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Could J.C. Tretter be the man at center?


I'm curious to see how everybody would like the offensive line to shape up for 2014.


Here's my thinking. Assuming Derrek Sherrod is healthy this season, and finally plays up to expectations (two big ifs), what's the likelihood that he's moved to left guard, his position in college? That would allow Josh Sitton to move back to right guard. Bryan Bulaga would ideally be at left tackle, and David Bakhtiari, after what I felt was a solid rookie season, would hold down right tackle.


That would leave the center position open. Do we give J.C. Tretter his shot? I know after the draft, there was talk they he might be converted, and according to at least one recent JS article, he was showing some promise there. 


Or, do we spend a pick on a sure thing, and continue to develop Tretter as a guard? 

Last edited by lambeausouth
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Center really depends on the contract situation of EDS, but the only move I see is Bulaga back to RT in place of Barclay. Not quite sure why you'd want to make all those moves given the pretty good performace of last season.

Here's my thinking. Assuming Derrek Sherrod is healthy this season, and finally plays up to expectations (two big ifs), what's the likelihood that he's moved to left guard, his position in college? That would allow Josh Sitton to move back to right guard. Bryan Bulaga would ideally be at left tackle, and David Bakhtiari, after what I felt was a solid rookie season, would hold down right tackle.

If I'm reading you correctly, you've got a line of Bulaga-Sherrod-Tretter-Sitton-Bakhtiari.  Where's TJ Lang?

Looking ahead for a lot of camp battles along the offensive  line.

It has been written several times the Packers are big on Tretter at center. I would think they will resign EDS I do not think he will command big money in free Agency.

Take the Packers current 5 starters, add Bulaga, Treeter and Sherrod loose Newhouse perhaps EDS means the Packers will have some good camp battles for starting slots on the line. One more thing No injuries please.

Last edited by turnip blood

With an offseason in the weight room hopefully Bak can put on 10-15 pounds and improve against bull rushes which seemed to be his biggest weakness.  The kid is a natural LT, don't move him.  Let Bulaga and Sherrod fight it out for RT, loser becomes swing tackle.  Love Barclay's grit but he's too limited physically for full time duty.  Let Newhouse walk.  If Bulaga comes back 100% then that upgrades both pass pro and the run game.  Who knows what Sherrod can do.


Rodgers will want EDS back which is really the only compelling reason to consider it.  MM probably too but there are too many holes in his game.  I let him go get paid and transition to Tretter.  If he has any road-grader in him this running game could really take off with him and Bulaga as starters.


So I see Bak-Sitton-Tretter-Lang-Bulaga with Sherrod waiting in the wings at either tackle and Barclay as the other OL backup.  

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by michiganjoe:

Center really depends on the contract situation of EDS, but the only move I see is Bulaga back to RT in place of Barclay. Not quite sure why you'd want to make all those moves given the pretty good performace of last season.


That is a average line and EDS will be passed by Tretter sooner rather than later.  Pass protection still is ridiculously average and Lacy should win ROY simply due to all the tackles he broke on his own.


Cuqui's take is what I see as well.

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by cuqui:

Love Barclay's grit but he's too limited physically for full time duty.  Let Newhouse walk.  If Bulaga comes back 100% then that upgrades both pass pro and the run game.  Who knows what Sherrod can do. 


I watched Barclay get pancaked by Ahmad Brooks. He's nice depth. Real nice depth but not a full-time starter. A line of....


Bak / Sitton / (EDS or Tretter?) / TJ Lang / Bulaga 


Sounds about right. 


Assuming he can play....Having Sherrod as a backup/rotational guy that can probably play RT/LTor LG is a nice luxury. Sorry Newhouse. You're a nice guy but we need that roster spot.


Campen should get some love as the O-Line started playing well down the stretch

Originally Posted by lambeausouth:
Assuming Derrek Sherrod is healthy this season...what's the likelihood that he's moved to left guard, his position in college?


Pretty certain Sherrod was a Left Tackle during his college career.

I keep reading assumptions about Tretter starting at C next season.  AFAIK, he played two years at TE in college before moving to T... never played C at any level and then got hurt early in the off season training program in GB.  


Not that he CAN'T start there, but I'm a bit miffed why there's so much confidence with this move in some people.  What's laughable is that some of the people touting Tretter as the starter at C are the same one's constantly bitching about how bad Campen sucks at coaching and developing talent.  I'm talking to you Hank.



Originally Posted by PackLandVA:
Originally Posted by turnip blood:

One more thing No injuries please.


Yeah, right.   And tomorrow won't be Monday.  This is the Packers we're talking about.

Oh yea you are right, let make it no injuries pretty please with a cherry on top and a plum pudding on the side. And I will through in a big wet kiss from Brak and a Richard Simmons tape on how to stretch. That should do it. Now I fix that I fix the injury problem through large bills at me no change please.

Last edited by turnip blood

I'm with Pakrz with all this Tretter love.  It's a lot closer to hope based on nothing.  Not sure I'd feel comfortable going into training camp trusting the starting center job to a guy who is not only coming off an injury, but also has never proven he can do anything against professional competition. 

Not sure it's love for Tretter as much as it is dislike of EDS. Some were calling for him to be replaced before the season even began. AR and the organization don't have that view and I expect the contract to be worked out.

Originally Posted by PackLandVA:
Originally Posted by lambeausouth:
Assuming Derrek Sherrod is healthy this season...what's the likelihood that he's moved to left guard, his position in college?


Pretty certain Sherrod was a Left Tackle during his college career.

I was thinking the same thing.  I think he played some LG in his first training camp and was terrible.  99% certain Sherrod is a tackle, so he'll have to duke it out with Bulaga, Bakhtiari and Barclay.  

I can't speak for anyone else but I know I wanted Velasco signed for depth and competition.  They were very fortunate they didn't lose EDS for any length of time.


EDS is average.  Not great and not awful.  Not sure what's reasonable to pay him or the interest he'll get from other teams.   If he's not back you're real close to a 2013 safety situation.  Tretter/GVR/Lang/draft pick doesn't exactly point to a strength.  We've all seen the team with a bad center in 2012 and it was ugly.        

Originally Posted by Boris:

Campen should get some love as the O-Line started playing well down the stretch



Campen is horse****.  The line playing average down the line is continuity and Lacy playing like a beast.

Originally Posted by Pakrz:

I keep reading assumptions about Tretter starting at C next season.  AFAIK, he played two years at TE in college before moving to T... never played C at any level and then got hurt early in the off season training program in GB.  


Not that he CAN'T start there, but I'm a bit miffed why there's so much confidence with this move in some people.  What's laughable is that some of the people touting Tretter as the starter at C are the same one's constantly bitching about how bad Campen sucks at coaching and developing talent.  I'm talking to you Hank.





BTW, **** your miffed.  Go cram it with walnuts.  


Now that's out of the way.  EDS is average and it took him 4 years to become average.  You keep hanging onto all the wishin' and hopin', he's ****ing average.  Look at the dip**** scrubs that have left the Packers that were prime candidates for development and actually developed in a another system but not with Ol' Bag of Donut Holes.  


Of course expectations for Tretter are just that, expectations.  All the guy has done is play every position at high level with a great big ****ing brain.  Yeah, I'm going to hang my hat on that instead of the recipient of a participation ribbon 4 years running. 

I comprehend well.  Campen and EDS suck because you say so.  Tretter is smart and therefore is the answer to our prayers that has already overcome his coaching... both days of it.  





Yeah, past performance for both Cogmeister and Big Ern means nothing.  You keep hanging your hat on average.


The oline as a whole has been "acceptable" and we get happy about that?  Rodgers makes that line better, Lacy makes that line better, Kuhn makes that line better.  


edit:  BTW, Tretter already being called a monster at devouring the playbook.  Better size, length and athleticism.  Yeah, let's piss all over that.  We don't want better, we want Big Ern average.   



Last edited by Henry

When the alternative is a mid-round draft pick that has never played the position in his life while coming off a season ending injury on his first day of practice in the NFL??  Yea, I'll take average any day of the week... but by all means, keep huffing and puffing.  

I'm no fan of Campen, but at least the O-Line was adequate at the end of the year.


I never said he is a great coach just that he deserves some love for finally getting the guys on the right track.


The only coach on the staff getting a sniff from anyone else in the league is McAdoo. So we know what we got, not much.

Here's my point (for the umpteenth time).  Campen is a cog, he's a guy.  MM and TT put resources in the running game and MM personally addressed the blocking scheme this year. 


HE'S A COG, A GUY!  And that's what you get, average at best.  Remember all the scrambling, sacks, pressures in years past as well?  You just cannot watch this Packers oline and say they match up to top tier olines in the league.  They are average. 


A little deductive reasoning with past performance of the line, who has succeeded and who hasn't and it's not that big of a mystery.  Critical thinking, GET INTO IT!

Last edited by Henry

I think I've made that perfectly clear, he needs to overcome his coaching, which is why I like his big ol' brain.  I hope Philbin decides Cogtog some kind of genius and hires him as OC.  



Last edited by Henry

To be fair to Henry he's killed Campen forever and doesn't have the power to fire the guy.  I'd toss Campen to the curb too if I thought there was a better option.  MM is loyal to his staff and I don't think that's ever going to change as long as he's here. 


Henry's welcome to think Tretter will be better.  Not sure why he has so much confidence in him now, though.  He's a big question mark, imo.  Could be anything from an all-pro to a disaster.  Without a training camp there's really no way to tell what's there.   

Originally Posted by titmfatied:

To be fair to Henry he's killed Campen forever and doesn't have the power to fire the guy.  I'd toss Campen to the curb too if I thought there was a better option.  MM is loyal to his staff and I don't think that's ever going to change as long as he's here. 


Henry's welcome to think Tretter will be better.  Not sure why he has so much confidence in him now, though.  He's a big question mark, imo.  Could be anything from an all-pro to a disaster.  Without a training camp there's really no way to tell what's there.   


It isn't even confidence in Tretter as much as that fact that EDS defaulted into the position.  We aren't talking sky high expectations considering the current state of things.  It isn't even so much about Tretter but the whole state of the average oline.  Tretter just happens to be the guy that's in line to hopefully elevate things.


TT changed up his whole strategy to drafting olinemen because development projects have been less than successful with this team.


Bottom line, I can't believe this team would have a hard time finding a oline coach that would be superior to Campen.  When you have a offense with Rodgers and now Lacy it would be mind boggling to what this team could do and that alone would keep that woeful defense off the field. 

Last edited by Henry

How many negative runs did Eddie bull his way back to the line on?  I don't have the numbers but it seemed like he damn near always found a way to turn a -2 into a +2.  O line to me seemed like it's been for a while now- inconsistent.  They had really good moments and really bad ones.  I think it's fair to say Lacy made them a lot better than they seemed to be.  I wouldn't say they're bad but they weren't great either. 



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