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I'm sure there is a team out there that will take him, but a year late and post Russell Wilson, the haul is getting smaller

Sure, after 2021 he was coming off back-to-back MVP seasons. Now after an awful 2022, and he showed no indication he really cared when he didn't show and work with the young receivers but chose to whine, he's worth less.

@bdplant posted:

Ask him to restructure his contract and take a pay cut. When he refuses, cut him or trade him. At least then the Packers can say they wanted him back but AR was unwilling to do what needed to be done in order to field a competitive team….which would be true.

I don’t know if that’s possible or how it would work with the salary cap though.

Just pushing things down the road as they already paid him millions that haven't been counted for cap purposes yet and cannot be kicked down the road.

Cut him? They will still be on the hook.

Have you not seen the tweets I and others posted from Ken Ingalls?

@D J posted:

Sure, after 2021 he was coming off back-to-back MVP seasons. Now after an awful 2022, and he showed no indication he really cared when he didn't show and work with the young receivers but chose to whine, he's worth less.

I think X4 and 50 drunks in a bar evaluation of 12 and the pro's evaluation of 12 is very different.  He's not the man he was 10 years ago, but he's still pretty close to the guy he was 2 years ago

I wondered if what Gute was saying in front of cameras at the end of the season and what the FO was saying behind closed doors would be something entirely different.

Umm..apparently that answer is yes.

Last edited by packerboi
@Chongo posted:

Yeah, I mean Schefter has such a glowing track record for being correct about Rodgers and all...

Point taken, but as much as I can’t stand him, it’s 2 main sources in the NFL that gets shit right regarding the Packers more often than not. Schefter and Ian Rap. And once in a while Rob D is thrown a bone.

Rodgers has openly said he wants no part of a rebuild. I don’t think it’s an out in left field take that Cobb, Lewis, and probably Crosby isn’t back.

And in Rodgers mind, without his bff’s, that’s a rebuild.

I get what you're saying Pboi, but Schefter lost all credibility with me when he pulled his draft weekend drama with 12 a couple years ago. These guys just want to be so right about him they run with just about anything they are told that has him A)Retiring or B)Looking for a trade. It gets clicks.

β€œBoth sides are fully aware that a trade is a very real scenario this offseason.”

Well fuck, I guess that's a whole lot more interesting than β€œBoth sides are fully aware that Rodgers coming back to play is a very real scenario this offseason.” But far less click-baity.

it's a National Enquirer headline.
There's a modicum of truth in what he said.
But it's phrased and presented in a way to insinuate that shit has hit the fan, and that is in no way truthful.

I'm sure his representation is busy at work, as they have to be prepared for any scenario. It's just as likely they are "gauging interest" from teams that may be interested should a trade scenario develop, all without tampering, of course.

The Packers are doing the same for the same reasons.

Ergo, "both sides are fully (not partially, of course) aware that a trade is a very real scenario" (because an ordinary real scenario simply won't do).
Sizzling and sensational reporting!

@packerboi posted:

Point taken, but as much as I can’t stand him, it’s 2 main sources in the NFL that gets shit right regarding the Packers more often than not. Schefter and Ian Rap.

All they are doing is masturbating, why do you insist on watching ?

The fact that Rodgers might be traded isn't news.
Rodgers said as much a few days ago. Gute acknowledged the possibility
Its not news.

There's a very real chance he stays
There's a very real chance he's traded
There's a very real chance he retires

All that little fuck- face did was re-arrange a few words, ( very real chance !!!!!) add some emphasis and put it out there on playoffs weekend so their will be chum for the chumps.

Don't be a chump.

And fuck schefturd with a big wet pole, he's a bigger POS, than even michael The Douchebag rodney.

@packerboi posted:

I wondered if what Gute was saying in front of cameras at the end of the season and what the FO was saying behind closed doors would be something entirely different.

Umm..apparently that answer is yes.

Ooh, please trade him! Unfortunately, this comes from Schefter who has about ZERO credibility with me.

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