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Probably been posted, and most likely summarizes the entire thread of late combined with the Love thread, but the question I struggle with is: Are the Packers competitive because OF Rodgers , or is he limiting their eventual potential ?

It's the ol' bird in hand or two in the bush thing, Tavis.

I would say Rodgers is what makes the Packers competitive most years, and likely gives them the best chance to win over the next year or two.
Limiting others' ("Love") potential? I don't see that it limits the team, but it definitely limits the player. No matter what his potential is.

All in all, I'd prefer Rodgers play the 2023 season, but with the caveat of a plan being in place for retirement/trade for 2024 that will hopefully coincide with a new team President and the eventual executive position-shuffling. Or replacement...

@bdplant posted:

The sooner he’s gone, the sooner the Packers can get out of salary cap hell and have the coin to start fielding a competitive team again.

At least that’s the way I understand it.

I feel the same way about snow hill idot Murphy

@Boris posted:

Calling my shot.... he gets traded to Jets or Raiders

They have the cap room to make the move and Woody Johnson said "he's absolutely" willing to spend big money on a FA QB. Hackett as DC also would sweeten the deal for Rodgers. And I also wouldn't be surprised if the Jet's sign his bff's Lewis and Cobb to further entice him.

I think the Jets would part with 2 firsts. Beyond that, I am not sure, but I think the Jets want to swing for the fences.

As the saying goes, all it takes is one owner.

would be an absolute fleecing if the trade included a first for this year, AR is a contingent retiree, year to year...if we got a 2nd this year and a conditional 1+2 next year based on if he plays in 2024...that makes more sense.  but some owners...don't make anything is possible.  if gutey can get a 1+2 in 2023 and a conditional 1+2 next year, that's a fleecing in my book.

@bvan posted:

And when he inferred Aikman was gay.

Yep. His main argument was that so many people had seen gorgeous women throw themselves at Aikman all the time and Aikman just ignored them. Thus, if he wasn't using his status to have dozens of one-night stands every year, he must be gay.

I find it amazing so many are ready to move on from Rodgers who is the best QB this team has ever known. While this year was not his best year with new WRs, a hurt thumb, hurt ribs, and an offensive line constantly changing, he still was better than 2/3 of teh QBs in the league. Hopefully the Packers make the right call. I hope he retires as a Packer but I do have a feeling he will be traded. If he is  then I see Seattle, Raiders, Jets, and Titans as most probable. Maybe even the Giants.

No Ragrets.  
glad he was our QB. Many great moments. However, it is time. Actually last year was the time. Amazing Hall of Fame player. Came up short on Lombardi’s but that was an organizational failure.

@H5 posted:


Skip is an odd duck for sure.

If you've ever watched pro wrestling (particularly the "heels"), people like Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith are pretty easy to understand. They make a good living saying stupid things that make people hatewatch them.

Last edited by Pack-Man
@Floridarob posted:

I find it amazing so many are ready to move on from Rodgers who is the best QB this team has ever known. While this year was not his best year with new WRs, a hurt thumb, hurt ribs, and an offensive line constantly changing, he still was better than 2/3 of teh QBs in the league. Hopefully the Packers make the right call. I hope he retires as a Packer but I do have a feeling he will be traded. If he is  then I see Seattle, Raiders, Jets, and Titans as most probable. Maybe even the Giants.

I'm not necessarily wanting to move on from Rodgers.  I'm wanting to move on from his contract.  It hamstrings the club well after he's gone, and doesn't help the team go "all in" even if he stays.

Given the talk coming out now, and the fact that AR was so insistent to play thru a broken finger and injured ribs, him and the Packers had to know that while it was a huge deal he signed, it was really only a one year deal in reality.  They even made it easy for them to trade him if they wanted to given the contract structure.

Or maybe we really know nothing and he's just playing hard to get.  Who knows with him.  Complicated fella.

@vitaflo posted:

Fill that hole 12!

If they do trade Rodgers, whoever gets him is getting a very good deal because of the way the contract is structured.  Actually, better than very good. It is absolutely an outstanding value to get Rodgers for only a 15 million dollar cap hit.

The compensation coming back should reflect that you are getting a guy who'd still likely get 40 million a year on the open market (if not more) for 15 million

The Jets are rumored to be hiring Hackett as the OC. I'd take Sauce Gardner and a second rounder for him.

@Chongo posted:

12 on McAfee admitting if he comes back to the Packers there will have to be tweaks to his contract.


Tauscher said last week he was sure that the reason Rodgers dropped the comments about a trade possibility and listing his guys as a reason to come back is that Gutekunst had already told AR things can't be the same.

Now AR says he knows there would be "tweaks". Guy loves to play the media. I believe he knows exactly what GB / Gutekunst is willing to do if AR comes back, and now AR is trying to convince himself that it's the right situation so he looks good with it all.

Gutekunst has all the control. When Rodgers flinches, will we know it?

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