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Here's an article on my hero, Tom Clements the QB Whisperer

He really doesn't get enough credit for his incredible development of Favre, Rodgers and now Jordan Love. Super lucky to have him

"First and foremost, Clements is a stickler for fundamentals, and a key one is footwork. Building successful quarterback play starts, literally, from the ground up. Footwork drills are repeated, daily, over and over, for good reason.

"It's a timing-based game," Clements said. "The footwork, the drop and the route have to correspond. If everything's in an ideal situation, you're not getting a great rush, able to keep your feet underneath you and make the throw, great.

"But that doesn't happen a whole helluva lotta the time."

So the emphasis goes way beyond the drop-back. At any practice, the Packers' QBs are hopping back and forth over bags, sprinting left or right out of the pocket, and having to hit specific targets, either after resetting their feet, or on the run.
"We're trying to create drills that translate to the game," he said. "You do drills designed to simulate what might happen, not just drills to drill."

Last edited by Satori area Clements believes will become part of his ascension – as it did with Rodgers – is improvisational ability. Making something out of nothing.

One late-season play, even though it occurred in a loss to Tampa Bay, showed a major step forward in that realm for Love when he escaped the pocket on third-and-long and fired a dart to the end-zone sideline to rookie receiver Jayden Reed, who deftly tapped his toes in bounds for a 17-yard TD.

"It's teaching tape for us now," Love said, "about how you move when it breaks down, the receivers, the timing of everything."

And it no doubt originated from a footwork drill.

"That's the type of play that can turn a game around," Clements said.
"He showed he has the ability to be one of the top quarterbacks in the NFL.
I think the sky's the limit for him, really."

I wonder how defenses played vs Love in early 2023, vs late 2023 vs in the playoffs. In simple terms - one would guess that teams would load the box vs the 1st year starter, forcing him to beat them through the air. And having more defenders close to the LOS - allows more freedom to create exotic blitz packages.

According to this site below, Love was blitzed the most of any QB in the league last year ...on 215 out of 609 dropbacks they were sending extra rushers !

(Click on "blitz" column and it will sort )

And here's the sack rate below, GB came in 3rd lowest. So Love faced highest blitz rate, but he was getting the ball out fast despite being a 1st year starter. Look at the link below, only 1 sack in the last 3 games and 2 of those were road playoffs where they gave up ZERO sacks.

I suspect Love will see more 2- high defenses in 2024 than he did last year and that's perfect for MLFs run-based offense to thrive.

@Satori posted:

I wonder how defenses played vs Love in early 2023, vs late 2023 vs in the playoffs. In simple terms - one would guess that teams would load the box vs the 1st year starter, forcing him to beat them through the air. And having more defenders close to the LOS - allows more freedom to create exotic blitz packages.

According to this site below, Love was blitzed the most of any QB in the league last year ...on 215 out of 609 dropbacks they were sending extra rushers !

(Click on "blitz" column and it will sort )

And here's the sack rate below, GB came in 3rd lowest. So Love faced highest blitz rate, but he was getting the ball out fast despite being a 1st year starter. Look at the link below, only 1 sack in the last 3 games and 2 of those were road playoffs where they gave up ZERO sacks.

I suspect Love will see more 2- high defenses in 2024 than he did last year and that's perfect for MLFs run-based offense to thrive.

Thanks for the stats, and it doesn't surprise me.  I don't know how many times I saw teams trying to blitz Love and I would just yell at the TV: "THAT'S NOT GOING TO WORK THIS ISN'T KANSAS CITY".

I think teams saw how effective KC was in his first start and just tried to do the same thing, but obviously Love learned from that and just kept torching teams all year on blitzes.  It was delightful to watch.

@Fandame posted:

All props to Love, but gotta give some love to the OL for doing a good job as well.

Indeed, 100 %.
MLF too

I'd also like to mention that the last 3 teams the Love-led Packers faced in 2023, all fired their Defensive Coordinators after playing The Mighty Green Bay Packers.

It's true, you can look it up....bears-cowboys-9ers.

I'm sure its just a coincidence

@Fandame posted:

All props to Love, but gotta give some love to the OL for doing a good job as well. They got better as the year went on to at least give Love a tick more time.

For anyone who listened at 21m30s of the 10:00 AM Wilde and Tausch podcast today it's interesting Wilde and Tausch thought the staff's challenge to Sean Rhyan is a matter of intensity and stamina based on MLF's press conference comments about Rhyan:

MLF: "...there's a lot of room to continue to grow...One of his biggest things that he's got to make sure he's in charge of is just the conditioning component; and making sure that he stays ahead of that, when he's fresh he can be pretty good."

Fwiw this is an incomplete quote by me. Full comments at 4:25 of here:

Wilde and Tausch Ryhan discussion starts at 1:35:35

Last edited by titmfatied

That was a whisper from bouncing off a helmet and being picked off. Then we'd be questioning his decision making, throwing into a crowd. Favre probably threw dozens of those. Game of inches, indeed.

@lovepack posted:

That was a whisper from bouncing off a helmet and being picked off. Then we'd be questioning his decision making, throwing into a crowd. Favre probably threw dozens of those. Game of inches, indeed.

I was also surprised Watson didn't reach for that ball thinking it was thrown to him.
I'm guessing he had the discipline to know he wasn't the primary receiver on that play, and wasn't going to make an attempt.
Of course, it may not have looked that close to him from his angle.

@Timmy! posted:

I was also surprised Watson didn't reach for that ball thinking it was thrown to him.
I'm guessing he had the discipline to know he wasn't the primary receiver on that play, and wasn't going to make an attempt.
Of course, it may not have looked that close to him from his angle.

Check it Timmy....the ball is already behind Watson. He could've led Watson toward the corner of the EZ too on this play.


I'm assuming MLF has already talked to him about this one...."Just let Watson go get it, please!?"😆


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