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@packerboi posted:

“I think it is interesting at this point to step back and look at the whole picture,” Rodgers said. “My side, love, appreciation and gratitude for everything Green Bay has done for me. So much love and gratitude and heart open for the Packer fans and what it meant to be their quarterback, and also the reality of the situation. It is what it is.

The Packers would like to move on. They’ve let me know that in so many words. They’ve let other people know that in direct words. Because I still have that fire and I want to play and I would like to play in New York, it’s just a matter of getting that done at this point.”

Didn't he also say that when he went into his valley of darkness he was 90% sure he was going to retire? Now he says he still has the fire to play? So which is it? My guess is that he seriously considered retiring, but once he heard the final word that the FO wanted to move on and the decision was no longer his and only his, the fire -- in reality, the chip on his shoulder -- returned. So, he'll play this year to try to give a big "fuck you" to the GB FO. He may do that, but for a guy who was 90% on the side of retirement (if true), who's 39, and who played so poorly last year, that's a pretty big hill to climb.

It's interesting watching some old video's on YT.  Draft day sitting in that room embarrassed, his early seasons. Great throws. Leadership in the Super Bowl. Still kinda humble on America's game. The goofyness in the State Farm commercials with Mathews and BJ. Then the slow the transformation in to a upscale hippie. The mushrooms, inner self, weird girlfriends. I watch those old games and wish he wasn't leaving. Then I watch the last few years and hear his comments and it's GTFO already!

Last edited by Packiderm

Rodgers went through a lot professionally. From the draft free fall.  To how the dipshit Brett Farve fans first treated him.  Let’s not forget how fucked up that was.  And how long it lasted

No one had to have thicker skin than him. At least outwardly.

He develops his tight inner circle. Trust and loyalty became his mantra.  

Nothing perfect about him. Still with all his quirks. Glad he was ours.  And between Coaching issues- Defense Issues, Special Teams issues. And yes lack of “weapons”.   “We” as Packer fans had a lot of great games to watch courtesy of 12.

Last edited by Iowacheese

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall"

Having a chip on your shoulder can motivate you to do better and lead to great things but it can also consume you.  IMO Rodgers can't get over this.  He sees every interaction as a potential threat and every news article as an attack on his abilities.  This is what's causing his downfall.  Again, just my opinion.

@Packiderm posted:

It's interesting watching some old video's on YT.  Draft day sitting in that room embarrassed, his early seasons. Great throws. Leadership in the Super Bowl. Still kinda humble on America's game. The goofyness in the State Farm commercials with Mathews and BJ. Then the slow the transformation in to a upscale hippie. The mushrooms, inner self, weird girlfriends. I watch those old games and wish he wasn't leaving. Then I watch the last few years and hear his comments and it's GTFO already!

When he went off about how he is the greatest Packer ever to play the game and the longest tenured Packer QB my mind said "ok, but sometimes people overstay their welcome".

@Packiderm posted:

It's interesting watching some old video's on YT.  Draft day sitting in that room embarrassed, his early seasons. Great throws. Leadership in the Super Bowl. Still kinda humble on America's game. The goofyness in the State Farm commercials with Mathews and BJ. Then the slow the transformation in to a upscale hippie. The mushrooms, inner self, weird girlfriends. I watch those old games and wish he wasn't leaving. Then I watch the last few years and hear his comments and it's GTFO already!

I just had this conversation with a couple of people this week. He got weirder and more arrogant every year lately it seems starting around the time Love was drafted or maybe a bit sooner. He became easy to dislike in the last couple of years with the arrogance, attention seeking, cryptic messages, passive aggressiveness, eye rolling, etc. He didn't used to be that way- at least not to this degree.

@Boris posted:

I don't have anything wrong with what he said....Do you agree he's at least in the conversation? I do.

He'll be in the Packer Hall of Fame and the one in Canton

He said it was debatable, and I'll give him that, it's debatable.  I'd still put him below Hutson and Starr tho.  He's solidly #3 in my book.

It was more the way it came off and why he said it, as tho he deserved special treatment, etc.  It was a little too "look at me" for me.  It's something Bart would have never done.

@13X posted:

I just had this conversation with a couple of people this week. He got weirder and more arrogant every year lately it seems starting around the time Love was drafted or maybe a bit sooner. He became easy to dislike in the last couple of years with the arrogance, attention seeking, cryptic messages, passive aggressiveness, eye rolling, etc. He didn't used to be that way- at least not to this degree.

He also was incredibly private prior to going on McAfee and doing weekly interviews.  It took him a bit to open up on that show but as he got more comfortable, we started to see what he was really like, and it wasn't always positive.

It's been known for a long time that Rodgers is very sensitive.  I think we have just seen how that manifests itself in the last few years.  People don't really change a lot once they get to be adults.  I have a feeling Rodgers has always been an odd duck, and likes to smell his own farts, we just never actually got to see it until recently.

Rodgers is certainly in conversation as the best GBP of all time.  

Hutson and Starr (probably 1 and 2), Rodgers and Favre (3 and 4) and then after that it’s sort of debatable.  

Gregg, Adderly, Sharpe, Nitschke, Willie Davis, Jim Taylor, Paul Hornung, Lofton, etc.  

Tough to figure out where guys like Reggie and C Wood fit as they were free agents.

Last edited by Tschmack
@michiganjoe posted:

Only problem is that doesn't appear to be true. He was aware of trade discussions occurring long before his darkness retreat.

Personally, after the whole "I'm immunized" dust up that happened, while I am not saying Rodgers is lying, I also learned he can very much skew the narrative to benefit Aaron.

He also has selective outrage on a variety of things without telling the whole story. And he is fully aware GB is not going to come out and push back on whatever version of story he is telling.

So in short, a grain of salt needs to be taken with what comes out of his mouth.

totally agree. we were reminded yesterday how well AR minces words and skews narratives, embellishes and subtley twists things. A number of reports on yesterdays showing indicated the same thing. its become more about him than the team. Its where things got to with Bert as well. I guess it happens to the best of em.

Jets issue now

@packerboi posted:

Personally, after the whole "I'm immunized" dust up that happened, while I am not saying Rodgers is lying, I also learned he can very much skew the narrative to benefit Aaron.

He also has selective outrage on a variety of things without telling the whole story. And he is fully aware GB is not going to come out and push back on whatever version of story he is telling.

So in short, a grain of salt needs to be taken with what comes out of his mouth.

All good points. I definitely lost a lot of respect for him when he lied about being vaccinated and then played the victim. I always thought he was a pretty smart dude as well until he talked about getting medical advice from Joe Rogan. He came off like a complete idiot as noted by Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

@vitaflo posted:

He said it was debatable, and I'll give him that, it's debatable.  I'd still put him below Hutson and Starr tho.  He's solidly #3 in my book.

It was more the way it came off and why he said it, as tho he deserved special treatment, etc.  It was a little too "look at me" for me.  It's something Bart would have never done.

First he said he was the greatest Packer and then backtracked a bit saying he's in the conversation. Not the best way to start an interview.

He's the best thrower of the football I have ever seen.

His TD to INT ratio is 2nd to none I believe. He watched Favre chuck up ducks and throw 500+ INT's. He was determined to not throw INT's. I'll miss that because I expect Love to throw a few up for grabs.

Complicated fella that I was ready to move on from last year. I'm glad it's happening this year. I have no ill will toward the guy. Have fun in NY rock star! I'll be watching

@vitaflo posted:

He also was incredibly private prior to going on McAfee and doing weekly interviews.  It took him a bit to open up on that show but as he got more comfortable, we started to see what he was really like, and it wasn't always positive.

It's been known for a long time that Rodgers is very sensitive.  I think we have just seen how that manifests itself in the last few years.  People don't really change a lot once they get to be adults.  I have a feeling Rodgers has always been an odd duck, and likes to smell his own farts, we just never actually got to see it until recently.

Look at Mr. LA Tee Da.   If liking to smell your own farts makes you an odd duck, well Quack Quack.

@michiganjoe posted:

Only problem is that doesn't appear to be true. He was aware of trade discussions occurring long before his darkness retreat.

At one point in his career he demanded a trade so I'd say that opens the door for the Packers to trade him whenever they want. His arrogance is why he's out in GB. I still can't believe the Packers fell for his BS last year and gave him that contract.                                                                                                                              All you hear the guy say is MVP, MVP,MVP. Does he realize in 2019 he had one of the lowest QBR in his career and the Packers won 13 games? He went on his stat stuffing MVP runs and the Packers won ...........13 games. When 25% of your TD passes are 2 yards or less that QB rating goes right up. Aaron Jones had 16 rushing TDs in 2019 and a combined 13 in Rodgers MVP seasons. Those MVPs really mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Last edited by PackerRick
@13X posted:

All good points. I definitely lost a lot of respect for him when he lied about being vaccinated and then played the victim. I always thought he was a pretty smart dude as well until he talked about getting medical advice from Joe Rogan. He came off like a complete idiot as noted by Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

Let's not forget he missed the KC game which we barely lost because he got Covid. That is the only reason he had to come clean on his vaccination lie.

@Boris posted:

He's the best thrower of the football I have ever seen.

His TD to INT ratio is 2nd to none I believe. He watched Favre chuck up ducks and throw 500+ INT's. He was determined to not throw INT's. I'll miss that because I expect Love to throw a few up for grabs.

Complicated fella that I was ready to move on from last year. I'm glad it's happening this year. I have no ill will toward the guy. Have fun in NY rock star! I'll be watching

Rodgers protected the ball but sometimes it was to a fault. Mahomes has close to the same INT ratio but he takes chances that Rodgers won't.                                        NY will be interesting for Rodgers with the media. He's going to have to put more into the offseason than he did in GB the last couple seasons. I fully expect him to do that which says something about him both good and bad.

@PackerRick posted:

At one point in his career he demanded a trade so I'd say that opens the door for the Packers to trade him whenever they want. His arrogance his why he's out in GB. I still can't believe the Packers fell for his BS last year and gave him that contract.                   

For a smart guy his logic is pretty much all over the place.

As you said, at one point demands a trade, but is pissed off when the Packers look to trade him.

Is shocked the Packers are shopping him while on his retreat, but also says it was obvious the Packers waned to move on from him during the season.

Talks about how TT's regime treated vet players better than Gute, but then lists players who he says were mistreated but were actually released by TT, not Gute (like Woodson).

The thing he never actually answered is why the hell he changed his mind.  He went into his retreat thinking 90% he was gonna retire.  Then comes out and gets some text messages and then...he wants to play for the Jets?  He never actually said why he wants to play for the Jets or why he decided not to retire.  Which is why I find the whole "I was 90% sure I was gonna retire" to probably be bullshit.

Last edited by vitaflo
@PackerRick posted:

At one point in his career he demanded a trade so I'd say that opens the door for the Packers to trade him whenever they want. His arrogance his why he's out in GB. I still can't believe the Packers fell for his BS last year and gave him that contract.                                                                                                                              All you hear the guy say is MVP, MVP,MVP. Does he realize in 2019 he had the lowest QBR in his career and the Packers won 13 games? He went on his stat stuffing MVP runs and the Packers won ...........13 games. When 25% of your TD passes are 2 yards or less that QB rating goes right up. Aaron Jones had 16 rushing TDs in 2019 and a combined 13 in Rodgers MVP seasons. Those MVPs really mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

yeah, a paltry 95.4 qbr, I mean how lame is that?

And, he barely threw for over 4000 yards in 2019, while throwing 26 touchdowns and 4, that's right, a whopping 4 interceptions.

I don't know why you hate this guy so much.  I doubt you know him personally, but the way you trash him, you'd think he pissed in you Wheaties.

You trash his 2019 season, but if Jordan Love can match that in any season of his career, I'll be a happy Packers fan.

@Tschmack posted:

Rodgers is certainly in conversation as the best GBP of all time.  

Hutson and Starr (probably 1 and 2), Rodgers and Favre (3 and 4) and then after that it’s sort of debatable.  

Gregg, Adderly, Sharpe, Nitschke, Willie Davis, Jim Taylor, Paul Hornung, Lofton, etc.  

Tough to figure out where guys like Reggie and C Wood fit as they were free agents.

All those dudes are "in the conversation," but for me it's #92 all the way.  Best defensive player I've ever seen.  Can probably thank him, as much as anyone, for much of the success of the franchise over the last 30 years.

All those dudes are "in the conversation," but for me it's #92 all the way.  Best defensive player I've ever seen.  Can probably thank him, as much as anyone, for much of the success of the franchise over the last 30 years.

Reggie made it OK to sign with GB.  Without him, we probably don't sign Sean Jones, Keith Jackson, Rison or Desmond Howard.  All those dudes were instrumental in us winning the SB.

@vitaflo posted:

For a smart guy his logic is pretty much all over the place.

The thing he never actually answered is why the hell he changed his mind.  He went into his retreat thinking 90% he was gonna retire.  Then comes out and gets some text messages and then...he wants to play for the Jets?  He never actually said why he wants to play for the Jets or why he decided not to retire.  Which is why I find the whole "I was 90% sure I was gonna retire" to probably be bullshit.

Good point on the 90% flip. Who changes their mind in 3 days when they are that convinced of a decision? If retirement was that close to happening it would still be an option if the Jets deal falls through. He did the Packers a huge favor taking that off the table.                                                                                                          When he talked about TT being better than Gute at taking care of veterans he's not taking into account how much more the salary cap affects personnel decisions now. That's after he said multiple times in his interview that he knows it's a business. To state the obvious, TT didn't have one player sucking up 25% of his salary cap.

@Thunderbird posted:

yeah, a paltry 95.4 qbr, I mean how lame is that?

And, he barely threw for over 4000 yards in 2019, while throwing 26 touchdowns and 4, that's right, a whopping 4 interceptions.

I don't know why you hate this guy so much.  I doubt you know him personally, but the way you trash him, you'd think he pissed in you Wheaties.

You trash his 2019 season, but if Jordan Love can match that in any season of his career, I'll be a happy Packers fan.

You missed the point. All he talks about is MVP and it didn't translate to any more wins. It's a team game. How does 95.4 rate with the rest of his career? He had 12 seasons better than that. And that 26 TDs and 4 INTs? How do you think they arrived at his passer rating? Unlike you, I have no emotional tie to the guy, he's just a football player. I am a Packer fan first and this guy is no longer good for the organization and has been headed in that direction for 4-5 years.

When Rodgers says the Packers are holding up the deal by digging in their heels I think it just depends which side you're on. It's more than likely the Jets were given the price tag before they flew to meet Rodgers. Now they are trying to negotiate down and the Packers are firm on the price, a price the Jets must have been OK with or they never would have flown to Cali.

TT got rid of Woodson because Woodson "dared" take the stance of going against Dom Capers after the 2012 playoff debacle in SF.

Bad move by TT because Woodson was the CLEAR and UNQUESTIONED leader in that locker room plus Woodson still had 3 more years in him.

So Rodgers thoughts about the former FO treating vets better is probably wrong and definitely not accurate when you look at everything.

this is the correct assessment.  rodgers and the jets have already shown their hands.

hell, the jets already have spent $44 million on lazard

Plus they hired Hackett as their OC after his flop season in Denver. Now maybe they would have hired Hackett if Rodgers isn't in the picture but I'm not buying it. They were already talking about bringing in a vet QB (they hadn't named Rodgers yet but they clearly meant him) before they hired Hackett and that was step one in their plan to give Rodgers whatever he wants to come join them.

The point I was trying to make is, Rodgers' down years are better than most other QB's good years.

It seems most on this board can't wait to move on from Rodgers, but I think he still gives us a better chance to make the post season than J Love.  Like I said, if Love can produce the same numbers as Rodgers' "worst" season, I'll take it.

I hope Love is successful in GB, I obviously want him to do well.  Hopefully we can get the weapons he needs from whatever compensation we get from the Jets.

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