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Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:
 Maybe, just maybe, these guys could do better with different leadership. 


Or Ted doesn't know how to draft defensive players. 


One or the other. 

Perhaps both. Or neither. Or maybe a little of this and a little of that.

I do wonder about the ongoing communication issues, that seems strange


As for Boris' comments that "Woodson had issues with Dom "- I think that's a non-starter. Woodson was allegedly a malcontent in Oakland which is why he was available cheep. He got into a well-publicized battle with MM upon his arrival and then Capers helped make him into DPOY; either he got over his issues or he realized that winning a Title is actually pretty cool


Leroy had issues with Fritz Shurmur, Cullen Jenkins griped about Capers scheme, Kampman was pissed GB went to a 3-4.


Players play, Coaches coach and Canners can

Last edited by Satori

CB Tramon Williams: Youth is good, but old guys make this league go, too
Read more from Journal Sentinel: 

"You're challenged with young guys," Williams said, a day after the Packers were knocked out of the playoffs. "Talented, young guys get played, but the game is still fast for them because they don't understand what teams are trying to do, they don't understand the scheme fully, they don't understand what the scheme can do for them, if they understand it.


"That's what you're faced with. Plus, the preparation. A lot of guys thought they knew how to prepare when they were in college, but then you get to the league and you find out there's another level to preparation.  That's what you're faced with, with young guys. Even though we say it's a young league, yeah, it's a young league.


"It's an old league, too, because old guys make the league go."



Williams must be one of those brainwashed guys Greg Jennings was talking about.


What I also wanted to look at were some of this season's 4Q drives:


SF, game 1: they hold the ball from 4:52 to 30 sec. left (we lose, 28-34)

Chi, game 1: they hold the ball from 9:48 to 53 sec. left (we lose, 20-27)

Phi: 9:32 to end of game (we lose, 13-27)

Vikings OT: 10:20 to 3:54 left, FG to tie, 26-26

Lions TOP: 40:26 (yes, our O was terrible, but you'd hope for some D stops; we lose 10-40)

Falcons: 11:55 to 6:47, then 4:38 to 2:00 (we win, 22-21)

Chi, game 2: 11:30-6:32, then we went on the drive of the year to win (33-28)

And then SF yesterday, 4Q: 5:06 to end of game


Eight games, eight times the other team holds the ball for solid chunks of time when the game was on the line (Det excepted).

I have to ask: How did our players on D go from being so bad that we could hang with those teams through three quarters, but were too slow and not athletic enough to stay with them in the fourth quarter? I'm not sure I buy that. Good coaches find a way to get a stop when it's most needed.

To be fair, I do think some of the coaches need to be held accountable. Mike Trgovac, Kevin Greene, and Joe Whitt have all actually done a good job developing players IMO. You can point to at least 1 productive player they have developed during their time in GB. Can you say that about Winston Moss and Darren Perry? Collins was already an established veteran when Perry took over, but since then he's been given a 3rd round pick, a 4th round pick, and a couple UDFA's and none of them showed any kind improvement. Could be they are just busts, but there's been no sign that Perry has gotten anything out of them. Moss inherited Nick Barnett and did have AJ Hawk playing well in the 4-3, but his LB group has been a mess overall during his tenure in GB. 

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:
Originally Posted by Satori:
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

Based on what Dom has done

Did you miss the Ring Ceremony while you were canning your rutabagas ?



Geez, those guys have seen some better days. 

Was this the undercard?


Originally Posted by Timmy!:
Originally Posted by DH13:

As another poster pointed out, that CLE roster taint bare.  Please name other names/teams though.  Might add some weight to the argument.

I don't know each individual teams' roster, so I'm going to shoot from the lip here.

Also, I'm basing my judgement on total yards/game average so there is a consistent standard.









I'm not saying these teams are talentless, nor did they suffer the same amount of injuries, but can anybody argue that some of the teams above are more  talented that the Packers?

Absolutely, if I am to use the same standard of judgement (though I would rather look at pts/gm).  Certainly the Bucs and Lions have more talent on that side of the ball.  Pretty sure Bills, Jets and Dolphins do too. That's not counting injured players.   I don't know how games missed to injury doesn't factor in.  How talented is any team if that talent is street clothes? 

Originally Posted by Fandame:

What I also wanted to look at were some of this season's 4Q drives:


SF, game 1: they hold the ball from 4:52 to 30 sec. left (we lose, 28-34)

Chi, game 1: they hold the ball from 9:48 to 53 sec. left (we lose, 20-27)

Phi: 9:32 to end of game (we lose, 13-27)

Vikings OT: 10:20 to 3:54 left, FG to tie, 26-26

Lions TOP: 40:26 (yes, our O was terrible, but you'd hope for some D stops; we lose 10-40)

Falcons: 11:55 to 6:47, then 4:38 to 2:00 (we win, 22-21)

Chi, game 2: 11:30-6:32, then we went on the drive of the year to win (33-28)

And then SF yesterday, 4Q: 5:06 to end of game


Eight games, eight times the other team holds the ball for solid chunks of time when the game was on the line (Det excepted).

I have to ask: How did our players on D go from being so bad that we could hang with those teams through three quarters, but were too slow and not athletic enough to stay with them in the fourth quarter? I'm not sure I buy that. Good coaches find a way to get a stop when it's most needed.

This is a great post.

Before we go overboard complimenting Dom on how well his defense played yesterday, let's keep in mind the Packers took the lead twice, both times with gutty drives. In both instances the 49ers immediately marched down the field with minimal resistance to retake the lead. Then you had them walk right down the field the final 5:30 for the winning FG. It was a good performance compared to the hot mess they laid the last three playoff losses, but it wasn't that great of a performance.


Secondly, as many have pointed out, this is not about one game or one play. It's based on the body of work over the last three seasons. And while most everyone will agree the talent has not been optimal, time and time again this team has looked lost. Look what CK alone has done to us in three games over the past two years...then look what he has done against every other team in that same time period. I bet if you handpick his three top non-GB performances they are no where near what he's done against GB. It's beyond time to make a change -- guys like Donnatell and Sanders were fired for less.

Last edited by Rockin' Robin

Lets just sum this up..


1 - It's either bad coaching or bad players.
2 - It makes more sense to try and replace a DC before replacing a GM.  Once we do that, the question will be CLOSER to being answered.


Mike Neal: 


“I think (Capers) is a great coach,” Neal said. “Honestly. I read a little bit about what these people say about Dom, and people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. If you’ve never put the pads on, if you’ve never laced the cleats up, if you’ve never coached, if you’ve never sat in the room and understood the playbook, I don’t want to hear anything you’ve got to say about it. From that standpoint, I think Dom’s a great coach.”

Originally Posted by trump:

Like neon deion said, that grab is the difference between good and great.

Hyde is a nice player to have on the team but we need something better than that at the Safeties.

Amazing that a  5 game starter/rookie doesn't make a GREAT/game winning play in the playoffs!  Why are people not pissed at Lacy for not scoring a TD everytime he touched that ball, and make great runs all game long?  Unbelievable!

Yeah, I'm not down on Hyde either.   Made a nice play to get his hand on the ball there.  

Why are we not pissed at Jones for having 2 bounce off his facemask?   If the VET makes those plays, we probably win. 

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

what are they supposed to do?  Walk out there on the field like pop warner?

I'm still unclear what you think coaching is intended to do?


Need that body slam post.
Originally Posted by Sep:

Mike Neal: 


“I think (Capers) is a great coach,” Neal said. “Honestly. I read a little bit about what these people say about Dom, and people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. If you’ve never put the pads on, if you’ve never laced the cleats up, if you’ve never coached, if you’ve never sat in the room and understood the playbook, I don’t want to hear anything you’ve got to say about it. From that standpoint, I think Dom’s a great coach.”

Mike Neal......Just shut up

Capers maybe a great coach but how good is he at developing and using young players. The Packers will never have the luxury of having a team full of veteran. Before Rodgers sign his big contract the Packers could pay for vets, during the super bowl years the Packers could afford a Woodson. The Packers need a good coach that develop systems that work with young players. By the way New Orleans is now in cap hell, SF, and  Seattle are in cap heck and, have huge new contracts for their QB coming after next year, the panthers are in the same fix.

By the way SF QB makes 1.6 million a year

Wilson cap number is .8 million.

Both these teams have to big figuring they will have to fork out 20 million per year  in the next couple of years for their QB's.


Last edited by turnip blood
Originally Posted by tundra_power:
Originally Posted by Sep:

Mike Neal: 


“I think (Capers) is a great coach,” Neal said. “Honestly. I read a little bit about what these people say about Dom, and people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. If you’ve never put the pads on, if you’ve never laced the cleats up, if you’ve never coached, if you’ve never sat in the room and understood the playbook, I don’t want to hear anything you’ve got to say about it. From that standpoint, I think Dom’s a great coach.”

Mike Neal......Just shut up

neal is right

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

I hope "players liking their coach" isn't the primary source of evaluation

If I am McCarthy and Thompson, comments like Neal's and Williams' could be a pawsitive or negative.  Negative in the sense that sometimes people get complacent and supportive of superiors when they aren't being pushed to their limits.


Last edited by Orlando Wolf

Good coaches find a way to get a stop when it's most needed.


Vernon Davis' touchdown:  Morgan Burnett should intercept or knock down.


Game-winning drive:  Micah Hyde has to make that interception.


Coaches coach, players make or miss plays.  Our guys missed these.

Of course Mike Neal likes Dom Capers. He's parlayed three mostly  injury plagued and ineffective years into a starting position. What's not to like?


I bet MD Williams and Brad Jones love him too.


I'm amazed by the hand wringing over this decision. It's really not that tough. For the past three years the defense has been part of the problem (that's overly generous - they have been the problem) and not part of the solution.


We can blame TT and we can blame injuries all we want, but a change is long overdue.

Points given up in losses this year.









It's not fair to ask the team to score 30 every week.  Something needs to change.  For those blaming the players, either have the stones to say you want TT gone or get on board with the next alternative, replacing the DC.

"Capers is 0-4 the last 18 months against the same team."


Same thing happened with the Packers-Cowgirls in the 90s

Eventually their talent declined and the Packers talent improved


And when the Cowgirls were winning Super Bowls they had Norv Turner, Dave Wannstedt and Butch Davis as coordinators.


Think about that for a moment


Meanwhile, I'll count up how many times those 3 amigos have been fired for epic suckitude. 


Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

I wonder, if there is some bizzaro world, where the guys Ted drafted perform better?




Two words. Breno. Giacomini.





Allen flippin' Barbre.  I smell a trend of ****ty coaching.

Originally Posted by BrainDed:

Why are we not pissed at Jones for having 2 bounce off his facemask?   If the VET makes those plays, we probably win. 


I'm pissed. These are the plays I'm referring to. Jones has to catch those passes, The INT should've happened & would've happened (IMO) if Shields was in there.

We judge qbs by their 4th quarter comebacks, should we not do the same for 4th quarter stops by the D.  How many long, time eating drives were given up this year by the D.  Drives that did not allow the best QB on the league time to mount a comeback.

Originally Posted by Satori:

"Capers is 0-4 the last 18 months against the same team."


Same thing happened with the Packers-Cowgirls in the 90s

Eventually their talent declined and the Packers talent improved


And when the Cowgirls were winning Super Bowls they had Norv Turner, Dave Wannstedt and Butch Davis as coordinators.


Think about that for a moment


Meanwhile, I'll count up how many times those 3 amigos have been fired for epic suckitude. 


But the 49'ers aren't winning Super Bowls. Not yet anyway. If the Packers defense can reverse the trend of giving up scores a nano-second after the offense scored wins would be added right there. It happened almost every game. And, like yesterday, it would often happen after they played pretty decently for a few series. They rarely made the other team climb out of a hole.

"Capers is 0-4 the last 18 months against the same team."
Cutler is 1 - 9 versus the Packers and the Bears just gave him $54mm guaranteed. Not saying GB should emulate Emery and crew, just saying 0-4 does not have a simple answer and Cutler is not the sole reason for the 1-9 record - but he's the #1 reason. 
Originally Posted by Satori:

"Capers is 0-4 the last 18 months against the same team."


Same thing happened with the Packers-Cowgirls in the 90s

Eventually their talent declined and the Packers talent improved


And when the Cowgirls were winning Super Bowls they had Norv Turner, Dave Wannstedt and Butch Davis as coordinators.


Think about that for a moment


Meanwhile, I'll count up how many times those 3 amigos have been fired for epic suckitude. 


The one difference between Dallas dominance and SF dominance was that all of those games Holmgren lost were down in Texas.  Holmgren didn't have them at Lambeau and when he did they won.




Last edited by Orlando Wolf
Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

 How many long, time eating drives were given up this year by the D ?

The Chicago and Philly ones were especially painful to watch;  I think 8 or 9 minutes each of a slow painful death at the end of the game

Originally Posted by Hungry5:
"Capers is 0-4 the last 18 months against the same team."
Cutler is 1 - 9 versus the Packers and the Bears just gave him $54mm guaranteed. Not saying GB should emulate Emery and crew, just saying 0-4 does not have a simple answer and Cutler is not the sole reason for the 1-9 record - but he's the #1 reason. 

The players on the field have changed over the course of those 4 games but the one common denominator has been the coaching.  The first meeting Dom had, one could argue, a pretty solid Charles Woodson in his arsenal but still lost.  The rest of the players on the field were similar from game 1 to game 4.  Believe D.J. Smith was playing linebacker but could be wrong.

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