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@BrainDed posted:

I'm glad you see that ivermectin is not effective. To me it is  on the continuum of other fine treatments like  drinking bleach,

I wonder if Satori can do a write up about the studies done on drinking bleach?   No, he can’t, because drinking bleach is absurd.   Taking an anti parasite medication prescribed by your doctor is not.    The fact that you want to put them on the same playing field makes you absurd.


Vaccine = Effective at slowing/stopping worldwide pandemic

Ivermectin = Does jack fucking shit against virus causing worldwide pandemic

Pretending taking Ivermectin protects you or stops you from spreading the virus causing the worldwide pandemic = Absurd

Pretending taking Ivermectin, which we know isn't effective and would be toxic at high doses, is "looking out for what you put into your body" = Fucking moronic

Why do we care?  Because the voodoo adherents are exacerbating a world wide pandemic that has massive impacts on every facet of our lives.  Absurd morons kill other people and help to continue financial, social, mental misery around the globe when they have a real answer right in front of them.

Round up of the summary:  Absurd morons are fucking up my shit.

Last edited by Henry
@Satori posted:

I'm not qualified to say its absurd, but I've been blessed to work with many people who are. The company I work for actually did the work on Ivermectin and have the peer - reviewed trial data and published reports to prove it. Where people get confused is that Ivermectin is an effective anti-parasitic and so people make the leap to say:

" well, it must be an effective anti-viral as well !"  Unfortunately its not.

The reason is that the parasites are killed by a lower dose; they reside in the bloodstream where its easier to reach them and the side effects are minimized under the lesser dosing regimen. So if you have parasites, Ivermectin is a safe and effective drug.

When we get to SARS-COV-2, that virus requires a higher level of drug and it must reach deep into the lung tissues in order to kill them. Many of the Ivermectin-ites saw a study that showed it worked vs the COVID virus in test tubes and assumed that meant it worked in humans. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Test tubes don't care about toxicity, humans do.

In order to get a high enough dose deep into the human lung tissue, the blood levels of Ivermectin become toxic to your lungs, heart, liver and other organs. That's why its neither safe nor effective vs this virus

I'll not waiver on this point.

The work was done under rigorous controls, reviewed by an independent board, submitted and reviewed by the FDA. Ivermectin is not effective vs COVID and the few anecdotes where people took it and got better are easily refuted by showing how many people got better with nothing at all.

The Placebo Effect is real and without blinded trials and control groups - those anecdotes are at best meaningless and as we've seen - often harmful to lay persons without the requisite training to understand the nuances around various therapeutics and clinical trials.

Red line= amount needed to provide a benefit vs SARS-COV-2, the black line is the amount you can achieve in your bloodstream and the blue line is the amount you can get deep into your lung tissues. As you can clearly see -  Ivermectin doesn't come close to providing any benefit vs the SARS-COV-2 virus.

This second graph below shows the Therapeutic Window and there is one for every medicine. Within that window, the drug works and has acceptable toxicity.
( safe & effective)
Outside that window - it either doesn't work or the toxicities are no longer acceptable because the Risk exceeds the Reward. Ivermectin is inside the window for parasites but outside of the window for SARS-COV-2.

End of story.


Nice post and all but I blocked you, because you never once mentioned that any of the peer reviewers of these studies were hosts of podcasts and QBs of NFL teams. Unacceptable!

@Henry posted:

Brainded isn't a vac denier btw, he's just one of those libertariany types.

I don’t really have a label that fits.  I’m a Bernie bro in that I want socialized health care and would even be in favor socializing energy and mining sectors.   Those are OUR fucking resources.  That’s very anti libertarian.   At the same time I’m a Republican who wants to lower social safety nets , despise the welfare state, but still want a higher min wage.   I support LGBT rights and the 2nd amendment with equal passion.  Defund the police might be the most retarded political take I’ve ever encountered.   I was happy to see Rittenhouse exonerated and I hope Trump gets held accountable for his role in Jan 6th.  I’m all over the place.  

Voted for Obama, twice, mostly because of social causes.  [Fuck you Mitch McConnel for stealing the Supreme Court seat and thus stealing my vote].   I did vote Libertarian in 2016 because I couldn’t vote for Trump or Hillary.   Was pulling for Bernie in the primary and once the DNC showed their corruption I was done with them.  

Last edited by BrainDed
@BrainDed posted:

.   I was happy to see Rittenhouse exonerated

Only thing in your entire post I really disagree with, although I thought his mother should have been charged ...driving your 17 year old son to a situation he has no business being in, with an assault rifle seems criminal to me. Bottom line was that neither Ritttenhouse or those he shot should have been there, still, there were other armed "protectors" there that night that didn't shoot anyone, but Rittenhouse managed to shoot three people? Yes, letter of the law was that he felt threatened and was protecting himself, which is why prosecutor should have known a murder charge was not going to stick, a charge of reckless endangerment or similar seemed more appropriate.

@FLPACKER posted:

Only thing in your entire post I really disagree with, although I thought his mother should have been charged ...driving your 17 year old son to a situation he has no business being in, with an assault rifle seems criminal to me. Bottom line was that neither Ritttenhouse or those he shot should have been there, still, there were other armed "protectors" there that night that didn't shoot anyone, but Rittenhouse managed to shoot three people? Yes, letter of the law was that he felt threatened and was protecting himself, which is why prosecutor should have known a murder charge was not going to stick, a charge of reckless endangerment or similar seemed more appropriate.

Mom didn't drive him there, and the "assault rifle" was in WI throughout. Quite different circumstances from the Michigan clowns. The other armed "protectors" weren't ambushed and chased down as Rittenhouse was. I do agree the murder charge was overzealous and foolish. That happens now that prosecutors try to appease public sentiment as a first resort. I still maintain that the catalyst of all of this nonsense was Jacob Blake being in a place he did not belong, by law.

@BrainDed posted:

Yup, we’ve never seen anything like this.  Take away the Saints game, his preseason action, and he has 33 TDs to 2 INTs with 2 games remaining.  

That’s insane.  

It sure the hell is crazy.  And sometimes I have no words to describe the things he does.  The one that is nuts to me is how he catches the defense so often with too many players on the field. 

Think about it.  He as to get the call to him, process the play in his head, call the play in the huddle, get the team lined up right, keep an eye on the play clock, read the defense and STILL manages to count the number of opposing players. 

I just hope the defense and special teams can hold up well enough to give #12 a shot at a ring.

Found on the internet:

The thing to remember about all these "close" games is that Green Bay has generally been ahead by two scores when the other teams come back to make it look close. It may be a Rogers effect of losing focus or motivation when they are ahead in games. Not sure why they can't keep the foot on the gas, but let's not forget the quality teams GB has beaten to know what they are capable of: SF, LA Rams, Cardinals, Bengals, and Ravens. They could have beaten KC if they had Rogers. Take away the blow out lost to NO and their point differential would be on par with other playoff teams. Finally, TB has had the easiest schedule of any SB winning team that I can remember. For them to beat the Packers/Cowboys/Rams to get back to the SB is asking too much from that team.

@The Heckler posted:

It sure the hell is crazy.  And sometimes I have no words to describe the things he does.  The one that is nuts to me is how he catches the defense so often with too many players on the field.

Think about it.  He as to get the call to him, process the play in his head, call the play in the huddle, get the team lined up right, keep an eye on the play clock, read the defense and STILL manages to count the number of opposing players.

I just hope the defense and special teams can hold up well enough to give #12 a shot at a ring.

I don't think he is getting a play call in that scenario.   They have the scramble drill play installed and in the event they rush to the line to get the 12th man everyone knows the play that is to be run already.

Referencing YA's article - I have noticed how no one in the national media is saying anything about how banged up the Packers have been this year.  And that is at every offensive position without factoring in COVID  - and some on defense.  Aikman & Buck spent a lot of time saying "just think how good the Browns (offensive) line will be when they get a couple players back."  And they named the players or just say "when they get healthy".  Never once saying that 4 guys on the Packer OL would be sitting on the bench if they had their preferred starters back.  That is a complete lack of preparation on their part if they didn't know that. 

After the game QB Rodgers said in the "on the field" interview that he thought the Packers play calling was to conservative in the second half.  So maybe that helped account for the lack of offense.   I have been wondering how many injuries the Pack can sustain before it shows up on the field - and although MLF won't ever admit it, I think that could be part of the equation as well. 

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