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The Unbelievable Improbability Of Aaron Rodgers' Existance

The timely fashion in which Rodgers has reached this milestone is nothing short of jaw-dropping. Rodgers got to 442 passing touchdowns in 45 fewer games than Favre while making 1,730 fewer attempts and throwing 193 fewer interceptions. That doesn’t diminish anything Favre accomplished. It just paints a picture of how truly remarkable Rodgers has been.

No, it shows that that Favre did diminish his legacy by playing for the Vikings and sending dick pics to his want to be girlfriend while he was married. It just paints a picture of what a douche he was, and how i hope AR doesn’t make comparable mistakes.

QBs with 93 Career INTs

  • Al Dorow - 1207 Attempts
  • Doug Williams - 2507 Attempts
  • Marc Bulger - 3171 Attempts
  • Aaron Rodgers - 7028 Attempts

QBs with 2x the number of Career INTs (well, close as we could get to 186)

  • Craig Morton - 187 INTs in 3786 Attempts
  • Carson Palmer - 187 INTs in 6307 Attempts
  • Boomer Esiason - 184 INTs in 5205 Attempts

QBs with 3x the number of Career INTs (well, close as we could get to 279)

  • George Blanda - 277 INTs in 4007 Attempts

Something we need to remember is during most of Brent’s career the rules in place didn’t favor offense nearly as much as they do today.   There’s no doubt some of the modern day QBs (ie last 10-15 years) have benefitted big time as have WRs.

Still, it’s hard to imagine Favre overcoming his risk taking tendencies even with the rules in his favor and he still would have throw a lot of picks.  Personally, I wouldn’t care as much but as MP2 highlighted some of Favre’s INTs were very costly in the playoffs.  They missed at least 2 trips to the Super Bowl (against Philly and the NYG) but let’s also not forget he had a crucial INT in the 4Q against Dallas in the 1995 playoffs as well.  

Still, I’m not sure you may ever see another QB take care of the football as well as Rodgers has.  When it’s all said and done that’s what stands out to me - his TD to INT ratio.  

This little Johnson is ready for the end of the Rodgers era. Yes, I am speaking from the sad point of view of a scorned lover who happens to be a card carrying member of the woke mob....but I have some less emotional points to moving on:

He is undeniably one of the greats, if not the greatest of all time. Another thing that can't be denied is that during his last 11 year run of greatness, we have not won a superbowl.  You can make a strong argument that it is everybody else's fault but Aaron's and superbowls don't come easy, but still 11 years is a long time. If you look at his stats, and possibly QBR is a silly rating system, but Aaron was not lighting the world on fire from 2107 to wasn't  til good old Jerry Krause drafted Jordan Love that Aaron's crazy competitive spirit came back.

Re-signing Aaron certainly means no money for D. Adams or really anybody else---he may want 50 million a year. Letting him go  means  obtaining at least 2 first round picks and much needed cap room.  You could keep adding to an impressive defense and running game or continue to have the King and his unrestricted free agent court mates.

Aaron is one tough sum b. but he aint getting any younger. He is constantly banged up. He broke that pinky toe doing whatever, pilates, full contact meditation, who knows. Tom Brady is an anomaly and the chances are much greater that Aaron goes the way of the rest of the QBing world rather than the Brady way.

Without Adams and things possibly going south next year, what can be expected from Rodgers? He truly wanted Gutekunst out....what's next ...move the franchise to California or Colorado? and...the  national media went from proclaiming Gutekunst  Wisconsin hayseed to best GM in football in just 4 short months.. Aaron can't be happy about this...The beautiful mystery may not be a thing of beauty .

So let's win this last dance and move on.

@Tschmack posted:

Still, I’m not sure you may ever see another QB take care of the football as well as Rodgers has.  When it’s all said and done that’s what stands out to me - his TD to INT ratio.  

Another turnover that no one talks about from the QB is fumbles. Heard AR recently talking about being more aware this year of how to reduce chances for fumbles.....he's had 24 career fumbles ... Favre had 54

"Aaron was not lighting the world on fire from 2107 to wasn't  til good old Jerry Krause drafted Jordan Love that Aaron's crazy competitive spirit came back."

Too simple and narrow of a view.   You are forgetting that the McCarthy offense was stagnant.  So stagnant that defenders would speak about how they knew what routes were coming.    In my opinion, Rodgers worked miracles under those conditions.   Also, 26 TD's and 4 picks ain't too shabby.  Maybe you are a little spoiled?

Re-signing Aaron certainly means no money for D. Adams or really anybody else---he may want 50 million a year. Letting him go  means  obtaining at least 2 first round picks and much needed cap room.

Pure speculation.   I'm speculating that he will say pay Adams what he wants and make some cap magic with his contract to make it happen so they can stay together.

Aaron is one tough sum b. but he aint getting any younger. He is constantly banged up. He broke that pinky toe doing whatever, pilates, full contact meditation, who knows.

Yes, the osteoporosis is clearly setting in.   His broken pinky toe, which he is playing through at an MVP level, is overwhelming evidence that he is fragile as fine china.    Forget that he played 16 games in 18, 19, 20, and will probably play that many again in 21.    Forget the QB rules that protect QB's these days.  He's got the covid toe!!!!

"Yes, I am speaking from the sad point of view of a scorned lover who happens to be a card carrying member of the woke mob"

I think we found the real problem you have with the best QB to ever play the game.  Perhaps you should stop hating people for having differing point of views.

Last edited by BrainDed

As fantastic as Favre was, his real prime was basically 1994-1998, 5 seasons.  There was a clear dropoff at age 30 for him and most importantly, he lost confidence in his scrambling ability which cost him and his teams in 2 playoff losses in the β€˜00s decade.

Rodgers is getting close to 40 and there’s very little dropoff from 10 years ago.  He gets hurt more, but when he’s healthy, he’s the same as he was in 2011 only maybe even more crafty thanks to the scheme he plays in.  He still can use his legs as well as he could a decade ago.  That’s pretty amazing that he’s kept enough speed to keep running when needed.

I think we found the real problem you have with the best QB to ever play the game.  Perhaps you should stop hating people for having differing point of views.

That is a legitimate point. I would be wise to reel in my frustration with people I don't  know or don't agree with. In general, I don't hate flat-earthers or climate change deniers.  But...  if a major celebrity with serious clout endorsed foolish rhetoric  about these issues in a manner that could endanger the lives of others, I would think and speak  poorly of them.

But then again by it's very  nature excludes metaphysics... why should I be upset with a critical thinker who completely understands apologies to Steve Martin

@Johnson posted:

how the world sees me

how I see myself

I see you as a cool Packer fan conflicted by the age old problem of:

" never meet your heroes"

Sports in general and especially the NFL -  rely on the entertainment industry model of having and pimping the Leading Man. First they build the stars up, lionize their every accomplishment and build a pedestal for those Superstars to perch on. At which point they'll use their popular platform for non-football purposes and that's when things often go sideways.

Stage 2 is: Tear em down. And its done with the same vigor as was used to build them up. Sensational sells, doesn't matter if its pro or con.

So that forces fans to either dismiss their heroes or compartmentalize

" I love how he plays QB, I loathe how he plays MD"

Which brings us back to balance - Our OOtball hero's are Gods on the gridiron, but anything outside of that has to be earned, not assumed ( see Starr, Bart)

As somebody who has worked in healthcare for 35+ years, I can't tell you how disappointed I was in AR using his platform to push that complete crapola. But I'm still glad he's the QB of the Mighty Green Bay Packers and I hope he finishes his career in Titletown. ( with another Title of course)

@Johnson posted:

I think we found the real problem you have with the best QB to ever play the game.  Perhaps you should stop hating people for having differing point of views.

That is a legitimate point. I would be wise to reel in my frustration with people I don't  know or don't agree with. In general, I don't hate flat-earthers or climate change deniers.  But...  if a major celebrity with serious clout endorsed foolish rhetoric  about these issues in a manner that could endanger the lives of others, I would think and speak  poorly of them.

But then again by it's very  nature excludes metaphysics... why should I be upset with a critical thinker who completely understands apologies to Steve Martin

What scientific laws do you disagree with the QB about? 

As somebody who has worked in healthcare for 35+ years, I can't tell you how disappointed I was in AR using his platform to push that complete crapola. But I'm still glad he's the QB of the Mighty Green Bay Packers and I hope he finishes his career in Titletown. ( with another Title of course)

Very good point..I've accepted the behaviors of many previous Packers from Randall Woodfield to Charles Martin without getting too worked up ...Aaron is a very good employee and  I should be happy with his work..especially against the bears.

What scientific laws do you disagree with the QB about?

I have made the argument many times about the safety and benefits of Covid vaccines, not just for oneself, but to slow the spread to others and the absurdity of using ivermectin and a host of other voodoo treatments---I have found I can't convince those I have talked maybe it is me.....I do agree with you that Aaron is  the best QB of all time.

absurdity of using ivermectin and a host of other voodoo treatments

What makes you qualified to say it's so absurd?

The WHO and NIH say they believe it is not effective, so you are probably right that it is not, but that doesn't make it absurd.   Other countries with millions of people are STILL using it and in a small number of patients it has been proven effective.   It's just not likely to be.    If that's your idea of absurd, then perhaps you are not an open minded individual.

If a MEDICAL FUCKING DOCTOR was willing to prescribe it to him, probably because the risk of side effects are low when properly administered, perhaps you are the one who is absurd.

I'm not arguing in favor of it.  I'm arguing that judging people based on your flawed knowledge is a dick move.

That's it, I'm done.  I promise not to go into no no territory anymore.  I just get frustrated with people who claim righteousness.

Last edited by BrainDed
@Johnson posted:

yes...who am I to argue with the Joe Rogan's of the world...

We live in a post truth world...

The European Medicines Agency and the United States National Institutes of Health have recently stated that one previously promising treatment – the antiparasitic drug, ivermectin – is not recommended for use in routine management of COVID-19 patients.

"Not recommended"

As I said above, "not effective," did you even read it or are you too triggered? 

The question remains, how do you land on "absurd" from that?    It doesn't say "completely useless," because it's not.   It even says once promising, but a couple months later it is "absurd" to the point that you base your entire opinion on a man over his choice to use it?   How do you land there?   I'll tell ya how, Don Lemon told you it was absurd and you're too dense to form your own opinion. 

@BrainDed posted:

absurdity of using ivermectin and a host of other voodoo treatments

What makes you qualified to say it's so absurd?

The WHO and NIH say they believe it is not effective, so you are probably right that it is not, but that doesn't make it absurd.   Other countries with millions of people are STILL using it and in a small number of patients it has been proven effective.   It's just not likely to be.    If that's your idea of absurd, then perhaps you are not an open minded individual.

If a MEDICAL FUCKING DOCTOR was willing to prescribe it to him, probably because the risk of side effects are low when properly administered, perhaps you are the one who is absurd.

I'm not arguing in favor of it.  I'm arguing that judging people based on your flawed knowledge is a dick move.

I'm not qualified to say its absurd, but I've been blessed to work with many people who are. The company I work for actually did the work on Ivermectin and have the peer - reviewed trial data and published reports to prove it. Where people get confused is that Ivermectin is an effective anti-parasitic and so people make the leap to say:

" well, it must be an effective anti-viral as well !"  Unfortunately its not.

The reason is that the parasites are killed by a lower dose; they reside in the bloodstream where its easier to reach them and the side effects are minimized under the lesser dosing regimen. So if you have parasites, Ivermectin is a safe and effective drug.

When we get to SARS-COV-2, that virus requires a higher level of drug and it must reach deep into the lung tissues in order to kill them. Many of the Ivermectin-ites saw a study that showed it worked vs the COVID virus in test tubes and assumed that meant it worked in humans. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Test tubes don't care about toxicity, humans do.

In order to get a high enough dose deep into the human lung tissue, the blood levels of Ivermectin become toxic to your lungs, heart, liver and other organs. That's why its neither safe nor effective vs this virus

I'll not waiver on this point.

The work was done under rigorous controls, reviewed by an independent board, submitted and reviewed by the FDA. Ivermectin is not effective vs COVID and the few anecdotes where people took it and got better are easily refuted by showing how many people got better with nothing at all.

The Placebo Effect is real and without blinded trials and control groups - those anecdotes are at best meaningless and as we've seen - often harmful to lay persons without the requisite training to understand the nuances around various therapeutics and clinical trials.

Red line= amount needed to provide a benefit vs SARS-COV-2, the black line is the amount you can achieve in your bloodstream and the blue line is the amount you can get deep into your lung tissues. As you can clearly see -  Ivermectin doesn't come close to providing any benefit vs the SARS-COV-2 virus.

This second graph below shows the Therapeutic Window and there is one for every medicine. Within that window, the drug works and has acceptable toxicity.
( safe & effective)
Outside that window - it either doesn't work or the toxicities are no longer acceptable because the Risk exceeds the Reward. Ivermectin is inside the window for parasites but outside of the window for SARS-COV-2.

End of story.



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@Satori posted:

I'm not qualified to say its absurd, but I've been blessed to work with many people who are. The company I work for actually did the work on Ivermectin and have the peer - reviewed trial data and published reports to prove it. Where people get confused is that Ivermectin is an effective anti-parasitic and so people make the leap to say:

" well, it must be an effective anti-viral as well !"  Unfortunately its not.

The reason is that the parasites are killed by a lower dose; they reside in the bloodstream where its easier to reach them and the side effects are minimized under the lesser dosing regimen. So if you have parasites, Ivermectin is a safe and effective drug.

When we get to SARS-COV-2, that virus requires a higher level of drug and it must reach deep into the lung tissues in order to kill them. Many of the Ivermectin-ites saw a study that showed it worked vs the COVID virus in test tubes and assumed that meant it worked in humans. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Test tubes don't care about toxicity, humans do.

In order to get a high enough dose deep into the human lung tissue, the blood levels of Ivermectin become toxic to your lungs, heart, liver and other organs. That's why its neither safe nor effective vs this virus

I'll not waiver on this point.

The work was done under rigorous controls, reviewed by an independent board, submitted and reviewed by the FDA. Ivermectin is not effective vs COVID and the few anecdotes where people took it and got better are easily refuted by showing how many people got better with nothing at all.

The Placebo Effect is real and without blinded trials and control groups - those anecdotes are at best meaningless and as we've seen - often harmful to lay persons without the requisite training to understand the nuances around various therapeutics and clinical trials.

Red line= amount needed to provide a benefit vs SARS-COV-2, the black line is the amount you can achieve in your bloodstream and the blue line is the amount you can get deep into your lung tissues. As you can clearly see -  Ivermectin doesn't come close to providing any benefit vs the SARS-COV-2 virus.

This second graph below shows the Therapeutic Window and there is one for every medicine. Within that window, the drug works and has acceptable toxicity.
( safe & effective)
Outside that window - it either doesn't work or the toxicities are no longer acceptable because the Risk exceeds the Reward. Ivermectin is inside the window for parasites but outside of the window for SARS-COV-2.

End of story.


Don Lemon tell you that?

As I said above, "not effective," did you even read it or are you too triggered?

Yes!  you are right, I didn't read your post correctly.

I do listen to a lot of NPR and hopefully I hear them correctly.  I'm not a big TV news follower. If it makes you feel better though, I do think the devil Faucci is a very reliable source..

I'm glad you see that ivermectin is not effective. To me it is  on the continuum of other fine treatments like  drinking bleach, taking hydroxychloriquine  and shining a light up your turd you have pointed out- people don't care what  I say or think, Aaron on the other hand is a trusted source of information.  State  Farm doesn't pay him millions of dollars because they think people don't trust or listen to him. When he says something, people listen. When he says he is 'immunized' because of something like a lucky astrology mood watch and he takes a bogus treatment, there are people that will follow suit.  This is a big damn problem. Rodger's entire spiel --including invoking the dreaded woke mob---is the absurdity.

@BrainDed posted:

Soooo.. we agree Gute should tickle the sack until Rodgers agrees to stay?   Trade for Cobb again next year even if he isn’t under contract?

I think if it were up to Gute and AR to decide together, they would agree on an extension.  Factor in MuphyBallz though, and it might muck things up a bit under the fucked up lanes WMM created.  It should be Gute and AR say yes, Ballz, go find the money, WMM, stay the fuck out of it.

I'm glad you see that ivermectin is not effective. To me it is  on the continuum of other fine treatments like  drinking bleach,

I wonder if Satori can do a write up about the studies done on drinking bleach?   No, he can’t, because drinking bleach is absurd.   Taking an anti parasite medication prescribed by your doctor is not.    The fact that you want to put them on the same playing field makes you absurd.

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