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Wouldn't it be the position coaches jobs to "teach" the players technique/defenses/audibles/positioning/etc.??


I would think it's Capers job to install the defensive plan week to week and give/get feedback from his assistants.  And be the overall talent evaluator of the defensive players.

Originally Posted by PackLandVA:

The more I think about it, the less convinced I think Capers gets fired.  I think he'll be back.  McCarthy seems very loyal and I believe he thinks the Packers played well throughout the season despite the many setbacks/injuries.



He won't be fired.

Originally Posted by PackerRuss:
Originally Posted by trump:

Like neon deion said, that grab is the difference between good and great.

Hyde is a nice player to have on the team but we need something better than that at the Safeties.

Amazing that a  5 game starter/rookie doesn't make a GREAT/game winning play in the playoffs!  Why are people not pissed at Lacy for not scoring a TD everytime he touched that ball, and make great runs all game long?  Unbelievable!

funny you should say that ... on the last offensive series, if MM gives the ball to Eddie 4 downs with DT's in as blockers, do YOU think he scores?

Last edited by trump
Originally Posted by DH13:

I certainly have my doubts about AR winning another just based on how this team has looked the last 3 years.  There is also a stat out there about the odds of winning a SB taking a dive after a QB turns 30.




Originally Posted by DH13:

I certainly have my doubts about AR winning another just based on how this team has looked the last 3 years.  There is also a stat out there about the odds of winning a SB taking a dive after a QB turns 30   takes up an insane portion of a team's salary cap.

Look at the three levels of defense in GB.  The dline suffered from Raji being invisible, Jolly getting hurt and Pickett aging.  Matthews and Perry were hurt so Neal and Mulumba got a lot of PT.  Hayward was gonzo... Burnett was the only safety on the roster.  


Are we sure Capers sucks?

Originally Posted by trump:
Originally Posted by DH13:

I certainly have my doubts about AR winning another just based on how this team has looked the last 3 years.  There is also a stat out there about the odds of winning a SB taking a dive after a QB turns 30.




maybe this link


But if you take Brady and Big Ben off of that list it changes a few things.


And if Aaron follows Eli's path, he'll be winning a super bowl in 2014

The giants didn't even go to the playoffs the year before that, in fact they were 7-9 in 2010.  How many Giants fans thought that they would be winning the super bowl in 2011?  knocking off the 15-1 packers at Lambeau?   I'm guessing that most of the Giant's fans were thinking that Eli was too old, the team sucked, losing record, time for a new head coach, gm, coordinators,  etc... 


Personally, I don't think the Packers are very far away from another Super Bowl.  It takes a little luck (health).  We're like 2 or 3 players away, maybe less with some consistent health.  I think we really need another safety and I do think free agency is the way to get that person because we need some impact from that position now.   Maybe some more speed at inside linebacker   But every game this year I saw a flash of awesomeness from every position and from most of our players and that gives me hope.  


I think that talent is everything and even an average coach can win a super bowl with exceptional players.  We took a big hit losing Jenkins, Collins, and woodson.  You take 3 stars off of the niners defense and even they will look start to look average.   I know we have been less than average on the D side of the line but all of the extended injuries have taken a toll as well.


Anyways it's just my opinion and I'll admit that I'm a pretty optimistic Packer fan but all this team needs is a LITTLE luck and it will be in the super bowl and will probably win it.   There is a reason that Aaron and other teammates thought that this was a special year, hell I think Wilde said that BJ Raji of all people was crying after the loss, he too thought this team was special and had a good chance of winning it all.  And these dudes know what kind of coaches and players it takes to win a super bowl. 


I'm not sure who will be around next season but I'm sure it will be better than this year as long as we have a little luck and some god d#$m health, we're so due for that the latter.  


I just re-watched the game and we had that super awesome niner defense gassed in the 4th quarter, maybe even in the third.  And when Tramon intercepts that ball and turns up field and nails Kaperdick, man all I can think is wait until next year fu@#ers ..      Been drinking some knob creek tonight and hitting the vaporizer   Regardless I would still be optimistic, the Packers are special and we're so lucky to have the management, the coaching and the Rodgers.  Damn we have been among the best over the last 5 years and if you go back 20 years we've been pretty good too. 


Oh yeah, forgot to comment on the thread   I don't think that it's Capers fault, he's playing with an injured and very young deck.



Last edited by BartManDude


Are we sure Capers sucks?

Neal was starting from the beginning, he was miscast, and maybe too much of a tweener.  Perry is broken.  Matthews is limited when double teamed every down.  I am sure.

Matthews is limited when all he does is rush the passer. The best teams mix up the rushers so you don't know who's coming and from where. We had some success with Hawk blitzing up the middle (he's better off doing that than in coverage) and didn't go to it often enough.

Capers doing a poor job with the available talent and TT's failure to draft well defensively aren't mutually exclusive. Dom doesn't appear to be going anywhere and it's up to TT to step up and get some defensive difference-makers by whatever means necessary. 

Originally Posted by PackLandVA:

Wouldn't it be the position coaches jobs to "teach" the players technique/defenses/audibles/positioning/etc.??


I would think it's Capers job to install the defensive plan week to week and give/get feedback from his assistants.  And be the overall talent evaluator of the defensive players.

Yes, but isn't managing the position coaches also his job?  Ultimately he is responsible for the defense's performance.  My point is that the same mistakes keep happening, and have been recurring for 3 seasons now.  No matter the talent level, that is indicative of a coaching problem.

I tend to agree that perhaps a new perspective would light a fire under these players, but let's compare what Dan Comper had on Sunday to what he had at the end of 2010, when everyone, and I mean everyone thought he was a geenyous.




2010 - Younger/En Fuego Tramon, Collins, Peprah and Woodson with Shields as the nickel

2013 - Older Tramon, Burnett, Richardson/Jennings/Flotsam and Shields with Hyde as the nickel.


Which do you like better?




2010 - Younger/En Fuego/Healthy Matthews, Hawk, In-his-short-prime Bishop, Zombo

2013 - Andy Mulumba, Hawk, Jones and a beat-up Perry/Neal platoon - CMIII was basically a washout with the injuries.


Which do you like better?




2010 - Jenkins, motivated Raji and a younger Pickett

2013 - Fat lazy turditis-having Raji, much older Pickett and an older Jolly


Which do you like better?


As I said, perhaps it is in fact time for some fresh ideas from the coaching booth, but if folks can't look at that and see what it is that made Dan Comper so dum over the past couple of years then I really don't know what to say.

He has shown fierce loyalty/stubbornness with certain people.  If he does believe in DC then he obviously stays.


I'll beat the drum again.  I really think we'll see TT be more active in FA this year.  He's had 3 years now with an almost exclusively D&D defense and the shortcomings (aside from injuries) are flapping in the wind. 

Last edited by DH13

"How many players on the Packers defense Sunday night would start on the 49ers defense?"

Maybe they wouldn't look as physically inferior if they actually knew their assignments?

Constant disorganization on defense from busted coverages to 12 men on the field falls on the coaches.   Without all those mental errors, this D would't look as bad.  Not saying they are top 5, but letting WR's run free multiple times a game tends to have a negative impact on your stats.  


One would assume that after training camp and 17 weeks of a season, the players could be taught their assignments. 

Last edited by BrainDed

"How many players on the Packers defense Sunday night would start on the 49ers defense?"


Asked & answered already. I listed 5 players & possibly 7.


The biggest difference is Bowman/Willis vs. Hawk/???? (take your pick). Switch those 2 positions & the Packer defense suddenly is top 3 - top 5. The Niners front 7 masks their deficiencies in the Defensive backfield. 


Rodgers had them beat. James Jones (with busted ribs) needed to catch the ball. It's really that simple.


That's how slim the difference between winning & losing is now.


I'm very disappointed in the Packer offense. 

Letting Kaepernick run wild when the game was on the line was inexcusable. 

Inexcusable in that it was the second time in three games that he beat us with his legs.


I don't think that loss is all on the offense.

Read on the internet....I happen to agree with it


MM called out the defense during the week and Dom and the players stepped up.


Won the Turnover ratio.

Won the time of possession.

Defense held SF to 23.


I would have bet the mortgage on GB if I knew those things ahead of time.


I expected the Packers to score at least 24. Minimum

With Rodgers and Cobb playing only their second game in 7 or 8 weeks, that offensive output is certainly understandable.  Not saying acceptable but it is understandable.


Dom needs to adapt to the talent that is made available to him or move on. 


Simple as that.

“I’m not looking to make big changes. I think Dom Capers is an outstanding football coach and I’m glad he’s on our staff,” McCarthy said on Wednesday during his season-ending press conference.

ESPN website is doing a countdown of the top 10 Packer plays of the season.  Today's is the game at Cincy, where we went for it on fourth down, Franklin fumbled, and Cincy scored.


MM is quoted as saying after the game he should have gone for the FG on 4th down----but we know why he didn't.  He didn't trust his defense to hold Cincy from scoing a TD if we kicked the FG and went up by 6...and that inability to trust the defense ended up costing us.


Granted, CMIII didn't play the second half when Cincy began his comeback....but everybody else was available.  Not saying we have to have an overwhelming defense, but if by the third game of the season you don't have the confidence that your defense can stop the other team from scoring a go-ahead TD with 4 minutes left, you have a major problem on defense which you need to correct.


MM's words today don't give me much confidence that will be fixed...unless it turns out to be the equivalent of the dreaded "vote of confidence."

Last edited by slowmo
Originally Posted by phaedrus:

Nice post JJSD, but just curious.


What do you mean by writing "En Fuego?"

Playing out of their minds at the time.  Tramon at that point was as good as any CB in the game and a constant threat to pick the ball off and turn it immediately into points.  See the ATL game.  CMIII simply had to be blocked with two guys on every play, and he was still creating havoc.  

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

Didn't Eric Waldon win DPOW during the 2010 playoffs as well?

I thought he won it after the last regular season game against the Bears when he sacked VaJayJay three times.  IIRC.

Here's the problem with the 2010 vs. 2013 comparisons...the defense has been lousy for three years. It's not just look who we had at our peak and compare with who we've had at our lowest moment. For three years the defense hasn't been reliable! That fourth quarter comeback stat about Rodgers that drives everyone crazy -- that's really an indictment of the defense for not holding leads.

Obviously some of that is personnel, but does Capers have a free pass until TT finds a way to give him elite personnel throughout the defense? That takes time...took the 49ers many years with a lot of high draft picks to put together that talent. They fired many coaches along the way.


As to the next "Super Bowl" questions, let's call a spade a spade...because of free agency, injuries, parity etc. the NFL playoffs are now the NCAA tourney. Just get in and after that it's a total crapshoot. Look at the scores this weekend...45-44, 26-24 game winning FG, 23-20 game winning FG. The only "blowout" was when an undefeated team at home lost b/c they committed four turnovers.


The Packers have been an elite team for 5 years now. They had some disappointing playoff losses, but they did manage to get that one, which is huge. With Rodgers, they'll have more chances -- but they'll need to execute a lot better than they did on Sunday.

I raised this point during the game, but too much was going on to ever get any real discussion about it.  Repeatedly, especially in the first half, you could tell that CK was locking-in on just one rececomfy perch?iver, and that almost always was Crabtree.  It seems to me that, if I could see that from my TV set, SOMEBODY up in the Packers' booth should have been able to spot it, too.  CK never came off his primary receiver in the entire first half.  That SHOULD have led to 2-3 interceptions and possible pick-6s.  Shouldn't Capers see that kind of stuff if he's going to be sitting up in his

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