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DE Johnny Jolly suffered just a stinger on Sunday, I’m told. Had been nagging since game. Will have to manage it.


PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker LaMarr Woodley has been sidelined by another nagging injury.

Woodley left Sunday night's game in the first quarter after re-aggravating a right calf injury, and he is unlikely to return.

Woodley gave way to Jarvis Jones at right outside linebacker after the first possession of the game, and his latest injury casts more doubt about his future in Pittsburgh. Woodley had already been supplanted at left outside linebacker by Jason Worilds, and the highest-paid defensive player in Steelers history has not been the same player since injury his hamstring in a 2011 game against the Patriots.



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Different topic, but this is an example of how a chronic hammy issue can cut a player's career short.  It's more likely in older players but I hope Heyward fully recovers.


PIT looked a lot better last night than I thought they would, until the 4th Q.  Will be another tough game.


Very interesting Lacy "bad foot so we'll take Bell instead" vs. Bell matchup in the stats column. 

Last edited by DH13

If Roethlisberger wasn't such a bad guy, I might actually like the Steelers as an organization.  He truly is a POS though.  I can't remember where I found the article I read about him a few years back, but it painted the picture of a guy that was out of control in terms of ego and treated other human beings pretty badly.  And that was about stuff outside of the rape allegations.


Aaron Rodgers is not perfect, but I am darn glad he is the face of the Packers instead of a truly bad human being like Big Ben.  

Me, my girlfriend and brother are heading up for the game. Havent been up there for about ten years. We always bought a package deal with a tailgate included, but not this time. Wanted to see if there are some pay to get in tailgates, etc. Thanks for any info.

MM Speaks:


We needed Sunday, so we can handle the success of Sunday. It’s a great victory just to go out and take that victory and earn it. One-play-at-a-time mentality. To come over the adversity that seemed like it would not end and to keep balance, it’s something that we could draw from and something we can build on.


♦ A lot of great football played in the second half. It was a great environment. To hear the Packers fans going crazy was something special. Definitely a game I’ll never forget.


♦ (Injured quarterback) Aaron Rodgers had a brief medical meeting. Aaron’s situation will be evaluated Wednesday morning and then we’ll have a plan for him come Wednesday.


♦ (Regarding difference between first and second halves against Cowboys) The game of football. The no-huddle (offense) really wasn’t clicking. We got back to some basic things and our guys played extremely well. Our run defense gave up a lot of production. We kept building from there.


♦ (About the) plane ride (home), I don’t think it’s like the old days like some of the behavior you can jump into. Coaches watched the tape like they always do. It was actually a quiet plane. I think everybody was spent.


♦ (Cornerback) Tramon Williams’ second interception, the timing of it worked out. (The officials on the field) were buzzed (by the replay booth) about the same time as we called timeout. I sensed they were trying to run a play. I was in communication with the official. I’m calling a timeout. I’m not getting beat by a technicality. That was it. It looked pretty clean.


♦ I think when you have games like that, it’s really a reflection of the people and the program. When opportunities come to handle those situations, you have to deliver. That’s what our football team is all about. We’ve been in two tough ones the last two weeks. You have to be patient and disciplined. Players do an incredible job of taking it one play at a time.


♦ Hopefully I’m talking about this a month from now, but I think these type of games and experience we’ve been through is something you can definitely benefit from as a football team. We’ve had a number of guys perform for us that I didn’t think they were going to play this year. (Tight end) Andrew Quarless, he’s stepped up his game the last two weeks. (Receiver Jarrett) Boykin has been playing solid for the last two months


♦ The first play in the second half was play No. 5 in the first 10 calls. It goes back to the basics to how we want to run the play against them. They overplayed some of our runs and (running back) Eddie (Lacy) ran the ball well. We had some negative plays in first half, but we played clean football in the second half.


♦ We like to talk about leadership and everyone likes to talk about speech. When you have credibility, translates in the locker room. Eddie Lacy is a likable personality.


♦ (Injured receiver) Randall Cobb’s workout today was very good. We’ll see how he is tomorrow and Wednesday we’ll set the play.


♦ We’re game-planning right now for Matt Flynn.


♦ I won’t watch the Detroit-Baltimore game (on Monday night). I have no interest. I have to pay attention to Pittsburgh Steelers. His kids have a basketball game tonight.


♦ Last two weeks, Andrew Quarless is starting to look like guy we felt could be a dynamite player.


♦ (Asked about having his name linked to the University of Texas coaching job) No. 1, the University of Texas, Austin is a great city. My daughter grew up there. I’m proud to be a Green Bay Packer. I’m happy to be here.


♦ (On whether there should be a centralized replay system) I was part of a conversation about that. I should keep my comments private. I think when you start taking the game decisions away from the playing field, I think that’s a dangerous area to get into.


♦ I won’t watch the Detroit-Baltimore game (on Monday night). I have no interest. I have to pay attention to Pittsburgh Steelers. His kids have a basketball game tonight.



Last edited by packerboi
Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

stevie will ice your cookies

Alright, you guys!  Enough already!  They're really good cookies - best cutout cookies I've ever tasted.  Besides, the way the Packers played that first half had me frosted.

Originally Posted by fightphoe93:

If Roethlisberger wasn't such a bad guy, I might actually like the Steelers as an organization.  He truly is a POS though.  I can't remember where I found the article I read about him a few years back, but it painted the picture of a guy that was out of control in terms of ego and treated other human beings pretty badly.  And that was about stuff outside of the rape allegations.


Aaron Rodgers is not perfect, but I am darn glad he is the face of the Packers instead of a truly bad human being like Big Ben.  

I thought this way too, but I think he has turned his life around.  No doubt about it, in the past he was a douche bag, but sometimes when you him bottom, you makes changes.  I read an article, that he has quit drinking, he got married, and adopted a little girl.


Not condoning his past, but if has made these changes, that's a good thing.  I'm not a huge fan of Big Ben, but he is a pretty good QB, tough as nails, and appears to always fight to make plays or W.    

Found on the internet: So the real question is does Capers finally give in and start Richardson and  Lattimore? I think 'yes' on Richardson, but 'no' for Lattimore. It just seems  once the second half gets underway, and Capers starts playing those two more  that the results are better. Seems like Jones was getting pancaked/dragged a lot  in the first half.

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I'm not holding out hope that this D can take on the likes of the Seahags or Whiners (big assumption GB would get in the playoffs), but then again crazier schit has happened in this league. N.O.'s looked lost at the Rams yesterday. Who knows if the Panthers could knock out one of these teams.


If Rodgers is back this week, Cobb back by the Bears game, Cutler starts?


We have certainly seen weirder stuff happen.

No. But they need ALOT of help. Essentially on life support. Worse then the Lions current hopes. The Ravens winning did damage. Ravens have to lose both of their remaining games IIRC and then they need like the Chargers to lose and other teams help plus win their next 2.



Last edited by packerboi
Originally Posted by SanDiegoPackFan:

Are the Steelers mathematically eliminated from the playoffs now?

If the Dolphins win at Buffalo before the Packers play, the Steelers will be eliminated. I don't really think that will have much of an effect on the game, though. If they're coming into it dialed in and determined to win, their hearing their playoff status a shortly before kickoff won't matter much. If anything, it could make them more motivated just to spoil things for a potentially playoff bound team.

Last edited by Pack-Man

It's NCAA tournament time now for Green Bay.  Win and continue to move on.  Lose and start making golf reservations, or extra time to ice your holiday cookies,


The Steelers will not be an easy out.   They won't be phased by the weather, and Big Ben is a clutch QB.   Antonio Brown returning punts/kicks also scares the crap out of me.



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