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@H5 posted:

Gutekunst has all the control. When Rodgers flinches, will we know it?

Then he needs to start acting like it.

I've said from the jump it's all within his control, and if 12 doesn't like it, tough shit. Everyone but Cobb brings a level of value to the Packers...Cobb is done as a player...if he comes back, we then know 12 has Gurt by the short hairs.  Hell, as weak as Crosby's leg is, he's still better than half the K in the league right now. Unless the Packers have a clear upgrade to K, then bring Crosby back and get to work on developing someone better than Ahmed.

But to be fair Bisaccia has only been here a may take him another season or two to find a guy.

If 12 is coming back, I'd hope there would be some sort of restructure if not a pay cut...nothing crazy, but $5M-$8M to give the Packers some room to operate. To me that is a good sign he's "all in."

If they do trade Rodgers, whoever gets him is getting a very good deal because of the way the contract is structured.  Actually, better than very good. It is absolutely an outstanding value to get Rodgers for only a 15 million dollar cap hit.

The compensation coming back should reflect that you are getting a guy who'd still likely get 40 million a year on the open market (if not more) for 15 million

The Jets are rumored to be hiring Hackett as the OC. I'd take Sauce Gardner and a second rounder for him.

Interesting. Since I’m too lazy to and you’re always real good with stats and details

If we trade him. What does he still count against GB cap and for how long

and with that as stated. We should definitely be pulling in a decent haul of picks and possibly players.

and fuck this only trade him to an AFC team bullshit trade them to whoever comes up with the best gig

Last edited by Iowacheese
@vitaflo posted:

I'm not necessarily wanting to move on from Rodgers.  I'm wanting to move on from his contract.  It hamstrings the club well after he's gone, and doesn't help the team go "all in" even if he stays.

Exactly. You can't win the Super Owl with one guy taking up almost half the cap. After watching the games this weekend it's evident to me the Packers are more than a player or 2 away. Get the rebuilding done sooner than later.

@Iowacheese posted:

Interesting. Since I’m too lazy to and you’re always real good with stats and details

If we trade him. What does he still count against GB cap and for how long

and with that as stated. We should definitely be pulling in a decent haul of picks and possibly players.

and fuck this only trade him to an AFC team bullshit trade them to whoever comes up with the best gig

This is a good article explaining it.

If he retires, this is what would likely happen. Essentially, trading him now is identical to him retiring.

The Packers would carry Rodgers with his new $16,998,570 2023 cap number until June 2 when his retirement would be processed and his $1.165 million base salary would come off the books. By waiting until June 2, the $24.48 million in roster bonus proration from Rodgers' 2024 through 2026 contract years wouldn't hit Green Bay's salary cap until 2024. The Packers would be able to split the $40,313,570 of dead money into $15,833,570 in 2023 and $24.48 million in 2024.

it actually becomes very, very, very bad for the Packers cap in 2024 if Rodgers comes back for only 2023.

Rodgers' contract is structured in a manner where the cap ramifications get worse for Green Bay if he doesn't retire this offseason. Although $31,623,570 is a manageable 2023 cap number for Rodgers to stay with the Packers, the dead money takes a big jump if Rodgers hangs up his cleats after the 2023 season.

Green Bay would have to contend with $68.205 million of dead money in 2024. It would be composed of $24.48 million of roster bonus proration and $43.725 million of option bonus proration from Rodgers' 2024 through 2026 contract years. As with the roster bonus, Green Bay won't have any recoupment rights with an option bonus past the year when exercised.

Last edited by MichiganPacker
@Boris posted:

Told ya we shoulda traded him before 2022 to Denver.

Pha.Q Ewe Murphy, I'll never forgive your ass for that shit

Nope, think what the Rams gave up for Stafford…think what they would have given for Hollywood.

That was the deal that woulda, shoulda, coulda been.

@bvan posted:

And when he inferred Aikman was gay.

He is.  At least he was in the 90's.  It's apparently well known around DAL, or was in the 90's.

This shouldn't be a surprise.  There are very likely many more in the NFL who were and are.  Shouldn't be a big deal.

Last edited by DH13

If they trade him it will be well before June 1. Teams want to announce big signings early especially before free agency. Plus there are a bunch of QBs looking to switch teams (Lamar, Brady, etc) so GB will want to get a deal done sooner rather than later so they don’t miss out on a team Rodgers would want to go to.

Which means we eat the entire $40m cap hit this year. But that’s not as bad as it sounds as it’s only $9m more than Rodgers would have taken up had he stayed, you can get rid of his old buddies (Cobb, etc) and can restructure some guys to push some money into 2024 when we will have $20m in extra cap space since we ate it all in 2023.

Think about that. $20m in extra cap for 2024 to re-sign/extend/get free agents plus whatever haul you get in a trade in draft capital. One year to see what Love has so you know whether to take a high QB in 2024. It all lines up well.

@bdplant posted:

The sooner he’s gone, the sooner the Packers can get out of salary cap hell and have the coin to start fielding a competitive team again.

At least that’s the way I understand it.

Because "The new guy sucks, but at least he's cheap" is such a successful strategy as shown by the Lions, Bears and about 3/4 of the teams in the league.

@vitaflo posted:

If they trade him it will be well before June 1. Teams want to announce big signings early especially before free agency. Plus there are a bunch of QBs looking to switch teams (Lamar, Brady, etc) so GB will want to get a deal done sooner rather than later so they don’t miss out on a team Rodgers would want to go to.

Which means we eat the entire $40m cap hit this year. But that’s not as bad as it sounds as it’s only $9m more than Rodgers would have taken up had he stayed, you can get rid of his old buddies (Cobb, etc) and can restructure some guys to push some money into 2024 when we will have $20m in extra cap space since we ate it all in 2023.

Think about that. $20m in extra cap for 2024 to re-sign/extend/get free agents plus whatever haul you get in a trade in draft capital. One year to see what Love has so you know whether to take a high QB in 2024. It all lines up well.

Maybe this guy can help.

@packerboi posted:

They have the cap room to make the move and Woody Johnson said "he's absolutely" willing to spend big money on a FA QB. Hackett as DC also would sweeten the deal for Rodgers. And I also wouldn't be surprised if the Jet's sign his bff's Lewis and Cobb to further entice him.

I think the Jets would part with 2 firsts. Beyond that, I am not sure, but I think the Jets want to swing for the fences.

As the saying goes, all it takes is one owner.

Two firsts?? Man, I wish you were the Jets' GM.

Before Aaron Rodgers had his standoff with the Packers in 2021, he was originally under contract in 2022 & 2023 for $51M. Now, Aaron Rodgers is under contract in 2022 & 2023 for $101.5M, plus $49.3M in 2024. That's a net 1 year extension for $99.8 million - it's about the money
@Herschel posted:

Because "The new guy sucks, but at least he's cheap" is such a successful strategy as shown by the Lions, Bears and about 3/4 of the teams in the league.

You're right, but also consider Rodgers is not the same Qb anymore. He's reluctant to use his legs, which takes away a dimension that makes him effective,  and his accuracy and ability to spot an open receiver has diminished.  His play in the 2010 Super Bowl and the ensuing regular seasons was unworldly, but, other than the Dallas divisional game where he hit that sideline throw to Cook, when has he carried this team in a playoff game.  His play in big games the last several years has been pretty ordinary.

Replying to
Yes they got bullied on it. Originally under contract for $25.5M in salary in 22 and $25.5M in 23, they worked themselves into a situation where they did $42M in 22 and $59.5M in 23 to have the "privilege" of $49.3M in 24. Its one of the best jobs by an agent and worst by a team
@D J posted:
Replying to
Yes they got bullied on it. Originally under contract for $25.5M in salary in 22 and $25.5M in 23, they worked themselves into a situation where they did $42M in 22 and $59.5M in 23 to have the "privilege" of $49.3M in 24. Its one of the best jobs by an agent and worst by a team

He's missing the part where with his new contract, if we trade him, his cap number on his new team for '23 is $15m and '24 is $16m (and then there's the huge ballooned dead cap in the years after that).  That makes him *very* tradable.

His old contract would have had a cap hit of at least $25.5m in '23 and he would have been a free agent in '24.  Teams that are competitive and places Rodgers would want to go to don't usually have a ton of cap room and they're not going to give up a bunch of picks on a guy who will be a free agent after only a year.  It stops him from going to a competitor of ours after a year (ala Favre) and his contract is such that it costs a team a ton in dead cap if they cut him.  So wherever the Packers would send him he'd be stuck there.

Yes the Packers paid more for the back-to-back MVP but they've set up the contract to make it super easy for a almost any team to want trade for him now, which wasn't the case before.

Dead cap hits if Aaron Rodgers is traded or retires: 2023: $40.31M in 2023 2023 post June 1: $15.83M in 2023, $24.48M in 2024 2024: $68.21M in 2024 2024 post June 1: $22.74M in 2024, $45.47M in 2025 2025: $76.80M in 2025 2025 post June 1: $38.40M in 2025, $38.40M in 2026
@Herschel posted:

Because "The new guy sucks, but at least he's cheap" is such a successful strategy as shown by the Lions, Bears and about 3/4 of the teams in the league.

Or let’s spend another season not knowing if the new guy sucks while the $50m man throws another game ending int into double coverage.

@bdplant posted:

Or let’s spend another season not knowing if the new guy sucks while the $50m man throws another game ending int into double coverage.

Or spend another season without a reliable receiver. A great QB can cover a lot of warts, which we’ve seen for most of 30 years, but the level of suck in the receiver room this year was unparalleled among competitive teams.

@D J posted:
Dead cap hits if Aaron Rodgers is traded or retires: 2023: $40.31M in 2023 2023 post June 1: $15.83M in 2023, $24.48M in 2024 2024: $68.21M in 2024 2024 post June 1: $22.74M in 2024, $45.47M in 2025 2025: $76.80M in 2025 2025 post June 1: $38.40M in 2025, $38.40M in 2026

there has to be a 'back-door handshake' deal that AR would invoke if he stayed on - this deal basically gave the packers a no-way out structure, so AR would be in total control of his destiny.  if he stays, he would re-do the contract...problem with him is I think he would want to add void years to it (see drew brees...) and that is a killer, paying for a guy 5 years after he retires...ouchie.  i think the only solution is a trade right now if he doesn't retire.  if he retires, do it after june1... we can handle the hit this year, but not ' would kill the team.

Ingalls has a hard on for blaming everything on most of the media fanboys.

That contract, this roster's talent shortcomings and current cap situation is all at Gurt and Russ Balls feet.

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