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wouldnt be surprised if theres as much confusion or more this afternoon. He'll probably go on McAFee and say something cryptic like discussions are on-going, beautiful mystery, blah-blah. heads are gonna explode and he'll just revel in it

@packerboi posted:

And sadly, Woody seems more than happy to give it to him.

Show me a hot chick, I'll show you a dude that's tired of her.

And a line of 1,000 guys willing to step up to the plate.

(S)he's someone else's problem now. But he still occupies space and likely always will...

@WolfPack posted:

wouldnt be surprised if theres as much confusion or more this afternoon. He'll probably go on McAFee and say something cryptic like discussions are on-going, beautiful mystery, blah-blah. heads are gonna explode and he'll just revel in it

@packerboi posted:

lmao, blinding rage? Drama queen much?

I have no rage or anything of the sort towards 12. I am just like most others where his act and his unending narcissistic demand for attention and ego stroking in the last few years has gotten old.  I am tired of a now annual pilgrimage of Aaron's "will I or won't I" play schtick.

If you think Rodgers is just doing what other players do and he doesn't have a death grip on the Jets FO now, you are just blind to reality. Wielding this type of power at this point in his career seems to be paramount to him. And sadly, Woody seems more than happy to give it to him.

JHFC, “unending narcissistic demand for attention”, “annual pilgrimage…”, “death grip”, “wielding that type of power”, did he grow a handlebar mustache and get a top hat and Monocle, too? You’re oozing drama.

Most of that stuff is speculation by others flailing away on the internet.

Last edited by Herschel

Prediction: AR will go on McaFee’s show today and say something along the lines of, “I just don't feel at this time that I can lead the Jets with the 100 percent conviction that I need.”

Soon after it’ll be announced that 12 has been traded to the Patriots. Lazard will be pissed that he was used as a decoy and Belichick will be eager to prove that he can win one without Brady.


Oh, and Cobb will retire due to a lack of offers.


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@Herschel posted:

JHFC, “unending narcissistic demand for attention”, “annual pilgrimage…”, “death grip”, “wielding that type of power”, did he grow a handlebar mustache and get a top hat and Monocle, too? You’re oozing drama.

Most of that stuff is speculation by others flailing away on the internet.

Like a lot in life I think the truth lies somewhere in between. Like I've said before, I personally don't think he's a a bad dude, just an acquired personality.

@michiganjoe posted:

Packers are $20 million under the cap right now with Rodgers still on the team. The contract right now is not the issue, since he said he would be willing to restructure as necessary to ease the 24-26 cap hits.

I'll listen to MLF and Gute who said they want him back, and completely tune out Murphy's stupidity. It's clear he wanted Rodgers gone last year when he came out with his "complicated fella" nonsense. This year I'm assuming he said what he said to piss off Rodgers and get him to want to leave.

I hope Rodgers stays through the end of Murphy's tenure so that Murphy retires never having seen the quarterback he insisted on drafting start over Rodgers as a Packer.

Last edited by NumberThree
@bdplant posted:

Prediction: AR will go on McaFee’s show today and say something along the lines of, “I just don't feel at this time that I can lead the Jets with the 100 percent conviction that I need.”

Soon after it’ll be announced that 12 has been traded to the Patriots. Lazard will be pissed that he was used as a decoy and Belichick will be eager to prove that he can win one without Brady.

AR would never go to NE because Kraft wouldn't let him wear #12.  BB would, just because.  But not Kraft.

@Chongo posted:

The Bears got more for a guy who may never play much, less be a star.   Shop AR around, get the best deal possible for the team.

Like a lot in life I think the truth lies somewhere in between. Like I've said before, I personally don't think he's a a bad dude, just an acquired personality.

And it's understandable that many Packer fans are glad and relieved that the Jets are now acquiring his 'personality'.

Last edited by antooo

I can't see why he would go on McCafee without the deal being announced.  My guess is that he retires if they don't make the announcment before that.

Packers fans want to paint him as this media whore, but he isn't.   He started fucking with the media after the Covid nonsense.   They attacked him vicously and now he gets off on fucking with them.  He started doing long form intrviews so he could control the narrative about him.  Smart.   

Good for him IMO.  They deserve it and the folks who click away on their bait and fund the behavior deserve the torment.

Last edited by BrainDed

"packers drafted Jordan to replace me"

Idk if that's 100 % true. Maybe they just wanted to invest in a qb prospect for backup or possibly trade bait. Sounded defensive

Went into darkness 90% retiring...

He really hates the packer FO

Says they never communicated their direction

Last edited by WolfPack
@WolfPack posted:

"packers drafted Jordan to replace me"

Idk if that's 100 % true. Maybe they just wanted to invest in a qb prospect for backup or possibly trade bait. Sounded defensive

Went into darkness 90% retiring...

He really hates the packer FO

Says they never communicated their direction

But it was OK when they draft him to replace Favre? Can a player be alive to be tested for CTE?

I'm reminded of what Silverstein said, that most players when put in bad positions attempt to change the narrative.  It's obvious that's what he's doing here.  Putting 100% of the problem for this on the Packers FO.

@titmfatied posted:

I don't think Murphy acts unilaterally. I imagine he needs approval from the board for a move as big as changing out a HOF QB that brings a lot of revenue to the community. 

Yeah I know.....word has it the vote was 4-3

Who do you think voted to keep Rodgers last year?

Do you think it possibly may have been the guy that said...."Fans will come after me with pitchforks....."

I can guarantee you Gutey wanted Rodgers gone before last season

Now he alludes to the fact that he may not have wanted to come back even if GB wanted him back. So someone had to be the dick. Glad it was the team.

Yeah AR is talking out of both sides of his mouth.  First says GB didn't tell him they were moving on which pissed him off, then later says he wouldn't have come back to GB anyway cuz it was obvious they were moving on.

He sounds like a jaded ex-girlfriend.

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