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Whatever the compensation package is the Packers apparently are fine with it. I would hope that would be their #1 and a conditional future pick. If the Jets were offering a #3 pick or less I don't think they'd be exclusively dealing with Rodgers. Compensation that low would have to interest more teams. The Niners just got three 3rd round comp picks, draft capital to burn.

@pkr_north posted:

what's the downside if GB doesn't get what they want for 12, we wait until training camp and other guys get hurt or look bad...besides missing draft capital this year?...if you can turn a 2 or 3 into a 1, do it

I don’t want the shit show and speculation that comes with Rodgers from now til September.  And I’d prefer Love to have a Rodgers-free training camp.  

This guy really does have commitment problems.

I don’t want the shit show and speculation that comes with Rodgers from now til September.  And I’d prefer Love to have a Rodgers-free training camp.  

The Jets are going to want Rodgers in their camp as soon as possible. By Sept every team will have made their cap modifications and GB will be the only place left for Rodgers.

I don't think retiring is in the cards for Rodgers, not the same year Brady does.                                                                                                                                      Compensation will likely be better for Rodgers than Favre. A 38-40 year old QB is basically a game manager and Rodgers is far better at than than Favre. Rodgers will protect the ball.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Regardless of all the nonsense surrounding Rodgers, The Packers would have no problem taking him back except for the contract which will eat them up in the next three seasons if they don't cut the cord now. Rodgers shot himself in the foot with that contract if he wanted to stay in GB and win. Contracts like Brady was signing at the end of his career would have allowed the Packers to keep their team together and have a better chance of winning. Rodgers said in his exit interview that the $59 million wouldn't have a bearing on his decision for the 2023 season. He should have felt that way about the money when he was negotiating that contract.

@vitaflo posted:

Whenever someone asks what the best throw Rodgers ever made was I always say “3rd & 10”. Yes he’s had more acrobatic plays but I don’t think this one can be topped.

Don't know that it's possibly to declare a "best" as he's had so many.  I think of the rocket in the EZ to Jordy against ATL (I think) and the sideline to Cook before the winning FG against Dallas as two that immediately come to mind.

Last edited by PackLandVA
@fightphoe93 posted:

I never knew until years later that the Pittsburgh DB actually got a fingertip on that throw but it barely changed the trajectory at all and Greg Jennings made a clutch catch.  If they don’t complete that pass I’m not sure they win that Super Bowl.

This is why I always say it's his best throw.  Just an insane throw in the most clutch time possible.  The throw to Cook was a crazier throw and also in a clutch moment, but it wasn't to win the Super Bowl.

my favorite throw by Rodgers was the one that didnt count. He was throwing into the endzone and got hammered at the exact time he released it but the play was called back for  a stupid penalty.

so many other great throws. the two to Janis in Az, the one to Richard Rodgers against Detroit (the game I gave up on and went to bed) the end of the half throw to Cobb against the Giants, and the two throws to Cobb that won two different bears games. The throw I remember most was one I watched in Tampa stadium and it was his 1st year starting. he threw a dart to Jennings down the seam with two guys on him. I remember thinking when he released it, it was going to be interecpted but it was so perfect, Jennings caught it between them. It was my first wow moment of his career.

@Floridarob posted:

So if Rodgers tells the Packers he wants to stay in Green Bay and then reduces his contract to 25 million or less and bring his boys back and shows up for all off season work, are we on board? I think I am.

It's not just the cap hit in 2023 but the following 2 years as well. The cap hits are the biggest obstacle but so would the loss of Love be. Gute will have a legacy and he drafted Love to be his QB. If Love never becomes the GB starter and plays well his legacy is probably doomed.

@Floridarob posted:

So if Rodgers tells the Packers he wants to stay in Green Bay and then reduces his contract to 25 million or less and bring his boys back and shows up for all off season work, are we on board? I think I am.

If we're going to delve into make believe land, just have Rodgers sign for the vet minimum with a requirement to attend OTAs, bring back all his FA buddies, trade the 1st and 2nd round pick back to the Raiders for Davante, and trade Love for Tee Higgins straight up.

We'll have finally fixed all the problems everyone's been bitching about for 3 years.

@Floridarob posted:

So if Rodgers tells the Packers he wants to stay in Green Bay and then reduces his contract to 25 million or less and bring his boys back and shows up for all off season work, are we on board? I think I am.

I would if that $25m isn't just a restructuring but a cut in pay.  He's due $59.5m this year so that'd be a $34.5m pay cut.  Not going to happen.  But if it does, then yeah let's do it. 

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