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@YATittle posted:

I agree on the lack of credit given the Pack considering all the All Pros not playing from last year.

Yeah, I can't figure that out.  Every game, every announcer has been boo hooing about other teams' injuries, while hardly giving the Packers' injuries a mention.  Not sure if it's because they have Rodgers or if it's because they're still having success despite the injuries?  But name me a team that can miss 4 out of 5 offensive linemen, our best corner, our best pass rusher and do what we've done.

@Goalline posted:

Wait! He dumped Shailene too? DUDE!

There was rumors since they weren't spending much time together. But you have a busy actress and an NFL player that's prohibited from traveling due to Covid rules and just a normal busy NFL schedule. They say their relationship is "unconventional".

Okay, so I read these stories about "unconventional".  Apparently, "unconventional" in the Hollywood circuit is not playing out your life on social media.  I had to fucking laugh because if they don't vomit up everything on social media like the fact they had been engaged for several months.  They did it to beat the tabloids.

I don't know, maybe Rodgers likes to play footsy with orangutans too but only being annoying a-holes on social media on certain days is unconventional.

BTW, that little dumped rumor came from Wambeau Lobo right here.  I haven't seen shit otherwise.

Last edited by Henry

On his weekly McAfee segment, it sure seemed to me like Rodgers was more edgy and defensive than usual when the COVID19 discussion came up.  For a guy that fancies himself as not caring about what others think of his opinions and statements, he went out of his way to defend his position over and over and seemed annoyed and a bit angry about it.  

Perhaps it’s because McAfee brought it up, but it took away from what I enjoy about those weekly conversations because Rodgers likes to debrief and go into depth about plays and moments in a way that take you behind the curtain, so to speak.  

I have no idea if he’s just a self absorbed prick or completely misunderstood, but I do like how he plays football and QB for this team.   In a perfect world, he rides off into the sunset with another ring this year and both he and the team can figure out his future with or without Packers.  If they win it all I’d be fine if he decides to move on.  He plays a sport that is very transactional and maybe it’s time for a change of scenery.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

On his weekly McAfee segment, it sure seemed to me like Rodgers was more edgy and defensive than usual when the COVID19 discussion came up.  For a guy that fancies himself as not caring about what others think of his opinions and statements, he went out of his way to defend his position over and over and seemed annoyed and a bit angry about it.  

Yeah, the segment mostly sucked this week. It was over 50 minutes and could easily have been 20 minutes without all the rehashing of that crap and playing the victim.

@BrainDed posted:

I'm glad you see that ivermectin is not effective. To me it is  on the continuum of other fine treatments like  drinking bleach,

I wonder if Satori can do a write up about the studies done on drinking bleach?   No, he can’t, because drinking bleach is absurd.   Taking an anti parasite medication prescribed by your doctor is not.    The fact that you want to put them on the same playing field makes you absurd.

Yes, no, maybe. sort of. It depends
Start here, its one of the foundational tenets of medicine

"The difference between a medicine and a poison, is the dose"

And that's more or less true for everything, including water. Some are familiar with the tragic case of a woman dying from drinking too much water as part of a crazy radio station contest.

Now let's chat about drinking bleach. If you pop open a jug and chug down 8-16 ounces, that should be enough to end your time on this planet.
Conversely, we put copious amounts of bleach into all of our swimming pools & hot tubs and then swim in them, ingest pool water and absorb it through our skin. We're so unconcerned about it that Mom's and infants play in bleached pool water with impunity

If you pop open any outdoor survival guide, you'll find that hikers and campers routinely add bleach to their drinking water to kill off any of the nasties living in the stream/lake.

For all of those uses - there are any number of studies done and reviewed about people "drinking bleach" and what levels are safe.

When you climb out of the pool, your eyes, recently bathed in bleach-water will be bloodshot and irritated. But those side effects are considered acceptable because they are mild and transient, you'll be fine in a few hours.

Going for it more frequently on 4th downs is great, doing it on every  4th down is detrimental to winning. The dose matters.

@PackerHawk posted:

I would not have guessed Josh Freeman as #2 all time for the Bucs. Tommy needs 4 more to pass him up in only two seasons.

More shocked to see Aaron Brooks second for the Saints and Blake Bortles second for the Jags.

@Goldie posted:

Just wish Aaron wouldn’t fall for the “trap of Covid” from McAfee……..ugh.  Please Aaron just be quiet on the subject.  P L E A S E .

12 loves the airing of grievances.  Every day is Festivus for the philosopher king.

Last edited by ilcuqui
@ammo posted:

More shocked to see Aaron Brooks second for the Saints and Blake Bortles second for the Jags.

Saints for sure with the age of their franchise. Look at that gap, 491 to 120!

But the Jags not so much. Brunell has been their only notable QB. It is surprising how close Bortles came to passing up Brunnell.

The fact that the Bears started playing in 1921 and the Lions in 1934 and their 2nd best QBs in terms of passing TDs played in the 50s says a lot about the level of offense of those franchises over the last 4-5 decades. 

Rodgers is 11 TD passes away from matching 2nd place all-time for the Lions in QB TD passes in just the 3 years he's played for MLF (107 TDs/13 Ints.).

And considering how long the Rams have been around, 1940's in Cleveland and then L A to not have a 200 TD passing QB is remarkable.   And Joe Namath still leading the Jets tells you how long that franchise has been inept at building a winning roster by drafting a really good QB.

@ByRyanWood: Aaron Rodgers is not ruling out retiring after this season: "I'm just enjoying this season for this season, and playing next year will definitely be in the thought process." He says it's important for him to "not be a bum" on his way out, but play at high level. He's doing that.

Aaron Rodgers says he isn't necessarily thinking about playing "elsewhere" next season. He says the complimentary things he's said about #Packers and Brian Gutekunst have been "heartfelt," and that his relationship has grown with Gutekunst.

Whatever he decides after this season, Aaron Rodgers says it will be a "quick decision" instead of a long, drawn-out process. He'll speak with people close to him, including key members of #Packers, after the season ends and determine how he'll move forward.

Aaron Rodgers on his 2021 season: "This has been one of my favorite years of football. It's hard to think of a year I've enjoyed more than this one, even with all the adversity."

Last edited by ilcuqui

I agree, I think he's too damned competetive to retire.  I'd be really surprised.

I could see maybe, MAYBE if he won MVP, won the Super Bowl, Super Bowl MVP and all that. If the marriage thing is happening and he wants to be a Dad maybe he would just call it a career.

But I really, really doubt it.

Am I missing Drew Breesand the saints on this chart?

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