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I hope Love is successful as well, but I'm also realistic that he's going to take his lumps this year. He may start the year well but once teams get him on tape and the 17-game grind starts in earnest, there are going to be losses. For me the keys will be: does he battle in every game to the end; does he grow and not make the same mistakes over and over; can he be a leader and keep guys together despite losing; does he continue to want to be coached; is he a good teammate. If he does those things this year, then he'll be on his way to successfully leading this team for a number of years.

@Boris posted:

So Rodgers thoughts about the former FO treating vets better is probably wrong and definitely not accurate when you look at everything.

Perception is reality.

Three sides to every situation...his side, their side and the truth.

The Aaron Rodgers’ trade saga is getting even more complicated.

One day after the 39-year-old quarterback said he intends to play for the Jets in 2023, another report about Green Bay’s compensation request emerged Thursday.

The Packers want more than a first-round pick as part of the base deal, multiple sources told ProFootballTalk — which reported that Green Bay wants protection in 2025, should Rodgers suit up again in 2024.

However, the asking price is reportedly more than the Jets believe they should give up for a player the Packers have said they no longer want.

@Fandame posted:

I hope Love is successful as well, but I'm also realistic that he's going to take his lumps this year. He may start the year well but once teams get him on tape and the 17-game grind starts in earnest, there are going to be losses. For me the keys will be: does he battle in every game to the end; does he grow and not make the same mistakes over and over; can he be a leader and keep guys together despite losing; does he continue to want to be coached; is he a good teammate. If he does those things this year, then he'll be on his way to successfully leading this team for a number of years.

I can't imagine the FO wanting to move on from Rodgers if Love wasn't already doing those things.

De'Vondre Campbell on a podcast w/Bukowski when asked about Love....gets quiet...leans into the mic and says....."Jordan Love is a really good QB."

These players and the coaches see him every day in practice - no way  they move on from Rodgers unless they know he's ready, just as they knew Rodgers was ready in 2008.

@Boris posted:

These players and the coaches see him every day in practice they know he's ready

Not only the internal folks, but QB whisperers, scouts, NFL HCs and others have all said the same thing. Love is legit. Super stoked for 2023

We will  know Love has arrived when the team is down 4 points with two minutes left and he leads the team to a winning TD. Hopefully it will be early on next year against either the Bears or Vikings so their fans can have that "F Me-Oh Shit" Look again.

@Iowacheese posted:

The Aaron Rodgers’ trade saga is getting even more complicated.

One day after the 39-year-old quarterback said he intends to play for the Jets in 2023, another report about Green Bay’s compensation request emerged Thursday.

Classic Jets. R-E-L-A-X It'll get done, Let Gutey cook

@Thunderbird posted:

The point I was trying to make is, Rodgers' down years are better than most other QB's good years.

It seems most on this board can't wait to move on from Rodgers, but I think he still gives us a better chance to make the post season than J Love.  Like I said, if Love can produce the same numbers as Rodgers' "worst" season, I'll take it.

I hope Love is successful in GB, I obviously want him to do well.  Hopefully we can get the weapons he needs from whatever compensation we get from the Jets.

It's really not about who is the better player next season. If Rodgers stays another season our cap situation gets even worse and in another year what is his value in a trade? Plus we could lose Love and have no QB in 2024. If the FO plays this wrong we could return to the 70-80s and if that happens it's very difficult to get out of that hole. A winning team has an advantage drawing FAs. Because of it's size GB already has a tough time getting FAs and it will only be harder if the team becomes a perennial 6-8 win team.

@Iowacheese posted:

The Aaron Rodgers’ trade saga is getting even more complicated.

One day after the 39-year-old quarterback said he intends to play for the Jets in 2023, another report about Green Bay’s compensation request emerged Thursday.

The Packers want more than a first-round pick as part of the base deal, multiple sources told ProFootballTalk — which reported that Green Bay wants protection in 2025, should Rodgers suit up again in 2024.

However, the asking price is reportedly more than the Jets believe they should give up for a player the Packers have said they no longer want.

My wife no longer wants her 2018 Jeep either and wants to trade it in, but she isn’t just gonna give it away

These are the comments Rodgers makes that I can't stand. Couldn't it equally be said that the Jets are the holdup because they won't meet a price tag they were aware of before talking to Rodgers? “I haven’t been holding anything up,” Rodgers said. “At this point, it’s been compensation that the Packers are trying to get for me, kind of digging their heels in."

@Iowacheese posted:
However, the asking price is reportedly more than the Jets believe they should give up for a player the Packers have said they no longer want.

Jets: "Come on, you don't even want him!"

Packers: "Yes, but we do have him, and you don't, so pay up."

Sounds  like the Jets are trying to get away with not giving the Pack FMV.

I'd say the Jets are negotiating in bad faith.

None of these "leaks" are coming from Green Bay.

Again it doesn't have to get done today or even next week. (But I think it will)

This is a big trade and both sides want their "win"

@PackerRick posted:

Rodgers protected the ball but sometimes it was to a fault. Mahomes has close to the same INT ratio but he takes chances that Rodgers won't.                                      

This is a popular opinion.  It seems to come from the same people who claim Rodgers “won’t ever take the easy check down pass”

Packers want the 13th pick and something in '24. That is more than fair for a 1st ballot HOF QB who was back to back MVP just 2 seasons back.

Rodgers would like to have that 13th pick for a WR. Joe Douglas wants to use it on OL.

@PackerRick posted:

These are the comments Rodgers makes that I can't stand. Couldn't it equally be said that the Jets are the holdup because they won't meet a price tag they were aware of before talking to Rodgers? “I haven’t been holding anything up,” Rodgers said. “At this point, it’s been compensation that the Packers are trying to get for me, kind of digging their heels in."

Rodgers has to say this, even if he is the holdup.  There were already NY media who wanted to be done with him because it was dragging for so long.  You can imagine the "If you want to dick us around, then scram ya bum".

Rodgers has to change the narrative to put it on the Packers for the holdup (right or wrong) or he will already lose the faith of the NYC public before he even signs.

@H5 posted:

A few things...

I think Murphy confirmed they want it "resolved" before FA.

For his comment about things working out the way they want.

The easy assumption is he's a dumb fuck and should shut his yap. I mean because, why not, look at him.

The less difficult possibility to see is he meant the trade compensation. If that doesn't work out, Rodgers is back.

The WMM comment was in the context of they gave AR/Jets permission to talk about a trade, if that's what AR wants.

Looking back on Murphy's comment from last Friday.

We now know this is after Rodgers had told the Packers and the Jets that he intends to play, and play for the Jets.

We also know that the Packers are holding firm to their price, Rodgers said so.

So, I can see why Murphy said there was a path back to GB if things didn't work out "the way they want"  -  a.k.a. trade compensation.

Last edited by H5

Hackett going to the Jets was absolutely a tell and the first domino to fall to attempt to acquire Rodgers.  

We may never actually know, but I also believe the main reason the Broncos lured Hackett to Denver was to get Rodgers.

As for some of Rodgers comments, it’s always funny to hear comparisons to past and present regimes.   TT is celebrated by Rodgers, but it’s not like all players and fans were complimentary of Thompson.  In fact, I’d say he was disliked more than liked by most.  Now he’s a folk hero and a major upgrade over Gute and Co.  

Rodgers should be the last guy to romanticize about the business of the NFL.  It’s brutal.  Players are treated like commodities.  But that’s nothing new.  Coaches and GMs aren’t treated much better.  

I believe I heard Rodgers also say on Mcafee the Packers told him they were not going to bring his friends back this year. The fact the Jets probably said yes to that gave him more incentive to come back.

@PackerRick posted:

You missed the point. All he talks about is MVP and it didn't translate to any more wins. It's a team game.

It’s a team game, but when you’re espousing your value to the team’s success you don’t highlight what someone else has done, just like when I’m getting reviewed for my work I don’t go in about what someone else in related positions did, I highlight my investigations and negotiations.

@Floridarob posted:

I believe I heard Rodgers also say on Mcafee the Packers told him they were not going to bring his friends back this year. The fact the Jets probably said yes to that gave him more incentive to come back.

There were more than a few people with ties to the Jets that have said Rodgers was thinking about reuniting with Adams in LV until the Jets got Hackett.  The Hackett signing is when AR's ears perked up with the Jets.

I don’t think it’s Aaron’s fault he’s a generational talent at the most important position.  It’s served him and his employer well over the last 15 years.

That being said, his profession is one that has an expiration date.  He’s already outplayed and outlasted 95% of QBs so he deserves a lot of credit.  That being said, football is a young persons game.  

I actually hope he does well and the Jets make it far in the playoffs.  Montana and Manning and Brady did it, so no reason 12 can’t.  

@Tschmack posted:
As for some of Rodgers comments, it’s always funny to hear comparisons to past and present regimes.   TT is celebrated by Rodgers, but it’s not like all players and fans were complimentary of Thompson.

I'm pretty sure Favre wouldn't have the same kind words for TT that Rodgers had.  Star players hate being told "no".

The thing that gets me is Gute gave Rodgers $150m and the dude is still bitter.  If there is any hold up, my guess is it's Rodgers renegotiating his contract with the Jets.  He's not giving up his $60m due this year.

@Tschmack posted:
I actually hope he does well and the Jets make it far in the playoffs.  Montana and Manning and Brady did it, so no reason 12 can’t.  

I hope the Packers get a conditional pick that is based on the Jets performance, so we can actually root for the Jets, as it would benefit us.

This is a popular opinion.  It seems to come from the same people who claim Rodgers “won’t ever take the easy check down pass”

That's how a guy that was no longer dynamic changed his game to win two MYPs.

@Boris posted:

TT got rid of Woodson because Woodson "dared" take the stance of going against Dom Capers after the 2012 playoff debacle in SF.

Bad move by TT because Woodson was the CLEAR and UNQUESTIONED leader in that locker room plus Woodson still had 3 more years in him.

So Rodgers thoughts about the former FO treating vets better is probably wrong and definitely not accurate when you look at everything.

Thing is, Woodson was RIGHT!

@Herschel posted:

It’s a team game, but when you’re espousing your value to the team’s success you don’t highlight what someone else has done, just like when I’m getting reviewed for my work I don’t go in about what someone else in related positions did, I highlight my investigations and negotiations.

I'm not sure what your point is. My claim is that two MVPs didn't produce any more wins or better playoff results so I don't think the guy should be blowing his own horn so much. It's not like he's being evaluated for anything.

@Fandame posted:

I hope Love is successful as well, but I'm also realistic that he's going to take his lumps this year. He may start the year well but once teams get him on tape and the 17-game grind starts in earnest, there are going to be losses. For me the keys will be: does he battle in every game to the end; does he grow and not make the same mistakes over and over; can he be a leader and keep guys together despite losing; does he continue to want to be coached; is he a good teammate. If he does those things this year, then he'll be on his way to successfully leading this team for a number of years.

The obvious benchmark is 2008. After all the drama, ARod showed he was up to the task. They still went 6-10, but with a bunch of close losses. Rodgers proved he was capable, then took bigger jumps in the following seasons. We've all been through this before. Love doesn't have to be the second coming in 2023. He has to show he's capable under live fire. The prospect of watching Love take the reins is far more intriguing to me vs knowing Rodgers was coming back. Last season isn't all on Rodgers. There are plenty of people who bear that responsibility. But it would be foolish to say 12 didn't look very much like 4 by the end. It's completely possible to still be able to perform, but not have the competitive edge and drive. I think AR lost that last season. It's time to see what Love brings in that regard, and it won't necessarily be measured in wins or losses in year 1.

@PackerHawk posted:

I think he should turn in those MVP's and give them to Brady and Mahomes.

LOl, tough crowd. I would say that the last two  years was the only time I was disappointed in Rodgers play. The games against San Fran and last game of the year against Detroit to get in the playoffs were not his best.  For all the talk by him about wanting to get a team at Lambeau in December/January that failed miserably. His decision making in those games were Favreesque and he looked like he did not want to be there.  But before that, I have no problem in his play. He was always expected to play like Superman and many of those times he did but the team around him let him and the Packers down. For those reasons, I give him a pass the last couple of years. You can argue he did or didnt deserve the MVPs but in my eyes he did.  And in the eyes of the voters except for Hub Arkush he did too.  Without him, the Packers would have been nowhere near the playoffs.

For all the angst over that loss in Seattle that in my mind would've given Arod his Second Super Bowl ring, to me the loss to the Niners at Lambeau is just as bad. No way we wouldn't have handled the Rams at Lambeau the next week if we'd gotten past the Niners, and I like our chances in the Super Bowl with Rodgers trying to win it one more time.

People can point, rightly so, to the Special Teams idiocy but him not seeing a wide open Lazard who would've streaked into at least field goal range is my Bostick moment from that game...

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