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Originally posted by antiworst:
The day I started losing respect for him:

Yes, this! I still remember starting the thread here on x4 along the lines of: "Pathetic giving strahan the record!". Of course many said it was OK because Mark Gastineau was a bad guy and he was just helping out a buddy. Nevermind how hard the OL had worked all day to avoid giving up that sack. Nevermind Ahman was only a few yards short of setting a single season record for yards from scrimmage as a Packer. Nevermind the game was over and all they had to do was run the ball. Ignore all of that, it was about Brett being the center of attention.

I love how he said "well brad called me last night it was the first time we talked in 3 weeks". Maybe it's true that he was jealous of all the Mike Vick talk.

I am so sick and tired of this clown.
I was browsing a Jets board to see how they felt about this. There was a Packer fan posting. It's nice to see the-icon is a poster on other boards as well.

Are you really just figuring that out now? Well, the not wanting to play for the Jets part. the "playing of the Jets" was actually Thompson & the Packers, not Favre. He told them he didn't want to go there, but they ignored him. Favre even gave an interview in Orlando in February in which he point-blank said that. Google it. "Playing for the Jets was not even on my radar." The Packers never consulted him on the trade, and he admits he briefly considered re-retiring after he learned from Sports Center (!) that he was a Jet.

He wanted to be in a warm-weather city (or dome) that played the west coast offense, he said that all along, it was nothing against the Jets per se. He wanted to be a Buc. He thought he WAS a Buc. It looked like the Packers & Favre had found a mutually tolerable solution. Favre WOULD be a Buc. But the Packer FO had other things in mind, and played both the Jets and Brett Favre, to dispose of this headache once and for all, so they thought, in the AFC. Oops. They shot themselves in the foot, if they'd just let him go to Tampa, it would have been one and done playing him last year (Tampa wasn't going anywhere, probably, with or without Favre, and no repeat matchup this year). Now they get to see him twice, lining up with All Day, and get their standings impacted every other week of the season by him. Oops.

Ted Thompson was too clever by half in how he played Favre. I'm seriously annoyed with both Favre and the Pack now. But I keep coming back to, if they had just let him go to Tampa like he wanted, it would have all been done & over by now for the Packers. But noooooooo, Ted Thompson had to be clever, and take advantage of the Jets, and thereby force Favre to use this retirement BS to just get what he always made clear was all he wanted, to keep playing in the west coast offense ... so I guess I keep coming back to, hell if I was Brett Favre, I'd probably do this too, after that BS move they pulled trading him to the Jets. They practically forced him into this BS. When it was completely unnecessary. Just let the man go to the Bucs, Ted!

A day of complex emotions, yes. I've probably showed my opinions on last years trade more than I ever have (here). Well, I hope Ted Thompson has learned his lesson: sometimes the best way to avoid losing is to give up on the complete and total win. Any married man could have told him that, LOL (this is where him being gay really left him at a disadvantage). Because otherwise, if the fight is not settled, many times there will be a round two, and your position may not be so strong in that round ... and your adversary won't have any interest in helping you save face.
The turning point for me was the Giants game seeing him all scared and freaked out with the cold. He literally threw away (pun intended) a golden opportunity for them to get back to the Superbowl, but we all know that already. Instead of getting others involved he had to try to be the damn hero, I mean, the gunslinger Roll Eyes and thankfully McCarthy and TT saw the guy for who he was and cut the cord.
A day of complex emotions, yes. I've probably showed my opinions on last years trade more than I ever have (here). Well, I hope Ted Thompson has learned his lesson: sometimes the best way to avoid losing is to give up on the complete and total win. Any married man could have told him that, LOL (this is where him being gay really left him at a disadvantage). Because otherwise, if the fight is not settled, many times there will be a round two, and your position may not be so strong in that round ... and your adversary won't have any interest in helping you save face.

For those that listen to KFAN cue up the "what you just said.." jingle

TT taught Fav-ruh a lesson- nobody, and I mean nobody, is above the game. Had Sherman figured this out we would be years ahead by now.
No, you tool, "true Packer fans" don't understand.

You retired. Get it? You said bye bye to football. We then asked you if you were resolute in your retirement. You said yes. Then we HAD to move on. Then, you decided, "aw, shucks, I still want to play". Too late. We took you for your word (what a mistake that was). You had a team one bad pass away from the Super Bowl. You screwed this up!!!
OK that true fan line was out of line. Had the Packers cut ties with him and that was it, sure. But he manipulated and choreographed this entire thing. Lying to the Packers, their staff, his teammates, the fans at any chance he could because he couldn't run the team like he did when Sherman was here.

Now he just spits on them. What a tool.
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
No, you tool, "true Packer fans" don't understand.

Actually, we do understand - he's a dick.

The way this ahole spews his BS and expects the public to simply ignore his own contradictions is insulting to anyone's intelligence who doesn't spend time scrubbing Brent's sack.
God, I feel just horrible. For most of my adult life, I have absolutely loved Favre. Ya, he's a football player, but he was our captain, and good or bad, you had to love him 'cause he played the game the way it was supposed to be played. You knew that he would never quit trying. You'd have to knock him the F out for him to stop trying to win.

Then he basically took 16 years of great memories, dropped his shorts, and crapped all over them. He is so completely self absorbed, he has absolutely no clue what he's done. For what? Some longshot at getting back to the Super Bowl? His arms isn't what it used to be, but he's still the same gambler. He'll make more bad throws because he will still trust his arm strength, which is no longer there.
Karma always comes around. It would be different if Brett had just hung em up after retiring from the Packers but the way he's pulled this crap is ridiculous.

I do not understand how any logical sports reporter can not see through this bozo. I felt sorry for Tom Watson when he didn't win the British Open because he went through so much.

I honestly hope we get to see Favre taken off due to his ego and his inability to let it go.
Favre might be playing with the best RB he's ever had, but he'll also be playing with the worst set of WR's too, a C who's never started a game, and a rookie RT. His best weapon in the passing game is also a rookie that has some maturity issues. His backup QB's can't stand him (most likely). He plays for a coach that will let Favre do whatever he wants.

The Vikings look very strong on paper, but I don't see the chemistry and comraderie it takes to win a Super Bowl. The Cowboys of 2007 and 2008 have showed us all that having the most talent does not guarantee a Super Bowl win.
Favre might be playing with the best RB he's ever had, but he'll also be playing with the worst set of WR's too, a C who's never started a game, and a rookie RT. His best weapon in the passing game is also a rookie that has some maturity issues. His backup QB's can't stand him (most likely). He plays for a coach that will let Favre do whatever he wants. The Vikings look very strong on paper, but I don't see the chemistry and comraderie it takes to win a Super Bowl. The Cowboys of 2007 and 2008 have showed us all that having the most talent does not guarantee a Super Bowl win.

This basically captures everything I could say

Favre has a woody to beat the Packers, but don't think for a second a team like GB doesn't want to work him over as well. They put up with his diva crap for a long time now, and they will get the opportunity to turn the tables on him at least two times this year.

These national media idots don't know what we know watching the guy all these years- he is a tease- nothing more, nothing less. That 1996 Superbowl winning team (statistically) might have been one of the strongest overall teams in NFL history and Favre hasn't won one since. This MN team doesn't have the mettle or the horsepower to compete for a title, and to some extent TOG is going to undermine their efforts. That will make it all the more satisfying to watch him fail yet again and get his just desserts.

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