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Didn't Gute acknowledge they brought Cobb back to appease Rodgers? Then they tried selling it like Cobb would be a great mentor for Amari, when odds are it prevented Amari from being able to develop. Whether it's a wish list or a list of demands, Rodgers has clearly stated there's a short list of guys he wants to finish his career playing with. So on one hand, who could fault the Jets in signing Lazard and looking into Cobb or Lewis? On the other hand, we have personal experience in having to field guys who may be able to contribute in certain ways, but end up being an albatross at critical points in a game(the back breaking Marcedes fumble) or not being healthy when you need them to be(Cobb). I think this was a case where they may have sacrificed the development of younger players to keep some status quo that their big $$$ qb either requested or demanded. Either way, it's a terrible route to take in constructing a roster, and if nothing else we can probably expect a roster this year that more accurately reflects the best 53. The Jets can kiss his ass if they want, not our problem once the deal is done.

@Fedya posted:

I don't see how Cobb made Amari a shitty returner.

Amari should never have been expected to be a return guy once they saw his ability to fail. It only hurt any confidence he may have had. But by attrition alone, he got less reps and looks when he needed all the practice he could get at wr.

Cobb ended up being pretty much a nonfactor with his own play as well. Not many great reasons to keep him in that roster spot.

@artis posted:

Amari should never have been expected to be a return guy once they saw his ability to fail. It only hurt any confidence he may have had. But by attrition alone, he got less reps and looks when he needed all the practice he could get at wr.

Cobb ended up being pretty much a nonfactor with his own play as well. Not many great reasons to keep him in that roster spot.

So it's Rodgers' fault that Amari sucks?

@Herschel posted:

Like it or not, it's a thing. Fans, media, etc. are going to point out, even to the player, their perceived value compared to the guy traded for that pick, and when Aaron Rodgers is the one traded for that pick, if that player isn't instantly making plays, it's usually a PR disaster.

You may think it makes no sense, I'd agree it shouldn't, but that's not reality. Look at how many have turned on Rodgers just on this board. Imagine goober central making that player's life miserable, especially in a place as small as Green Bay.

Nope, still don't buy it as a thing or as reality.  As was pointed out, did Quay Walker feel extra pressure because he was taken with a pick from the Davante Adams trade?   Why would any fan place higher expectations on Walker just because he was taken with a pick from the Adams trade?

@FinnLander posted:

Nope, still don't buy it as a thing or as reality.  As was pointed out, did Quay Walker feel extra pressure because he was taken with a pick from the Davante Adams trade?   Why would any fan place higher expectations on Walker just because he was taken with a pick from the Adams trade?

Well, Adams won't have his number in the ring of honor some day.  And we got multiple picks for Adams, so it was technically Quay and Watson (from the trade up) who we got from the Adams trade.

I think most of the hand wringing is if we get the #13 pick and nothing else.  Then you're basically saying "this one player = Rodgers", fair or not.  If we get more than one pick (even a future pick) then this is a moot point really.

There has been some chatter on the Jets forums about how they think the plan may be to wait until the draft to do the trade.  The idea is that when pick #13 comes, the Jets will know then whether it's valuable to them or not.  If all the guys they want were taken already, they'd be more willing to trade firsts with the Packers as part of our compensation.  That way they can have their cake and eat it too (remember they pick right before the Patriots so there's a bit of divisional rivalry at play here in their minds).

The problem with this of course is that the Packers will also know if their guys were taken at this point and may decide, yeah maybe we don't want to swap 1sts after all, give us more other picks.

Nobody said Jets fans were smart.

@vitaflo posted:

There has been some chatter on the Jets forums about how they think the plan may be to wait until the draft to do the trade.  The idea is that when pick #13 comes, the Jets will know then whether it's valuable to them or not.  If all the guys they want were taken already, they'd be more willing to trade firsts with the Packers as part of our compensation.  That way they can have their cake and eat it too (remember they pick right before the Patriots so there's a bit of divisional rivalry at play here in their minds).

The problem with this of course is that the Packers will also know if their guys were taken at this point and may decide, yeah maybe we don't want to swap 1sts after all, give us more other picks.

Nobody said Jets fans were smart.

They also think compensation should be less after draft day. It might be a factor heading toward June 1, but if anything GB should take the angle of demanding a bit more. So by the logic of Jet fans, they don't think a 2023 1st rounder is deserved, but after they stymie the Pack on draft day, they should give less compensation anyway..

We don't exactly know what Gute is asking for, or whether they've played serious hardball yet, but if the draft comes and goes, it does make me wonder if they don't have plans to put the Jets on ice and seek other partners.

@FinnLander posted:

Nope, still don't buy it as a thing or as reality.  As was pointed out, did Quay Walker feel extra pressure because he was taken with a pick from the Davante Adams trade?   Why would any fan place higher expectations on Walker just because he was taken with a pick from the Adams trade?

I get that people may equate a draft pick to AR but that's a really lazy false equivalence.  Because of how pervasive and saturated the media is with dissecting the situation, most people understand that the trade will not be solely judged by the paper transaction.  Most people know AR isn't simply being traded for a pick or a player, he's being traded because the FO feels it's time to move on to Jordan Love.  Even that is simplifying things.  If anything, the pick/picks will be judged by how successful the picks turn out to be, regardless of how they were attainted.  "Gute got this extra RD1 pick and did XXXX with it".  Good or bad.  The underlying sentiment seems to be that the no. 1 issue is removing AR from the roster, no. 2 is getting something for him.

@artis posted:

Didn't Gute acknowledge they brought Cobb back to appease Rodgers? Then they tried selling it like Cobb would be a great mentor for Amari, when odds are it prevented Amari from being able to develop. Whether it's a wish list or a list of demands, Rodgers has clearly stated there's a short list of guys he wants to finish his career playing with. So on one hand, who could fault the Jets in signing Lazard and looking into Cobb or Lewis? On the other hand, we have personal experience in having to field guys who may be able to contribute in certain ways, but end up being an albatross at critical points in a game(the back breaking Marcedes fumble) or not being healthy when you need them to be(Cobb). I think this was a case where they may have sacrificed the development of younger players to keep some status quo that their big $$$ qb either requested or demanded. Either way, it's a terrible route to take in constructing a roster, and if nothing else we can probably expect a roster this year that more accurately reflects the best 53. The Jets can kiss his ass if they want, not our problem once the deal is done.

Yes.  I recall BG acknowledging Cobb coming back was to placate Rodgers.  As he remarked below.

β€œObviously without Aaron, I don’t think we would probably be pursuing that, but he’s still a really good player,” Gutekunst said of Cobb. β€œSeeing him last night just kind of reminded me of what kind of impact he’ll have in our locker room for our football team. This is a very important thing for Aaron, and that’s why we did it.”

Late July 2021.

@DH13 posted:

  Most people know AR isn't simply being traded for a pick or a player, he's being traded because the FO feels it's time to move on to Jordan Love.  Even that is simplifying things.


Most people are willingly stupid - they are the majority by a fair margin.
And the media will play to the majority, feeding them whatever slop keeps them engaged & enraged.

Speaking of enraged, what's happenin with the anti-Rodgers crew around here ? They seem to be losing steam these days. We're never gonna make it to page 175 if you people don't step up your game.

I'm calling you out.
Is this all  you got ya bunch of sitzpinklers ?

@Satori posted:

Is this all  you got ya bunch of sitzpinklers ?

And just because Rodgers may be getting traded to the New York Jets does not mean he’s done teaching the Packers’ young wide receiver. When asked when was the last time he talked to Rodgers, Watson saidβ€œProbably a week or two ago just kind of talking to him about off-season stuff. What can I do to get better and what did you see for me last year that I need to do to improve and stuff like that.”

What an asshole

Rodgers β€œcoaching” and β€œleadership” to the rooks is basically don’t fuck up my quad soy no whip mocha cold when it’s above 60 degrees but no sleeve because that cardboard is bad for the environment.

You know goddamn well he’s that guy.  

As I said earlier, I wish 12 the best but hope he gets a really good dose of explosive diarrhea out the door.

Bradley Chubb was traded for a first and he was going to be a free agent in 7 games.  So Rodgers is worth it.  Problem though - Packers have no leverage.  Jets can go into training camp without Rodgers - Rodgers likely wasn't showing up until then anyways.  Packers cannot going into training camp with Rodgers b/c his option is due and it'd be a circus.  And it's actually better for the Jets to wait until training camp b/c they can push the traded draft picks to 2024, which is worse for the Packers.  So while I think Gute should stand firm on a first rounder, Jets know he has to fold before training camp.

It really comes down to whether or not there is the threat of a second suitor out there that could jump in and offer a RD1 for AR at any point before TC.  It gets less and less likely the closer you get to TC because you have to set your roster and install an offense with him.  But there almost has to be a second suitor that both GB and NYJ both believe are viable because the threat of not trading him at all doesn't really seem all that believable.  In a practical sense.

@CUPackFan posted:

Bradley Chubb was traded for a first and he was going to be a free agent in 7 games.  So Rodgers is worth it.  Problem though - Packers have no leverage.  Jets can go into training camp without Rodgers - Rodgers likely wasn't showing up until then anyways.  Packers cannot going into training camp with Rodgers b/c his option is due and it'd be a circus.  And it's actually better for the Jets to wait until training camp b/c they can push the traded draft picks to 2024, which is worse for the Packers.  So while I think Gute should stand firm on a first rounder, Jets know he has to fold before training camp.

The Packers don't exercise Rodgers option until the regular season starts so they can really hurt the Jets if they don't cut a deal before the draft. After the draft the Packers will likely make Rodgers available to all teams which really puts the Jets in a bind. The Jets have no QB and SB ambitions. How can they possible have the leverage? After June 1st  I'd be happy to see Rodgers traded to anybody for anything just so the Jets don't get him.

@Floridarob posted:

I dont get why the Pundits are blasting Gute for asking for a  #1 draft choice. (Peter King today)  Hells Bells, at the trade deadline, you got GMs around the league asking for a #2 draft pic for a player that will be a free agent in 6 or 7 games. Nobody is critical of those GMs. what a bunch of hypocrites.

Peter King, like many in the media, want Rodgers to get to NYC as soon as possible. It's good for their bottom line.

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