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@PackerRick posted:

Rodgers 7-10 since 2011 in the playoffs. There's a reason why he doesn't want to enter the HOF the same day Brady does.

Pretty sure the Packers have gone 7-9 in the playoffs since 2010 Super Bowl win (43.75 winning %), but why let facts get in the way of a good narrative.

What is really fortunate, for the Packer Front Office at least, is that the Pack's playoff record is solely attributable to Rodgers at least since the SB win (we all know Mac and Ted get all the credit for that victory and Rodgers was just along for the ride).

Indeed, if Murph were in any way responsible for the product on the field, then fans could point out the team he has been President of has gone 7-9 since the last Super Bowl win. Fans who did not know it is all about the QB might even note that Gutey has been a member of the Front Office during the entire7-9 playoff run.

Heck, some unknowing fans might even point out that Gutey, in his 5 years as GM has a playoff record of 2-3 (40% winning percentage).

Again, it is a good thing that playoff records are solely about the QB and that Gutey and Murph are in no way accountable for the playoff defeats.

As @H5 said...the longer this takes the more I am convinced 12 retires. And while I respect he is a man who likes to take his time making decisions, if it's taking this long, then football, in spite of the fact he says he loves it, isn't quite the love it once was.

An ex-NFL QB told me once "I knew it was time to retire when I didn't love football any more. I will always like football...but I will never love it like I did when I played."

He was a starter at one point, had become a backup and said he had plenty of offers to go hold a clip board. But he knew it was time to hang it up. Granted he never even sniffed an MVP...but that is probably what is making this "decision," so hard. 12 knows he can still play...but doesn't love it at the level you really need to any more. Or maybe he's driven by wanting to prove "people," wrong.

Maybe a change of venue is exactly what he needs to re-ignite that love of the fact I hope he goes to NYJ and wins a Super Bowl and goes out in a better way than Bert.

Say what you want about 12 and his shortcomings...the dude is not Bert. Bert is, and always has been a turd of a human being. We see new reminders of it ever few months. Last I checked, being weird isn't a crime.

@Chongo posted:

As @H5 said...the longer this takes the more I am convinced 12 retires. And while I respect he is a man who likes to take his time making decisions, if it's taking this long, then football, in spite of the fact he says he loves it, isn't quite the love it once was.

Silverstein had a decent comment on his podcast about Rodgers taking his time.  Someone asked him how Rodgers should approach things with the Packers basically choosing Love over him and Spoon said usually a player will attempt to change the narrative in cases like this.

He said he could potentially see Rodgers taking time as to make it look like he was really contemplating retiring but that having the Jets fly out to "convince" him to come back is what he needed to get him to give it another go.  This changes the narrative from "the Packers dumped me and I'm desperate to keep playing" to "I was going to hang it up anyway but the Jets talked me out of it".  Even tho going to the Jets is what he's wanted all along.

This may be why we probably don't hear anything about the trade until next week.

Last edited by vitaflo
@Chongo posted:

As @H5 said...the longer this takes the more I am convinced 12 retires. And while I respect he is a man who likes to take his time making decisions, if it's taking this long, then football, in spite of the fact he says he loves it, isn't quite the love it once was.

Dragging this out feeds 12's ego. I am not saying that's the sole reason, but this just gets people, including us on this board, continuing to talk about 12. Which he loves.

As I said earlier, I just don't believe this whole process gets this far unless both teams are fairly sure Rodgers is a Jet. And I think if he was leaning towards retirement, that information would have been leaked already.

If he does retire, fine by me. Granted the compensation isn't there, but #69 stays here and from what I have read, it's the best case scenario for the cap vs. being traded. But again, I don't see that happening.

12 isn't breaking down physically. There are plenty who believe his down year was due to rookie WR's and his broken thumb. There is virtually nothing pulling him to retirement such as a wife, kids, other ambitions. I would be very surprised if he hangs it up now.

@PackerRick posted:

Because 7-9 is so much more impressive than 7-10 in the playoffs. I guess I was counting last year as a playoff loss since Rodgers shit the bed against the Lions.

No issues, folks can make up whatever "playoff" record they want to enhance their "the playoff failures are all Rodge's fault" narrative. I just prefer to look at the fact.

And I concede that excluding Rodge's 4-0 2010 playoff run from his overall playoff records makes a lot of sense for those who hold the QB, and only the QB, responsible for the 7-9 playoff record since then.

I mean we all know the beloved team President, the shrewd GMs, the esteemed Defensive Coordinators, and the incomparable Special Teams Coordinators are in no way responsible for the ZERO Super Bowl appearances over the past 12 seasons, right?

@Chongo posted:

... if it's taking this long, then football, in spite of the fact he says he loves it, isn't quite the love it once was.

An ex-NFL QB told me once "I knew it was time to retire when I didn't love football any more. I will always like football...but I will never love it like I did when I played."

Apparently the Jets have communicated their offer, and we can be highly certain that Rodgers knows GBs expectations for playing in '23.

If he chooses not to decide, he still has made a choice. Prolly just can't admit it to himself.

@packerboi posted:

Dragging this out feeds 12's ego. I am not saying that's the sole reason, but this just gets people, including us on this board, continuing to talk about 12. Which he loves.

The irony is early in his career, even as a starter, he was extremely private. Wasn't until he started Olivia that he started opening up and talking publicly about his personal life at her encouragement.

Maybe once he tasted the opium he couldn't get enough.

Dunno...seems like a guy in search of something bigger in life...something that is usually answered for most guys his age by a wife and kids. Hey I get it, marriage and kids ain't for everyone...better he not engage in either until he's ready. But he's said his goal is to one day get married and have kids.

Right now he's the center of his universe...he seems to be struggling with that. Hope he finds happiness one day. He really is a good dude...does a lot of charity work, donates money, etc. It just never gets publicized by his choice.

@PackerRick posted:

Teams Rodgers played for were 11-10 in playoff games, Teams Brady played for were 35-13. Probably a better measuring stick.


There are times both played stellar and their teams lost and times both were awful and the team won.  

TB threw 3picks at Lambeau yet get a mark in the “win column”. AR lights it up in Phoenix but comes away with a loss Not really a better measuring stick.  Just the stick that’s easiest to use.

How did that AZ game end when Rodgers lit it up? It's like I said in a different post, if you run for 100 yards but lose a fumble did you really help your team? Brady throws three picks and Rodgers did what with it? There's absolutely no comparison to the two in the playoffs. Someone brought up Rodgers' passer rating as being better than Brady's in playoff games. That means nothing compared to wins which are often times achieved with intangibles. The guy has played in 10 Super Bowls. That can't be a fluke.

I think there are a lot of Rodgers fans first that are going to struggle with this. Wilde was bff's with Rodgers and on his show regularly at one time. Listening to him on the radio, i can tell he's not ready to move on.

As for the Jets excitement, of course they are. They haven't been to the playoffs and made a deep run in forever. They have been terrible for over a decade. Woody is nearly 80.

They see a beacon of hope. Nationally televised games and a lot of spotlight. Maybe it's me, I don't see this as weird at all.

@PackerRick posted:

How did that AZ game end when Rodgers lit it up? It's like I said in a different post, if you run for 100 yards but lose a fumble did you really help your team? Brady throws three picks and Rodgers did what with it? There's absolutely no comparison to the two in the playoffs. Someone brought up Rodgers' passer rating as being better than Brady's in playoff games. That means nothing compared to wins which are often times achieved with intangibles. The guy has played in 10 Super Bowls. That can't be a fluke.

Rodgers has started 4 NFC title games in his career. I know it's not the Super Bowl, but getting to the Final 4 of the NFL that many times isn't a fluke either.

There aren't many fluke QBs that have actually started that many title games and just getting to a title game is tough. To your point, Brady got to 14.

It's Brady and Montana, and then pretty much everyone else in terms of playoff success.

@PackerRick posted:

How did that AZ game end when Rodgers lit it up? It's like I said in a different post, if you run for 100 yards but lose a fumble did you really help your team? Brady throws three picks and Rodgers did what with it? There's absolutely no comparison to the two in the playoffs. Someone brought up Rodgers' passer rating as being better than Brady's in playoff games. That means nothing compared to wins which are often times achieved with intangibles. The guy has played in 10 Super Bowls. That can't be a fluke.

That Arizona game ended on a blatant missed facemask call. He fumbled on that play.

The other Arizona game ended with the defense messing up in OT after Rodgers completed two Hail Mary throws on the same drive to tie it.

The Packers lost at least three other playoff games when Rodgers led a drive to tie the game and then never got the ball again. This includes the Seattle fiasco where sometimes people forget that after the Packers fell behind in regulation, Rodgers led a FG drive to tie it in the final minute.

Most of the playoff losses in the MM era were not because Rodgers played poorly. In fact, he played very well in many of them.

In the MLF era, Rodgers was not good enough to be the difference maker, but even then if they have competent special teams, they probably make at least one more Super Bowl.

I think they need to move on from Rodgers at this point, and Brady is the unquestioned GOAT. But unless Rodgers was coaching defense or special teams, the intangibles stuff is sometimes overrated. After 2010, Belichick would have traded Brady for Rodgers 100 times out of 100.

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Last edited by MichiganPacker

I’m not debating the greatness of TB. What I’m pointing out is that playoff W-L record is a lazy, simple “measuring stick”. Certainly NOT a better measuring stick as you suggest.

Dan Marino 8-10 in playoffs, 0-1 in the SB

Trent Dilfer 5-1 in playoffs, 1-0 in SB

Baltimore fans leapt for joy they had Ol’ Trent that SB season. And 12/25 for 153 and 1 TD was the difference (almost) in that Trent limited the opponent to only 7 points in the SB.

@PackLandVA posted:

I’m not debating the greatness of TB. What I’m pointing out is that playoff W-L record is a lazy, simple “measuring stick”. Certainly NOT a better measuring stick as you suggest.

You can always find outliers but winning is the measuring stick. Troy Aikman isn't in the HOF because he threw 165 TD and 141 Ints. Check out Bart Starr's numbers.

if he does in fact go to the jets, my curiosity starts:

if he shows up for camps, and OTA's...if he does that - that's a dick move...

him 'luring' fa's if he signs there- nobody followed him here really except his homies like cobb...nobody ever says they are coming here to win a ring with 12...not once to my recollection...matter of fact 17 left.

I think almost all Brady career and TB/BB SB's are a lazy measuring stick.  They are by far and away an outlier among all other QB/HC's in the history of the game.  Measuring other QB's and teams vs. their run doesn't do much for you when what they've done has never happened before and may not ever be repeated.  Not to mention that there are no other 'similar' QB/HC's to group them with.

If you need to compare AR's playoff record or QBR to another QB to find some reason he is better or worse than he should be, find QB's that are more apples to compare to instead of anvils.  Roethlisberger?  Manning?  Kelly? sure, Montana. Bradshaw is probably going too far back.  Mahomes is still in progress but you could compare his career to date vs. AR's first 5? years as a starter.

@PackerRick posted:

You can always find outliers but winning is the measuring stick. Troy Aikman isn't in the HOF because he threw 165 TD and 141 Ints. Check out Bart Starr's numbers.

Keep moving the goal posts. Now we’re talking about HoF, I guess.

If you think “playoff winning record” is the better/best barometer of a QBs success, so be it. I think it’s a lazy argument. A QB can play pedestrian or poorly and get credited for a win. Or play lights out, but his team losing. Of course, the intangibles.

@PackerRick posted:

Nobody cares about the if, ands, or buts. The Saints got screwed on a big call too.  It doesn't matter, that's the way things went down. Only the hometown fans are left rationalizing it.

Good points. If you get close enough times, the breaks balance out.

The Patriots won their first Super Bowl on a fluke call when Charles Woodson forced a fumble that was overturned because of the tuck rule.

The Patriots lost a Super Bowl because a guy with 54 catches in his career trapped a ball against the top of his helmet on a desperation heave.

The Patriots won the Super Bowl because the Seahawks decided to throw a quick slant from the 1 with 20 seconds left even though they had a dominant power RB.

The Patriots lost a Super Bowl in large part because of a TD scored on a trick play (Philly special).

They just got more chances.

The Packers won in 2010, but needed a few breaks to get there (like DeSean Jackson returning a punt on the final play of a game for a TD in the regular season to affect the tiebreakers in the Packers' favor). In the Super Bowl, Jarrett Bush was so far out of position relative to where he was supposed to on defense that Big Ben threw an interception to him because he read the defense correctly.

@PackLandVA posted:

Keep moving the goal posts. Now we’re talking about HoF, I guess.

If you think “playoff winning record” is the better/best barometer of a QBs success, so be it. I think it’s a lazy argument. A QB can play pedestrian or poorly and get credited for a win. Or play lights out, but his team losing. Of course, the intangibles.

Ben Roethlisberger, 9 for 20, 0 TDs, 2 interceptions (both in red zone, one returned for a TD). WON Super Bowl 40.

Payton Manning, 13 for 23, 0 TDs, 1 interception, WON Super Bowl 50.

@packerboi posted:

Boy that Spoon is all over what is transpiring up in Green Bay.

"Crack" specula ... uh, er reporting from Tommy Boy on the Bakhtiari contract situation from just two days ago.

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