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@The Crusher posted:
This kid is a combination of Montana and Young.

He won't take years off my life like Favre did.

I texted a buddy who is a Vikes fan telling him that maybe they can pick him up in 2025 at the end of his career.

Ummmm… 2022?

Thanks for posting that, Henry.  I'm not sure what my favorite is, probably the one vs. Dallas, when "He went to Jarod"  That was an amazing throw.

That video shows just how clutch Crosby is, as well.

Last edited by Thunderbird
@Henry posted:

That is hilarious.

Good thing the FO tried to get rid of that cancer.

You don't want young guys losing their confidence by playing with him.  That's why so many Packer players improve once they move to a different team.

@Henry posted:

There will never, ever, be anything funnier than Detroit committing a facemask on a Stanford/Cal lateral circus at the Green Bay 25 yard line as time expires, giving Green Bay 15 yards and one untimed down. Then losing on a Hail Mary because Dick Rodgers was too slow to make it down to the end zone at the same time as everyone else.

Nothing will ever top this. It can't be topped. This sequence of 2 plays should be in the Louvre.

Is this possibly the reason Aaron likes John Wick??


He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister has leukemia.

And with everything that has happened, Keanu Reeves never misses an opportunity to help people in need. When he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants; One cried because he would lose his house if he did not pay $ 20,000 and on the same day Keanu deposited the necessary amount in the woman's bank account; He also donated stratospheric sums to hospitals.

In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery and bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.

After winning astronomical sums for the Matrix trilogy, the actor donated more than $ 50 million to the staff who handled the costumes and special effects - the true heroes of the trilogy, as he called them.

He also gave a Harley-Davidson to each of the stunt doubles. A total expense of several million dollars. And for many successful films, he has even given up 90% of his salary to allow the production to hire other stars.

In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.

Most stars when they make a charitable gesture they declare it to all the media. He has never claimed to be doing charity, he simply does it as a matter of moral principles and not to look better in the eyes of others.

This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: Be a good person. ♥ ️


found on Facebook.

Maybe Aaron is intentionally trying to come off as the biggest dick in the Northern hemisphere as part of some self-desired anti-hero strategy....or maybe this recent toe leaking  paranoia is part of the early stages of CTE...or maybe he is just a dick...Great QB, but a dick nonetheless.

Even dicks can have happy birthdays

@Dr._Bob posted:

Rodgers cares enough to hide his true thoughts and opinions, but hold on when he does share, because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

I wouldn't equate not wanting crazy media attention on a polarizing issue to caring.   

Not caring what people think of you and not wanting the media up your ass with a potential loss of revenue are two entirely different things.

Sounds like a really good dude.  I never thought he was a good actor, his facial expression never changes, but I always liked the movies he's been in.  It's like an "It" factor that he has, a coolness about him and charisma.  Kind of like Arnold Schwarzeneger had.  He couldn't act either, but like Keanu, he was always in blockbusters and had that "It" factor.

@Dr._Bob posted:

You miss my point.  I'm saying it's clear he cares based on how careful he is when he speaks, and this far predates Covid.  Rodgers has a carefully managed image that he recently blew up.

Oh, he definitely gives a shit what we all think.

@Henry posted:

Within the next two year?  I'd say it's straight up fact.

Unless Jordan Love makes an exponential leap, it's not likely they are going to make any deep playoff runs in the next two years without Rodgers. Even if Love ends up being decent (like let's say Baker Mayfield level), that won't be enough until he gets a lot more real game reps and even then probably won't be enough.

I think it's either the Packers win with Rodgers this year or the next Super Bowl win is with a QB other than Jordan Love.

Unless Jordan Love makes an exponential leap, it's not likely they are going to make any deep playoff runs in the next two years without Rodgers. Even if Love ends up being decent (like let's say Baker Mayfield level), that won't be enough until he gets a lot more real game reps and even then probably won't be enough.

I think it's either the Packers win with Rodgers this year or the next Super Bowl win is with a QB other than Jordan Love.

In his one start he was comparable to some of the best…🤔

@Floridarob posted:

i am keeping the faith. Rodgers reups with the Packers on a lifetime contract. His arm might be a noodle in five years but his brain will compensate for the difference.

His ego will poison his mind though.

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