on the half yard line.

@fightphoe93 posted:

I don’t think there’s any doubt that Joe Barry should be fired.  But the scary thing about the whole situation is that MLF is the one doing the hiring.  

Defense is hard to play in the NFL nowadays.  

And for some reason it is harder to play defense in GB than anywhere else in the NFL, at least based on DVOA.

And it has been hard to play defense in GB for a loooong time now.

Perhaps it is time to deviate from "the Packer way" of hiring good old boy insiders who've failed elsewhere and employ knock off versions of the "hot" defense of the day -- ya know the ones that are already being figured out by opposing offenses.

Who knows, we might even hire someone under 50 who displays some passion for the game.

@SteveLuke posted:

Who knows, we might even hire someone under 50 who displays some passion for the game.

I want a hard nosed DC that challenges the Packers offense in practice. I want MLF to have to go against a defense and have that DC challenge him every single day. Just like Saleh and Shanahan did back when Saleh was on the Niners.

I want the new DC to get the most out of the players and stop trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

@Boris posted:

Good information from the Panthers perspective. 

From the Packer perspective, taking Total Net Yards as a measure. 

The Packers gave over 400 yards 4 times this season.  Weeks 2, 4, 12, & 15.  Gave up 394 yards one other time (than the panthers game yesterday) in week 11.  Gave up over 300 yards 6 other times in weeks 1, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14.  Gave up 279 yards or less 3 times in weeks 3, 5, & 9. 

The point is our offense has had to overcome more higher yardage games to win.  That is not a healthy part of a team oriented winning formula. 

@Gsands posted:

Packer fans when asked about Joe Barry

  • I want him brought right here! With a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

Now, if only we had a cousin Eddie to seal the deal.

@Goalline posted:

We’ll see if he’s (Gutey) also a pussy. MLF also needs to go.

You're right....but not if it makes Jordan Love regress. I really don't want to see Love throwing a bunch of INT's with a new OC in 2024.

I think the off season in Green Bay will be very very interesting 🧐🤔

Last edited by Boris
@Boris posted:

You're right....but not if it makes Jordan Love regress. I really don't want to see Love throwing a bunch of INT's with a new OC in 2024.

I think the off season in Green Bay will be very very interesting 🧐🤔

It needs to be. MLF has no clue how to build a complete team.

@MVB7 posted:

And teach #23 how to tackle. Twice he just pushed a guy, one of them scored, and wouldn't have if he had wrapped him up.

Marlon Humphries, CB of the Ravens, does the same thing. He just runs into the ball carrier and never seems to wrap him up. Twice last night, the ball carrier got extra yards because of Humphries not wrapping up. Who teaches these guys to tackle?

@mrtundra posted:

Marlon Humphries, CB of the Ravens, does the same thing. He just runs into the ball carrier and never seems to wrap him up. Twice last night, the ball carrier got extra yards because of Humphries not wrapping up. Who teaches these guys to tackle?

Their agents?

@Timmy! posted:

I was hoping there would be reports (quoting anonymous sources, naturally) leaking news that Barry would be fired today.
Just crickets so far at 1265.

Our being allowed to "play out the string." So more of the same bullshit defense with (8) first rounders.

Bet the over!!

The end of last year the defense improved because they made changes to their style of defense.  Rumors were this was because assistant coaches were pushing for a change.  In the off-season they talked about a more aggressive style of defense.  This year MLF talks about getting more involved with the defense.  

This team has no confidence in the instincts of their DC, to the point that they must constantly cover for him.  How is anyone motivated to play for him?  In the military this is called “loss of confidence” and gets commanders fired.  Keeping him around damages the organization more than people realize.  

@mrtundra posted:

Marlon Humphries, CB of the Ravens, does the same thing. He just runs into the ball carrier and never seems to wrap him up. Twice last night, the ball carrier got extra yards because of Humphries not wrapping up. Who teaches these guys to tackle?

Nobody.   The union made practicing illegal and then these guys come into the league and have to know how to tackle a defenseless WR, how to tackle a QB, and how to make a normal tackle.   

The defense is just fucked.

Last edited by BrainDed

Yet, with all those roadblocks and difficulties some teams play pretty good D, a lot of players tackle relatively well within the rules and some D coaches are able to adjust during the game to put their guys in a better position to win.

Matt LaFleur has wasted at least two seasons that the team could’ve made the playoffs/advanced further in the playoffs by holding onto Drayton and then Barry for faaaar longer than he should have. The lengths that he is going to to blame the offense for not protecting the defense by controlling the ball more is just bizarre. What do these outwitted coordinators have on Matt LaFleur that he is compelled to keep them even after the dumbest drunk falling off the barstool can see just how inept these coaches are? Barry will not be fired at all. At best they don’t renew his contract in the off-season. Matt LaFleur has proven he can be a solid Offensive Coordinator in the NFL. He is not a head coach, and the Packers organization has to move on from this mess the moment the season ends in 12 days. It is unfortunate that the board of directors can not be fired, because allowing the inept real estate developer Mark Murphy to continue this silo structure and utter lack of accountability across every faction of this org, is malpractice at its very worst. I think Brian Gutekunst and the scouting team are the only saving grace at this point. Keep them, flush the rest.

Can't fire MLF....not's important for Loves development.

The QBs development is more important than MLF.

Gutey can step in and hire a DC that will challenge MLF. Have patience and expect a loss in at least one of the next 2 probably both.

To quote Hanz und Franz....Hear me know and believe me later....Love's poor mechanics will undermine any chance at development into a top-tier franchise QB.

I like a lot of the stuff he does, especially pre-snap, but dude needs to be able to throw a football.

I want a DC that gets the most of his players.  The idea that the sum the parts are greater than the individual pieces.  Doesn't seem like anyone plays better than expected on this defense.  Like every player either plays up to their level or below their level.  This defense doesn't bring the best out of anyone.

And a defense that is tough.  Offenses should see the Packers on their schedule and think "damn, we gonna be sore on Monday".  This year it was the opposite.  Bryce Young probably circled this game on his calendar a month ago as his coming out party.  Same with Baker and DeVito. 

Hammer into every front 7 player the importance of gap control, that nothing matters if they don't fill the right gap every single time.  Freelancing is unacceptable.  And they have to eliminate communication issues in the secondary.  If you get beat physically, fine.  But mental mistakes should NEVER happen.  Communication issues have become synonymous with a Packer defense the last 15 years. 

It has to get fixed or it won't matter if Love becomes a franchise QB. 

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