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@Boris posted:

Green Bay has zero leverage???? They are currently holding all the cards.

Jordan love will be the starting quarterback in September. Rodgers can either play for the Jets or retire The Packers don't need to do anything except wait for the Jets to cave to their demands

Jets fans have deluded themselves into thinking the "Cap Hell" the Packers will be in if 12 retires will drive them to finally cave to the Jets offer.

What they don't get is, if there was ever a franchise that is closer to a guvmint agency than a Fortune 500 company, it's the Packers. The Silos of Unaccountability don't have an owner over them who will clean house at the drop of a hat. They have a milquetoast board that knows WMM is doing his retirement tour right now. The Packers will be in cap hell for just one year if he retires...and they can explain away a bad season to that and 10 being a first year starter, and the board and fans will forgive and forget.

2 firsts is not an unreasonable ask by the Packers (if that is what they are asking). Not offering at least #13 overall as part of the compensation is insulting (if that rumor is true).

Not my money, but I'd rather the Packers get nothing and 12 retire than settle for garbage compensation.

@WolfPack posted:

Packers have 2 qbs, Jets essentially have 0.

Their only real option to not only compete in the division but the conference is to sign Jackson or Rodgers and Lamar will cost a hell of a lot more.

No reason the packers can't get the 13th pick plus something conditional next year

Yeah they could wheel out Matt Ryan in a wheelchair or they can sign Lamar Jackson and be back to zero quarterbacks after he gets hurt in three games.

Good luck with all of that.

Now I have an idea What if the Jets make a trade with the Niners for Trey Lance??

@Boris posted:

Green Bay has zero leverage???? They are currently holding all the cards.

Jordan love will be the starting quarterback in September. Rodgers can either play for the Jets or retire The Packers don't need to do anything except wait for the Jets to cave to their demands

this is the correct assessment.  rodgers and the jets have already shown their hands. 

hell, the jets already have spent $44 million on lazard

@Chongo posted:

Jets fans have deluded themselves into thinking the "Cap Hell" the Packers will be in if 12 retires will drive them to finally cave to the Jets offer.

Not just Jets fan. Seems many aren't cap knowledgeable.


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Last edited by H5

How far in advance can NFL teams trade their first round picks? Maybe ask for the Jets 2025 and 2026 first rounders. By that time, the dead cap hits for all the signings that will Rodgers will want to happen will come due, Rodgers will be gone, and those picks could be really premium.

It's the same thing that teams trading in the NBA do - a Bucks first round pick when Giannis is there might as well be a second rounder. Once he ages out and retires or leaves, the value increases dramatically.

@Chongo posted:

Seconds and fourths. NO THIRDS! Unless the Packers allow someone other than Gute to make the picks at three. We could do better than he has.

Lamar Jackson is problematic as a plan B due to his style of play, injury history, 2 1sts, and what will likely be 200M+ guaranteed.   Oh, and the Ravens can still match.  

The other plausible option would be to draft a QB but at 13 there’s no sure thing and Jets are built to win now.  

As for the Packers, if the Jets option fell through you still have Raiders and Washington and Tampa and Atlanta and Colts and maybe others that will need a QB.

@PackerRick posted:

Exactly, the Jets are more invested in this than the Packers are and what are their other options? Mayfield is gone. Wentz? Ryan? LOL.

Cool.. Now tell me the Packers other options.     Have him show up to camp and say I'll take my 60 million in ones please and have Jordan load them in my golf cart. 

@Goalline posted:

I hope he exposes that FO. Freaking mark Murphy has dragged us back into the 80's when Judge Parrins and the board were making the most important football decisions with disastrous results.

I think MLF deserves a lot of the blame. He let AR decide what the offense would be and basically caved to that.

Then MLF kept playing AR and his broken thumb rather than getting Love all those reps.

@H5 posted:

Not just Jets fan. Seems many aren't cap knowledgeable.

Yup...I follow Ingalls, and that was my understanding as well. Trade or retire pre-June 1, it's the same cap hit for GB. Post June 1, which is what they would likely push for if retirement is his path, spreads it out over two caps. If I am Gute/Ballz I just eat it all this year, start with a clean slate next year and attack FA hard.

@BrainDed posted:

Cool.. Now tell me the Packers other options.     Have him show up to camp and say I'll take my 60 million in ones please and have Jordan load them in my golf cart.

You are not paying attention Rodgers said he would not play for the Green Bay Packers anymore. That's it It's over It's done He's gone. Period

Last edited by Boris
@Goalline posted:

They should have shopped him to the whole league and not let the Jets talk to him until they had an agreement in principle in place. Instead, they start negotiating when the player is all in on the Jets? Who does that? Desperate people do that.

The word was no NFC team, so they shot themselves in the foot, bigly.

Hell, the Bears have so much cap space (nearly $100 million) they may very well have bitten had they asked.

@D J posted:

The word was no NFC team, so they shot themselves in the foot, bigly.

Hell, the Bears have so much cap space (nearly $100 million) they may very well have bitten had they asked.

I would ask for 5 #1’s to have him stay in the Nort. Why are these GMs so emotionally stunted.

@D J posted:

The word was no NFC team, so they shot themselves in the foot, bigly.

Hell, the Bears have so much cap space (nearly $100 million) they may very well have bitten had they asked.

Player/owner Old school!

@H5 posted:

Gutekunst is playing this very well. Gave AR / Jets permission to talk. They become enamored with each other. Reports are Jets FO feel really good after they meet with AR. AR comes out today and says he 's known since Friday that he wants to play, and wants to play for the Jets.

Rodgers contractually tied to the Packers. If the Jets want Rodgers and Rodgers wants the Jets (and Rodgers won't play for GB again), advantage Packers.

Hold firm to your asking price. If AR wants to retire, fine. He won't be coming back to GB like Favre did... he said he won't play for GB again.

...and then the Packers get a 3rd round comp pick and the Jets know it.  (EDIT- No comp pick, he wouldn't be a free agent, he could retire and we get nothing.)  There is also the Favre option, where Rodgers says fuck you then, and shows up to camp, and the Jets know it.   

He HAS to be traded and it looks like it HAS to be the Jets.   Clear advantage Jets.

Last edited by BrainDed
@Boris posted:

You are not paying attention Roger said he would not play for the Green Bay Packers anymore. That's it It's over It's done He's gone. Period

Right..   So what do the Packers get in a scenario where he is not traded to the Jets?    Your answer is the leverage the Jets have.    He has zero value, in fact he is a debit that the Packers are now desperate to get rid of.     How is that advantage Packers?

@Goalline posted:

I would ask for 5 #1’s to have him stay in the Nort. Why are these GMs so emotionally stunted.

The Bears had the overall number 1 pick (before trading it away).

It wouldn't be ideal to see AR in a Bears uniform, twice a season for however many years he plays. But, they had that overall number 1 pick.

Rodgers told the world today he wasn’t returning to GB and he’d rather just retire. In that scenario, they’d push it after June 1 to spread our a very manageable 40M over this year and next.  

His ego won’t allow him to return and sit on the bench because the Packers won’t cut him and they’ve already committed to playing Love.

Rodgers really has them by the balls, eh?

Last edited by Tschmack

I Just explained my opinion on that above.   They know he can not return to the Packers...  The Packers have two options, trade him to the Jets or HOPE he retires and get nothing. 

If your home is in forclosure, and you have no other buyers, I ain't paying fair market value.   You can get what I offer or you get nothing.

If the Packers didn't want him back, why the no NFC team restriction.  If they are so confident with Love as the future, why worry if the 49ers win the super bowl next year?  I understand if he was 35 but at 40?

@Tschmack posted:

Rodgers told the world today he wasn’t returning to GB and he’d rather just retire. In that scenario, they’d push it after June 1 to spread our a very manageable 40M over this year and next.  

His ego won’t allow him to return and sit on the bench because the Packers won’t cut him and they’ve already committed to playing Love.

Rodgers really has them by the balls, eh?

You think MLF want him sitting on the bench while Jordan Love and this group of pass catchers struggle?   Love has Watson to throw to, thats it. 

What a shit show that would be.   The locker room would be split and Love's potential career fucked from the start.

They have 1 decent option at the moment, trade him to the Jets.   The other option, HOPE he retires and you get nothing when you could hve had a Kings ransom last year.

@NumberThree posted:

Packers are $20 million under the cap right now with Rodgers still on the team. The contract right now is not the issue, since he said he would be willing to restructure as necessary to ease the 24-26 cap hits.

I'll listen to MLF and Gute who said they want him back, and completely tune out Murphy's stupidity. It's clear he wanted Rodgers gone last year when he came out with his "complicated fella" nonsense. This year I'm assuming he said what he said to piss off Rodgers and get him to want to leave.

I hope Rodgers stays through the end of Murphy's tenure so that Murphy retires never having seen the quarterback he insisted on drafting start over Rodgers as a Packer.

Damn, dude!
8 dislikes (as of 5pm EST)!
I think that's the record?

@BrainDed posted:.

If your home is in forclosure, and you have no other buyers, I ain't paying fair market value.   You can get what I offer or you get nothing.

I'd rather burn it to the ground then give it to you for what you're offering below fair market value. I ain't blinking over here. If you want it, that's my price. Pay it or go away.

Pretty simple. Packers don't need this done today or even next week. Jets however need it done.

I think I've explained my opinion clearly.

See how this works?

@Boris posted:

I'd rather burn it to the ground then give it to you for what you're offering below fair market value. I ain't blinking over here. If you want it, that's my price. Pay it or go away.

Pretty simple. Packers don't need this done today or even next week. Jets however need it done.

I think I've explained my opinion clearly.

See how this works?

I do..  and you could have sold your 500k home for 1.5 million last year but you were too stubborn.   Now you can get 300k and start building a new future.   If you choose stubborness again you get $0 and your family suffers even more because of it. 

But you are principled.   Good for you.   Take your principled ass to the bread line.

@Floridarob posted:

I dont think AR give a flying F when Brady retired. AR does not take a back seat to anybody including Brady.

Brady will clearly be the talk of the town when he goes into the HOF no matter who else is inducted on that day. Rodgers will be in his shadow again. It's a huge factor.

@BrainDed posted:

I do..  and you could have sold your 500k home for 1.5 million last year but you were too stubborn.   Now you can get 300k and start building a new future.   If you choose stubborness again you get $0 and your family suffers even more because of it.

But you are principled.   Good for you.   Take your principled ass to the bread line.

Hahah you think there are no more buyers, you're wrong about that.

It's not stubborn. It's called negotiation.

I don't have to sell right now - you are trying to show a position of power but I have something you want - you don't get to dictate terms.

If he shows up in Green Bay, they could do what the 49ers did with Jimmy G. Tell him you go practice over there by your self. Here is a bottled water for you. They do not have to decide until 1st game of the year in September. By then, nobody will care.

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