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@PackerRick posted:

When a guy turning 40 sees his QBR drop from 69 to 39 in one season I think there are plenty of red flags for anybody looking for a QB.

2016 - 72.4

2017 - 66.0 lowest of career to that point

2018 - 58.9 lowest of career to that point

2019 -  52.5 lowest of career to that point

Aging QB with clear pattern of descending QBR.  I'm seeing a trend. Get rid of him a year too early instead of a year to late.

I have no idea if AR is "washed up" or not.  But he was the reigning MVP from two consecutive seasons prior.  And there are plenty of other factors which have been mentioned that, at a minimum, would've contributed at least a bit to his decline in performance.

His MVP years were built on stats. They can be deceiving. Such as 19 of 48 TD passes were inside the 5 yardline,  8 from 1 yard out. Everybody plays for stats but when Rodgers said this offseason he can still play at an MVP level rather than a winning level I believe it means more to him than most. That is why some took exception to his comment.

@PackerRick posted:

His MVP years were built on stats.

All MVPs, in EVERY sport, are built on stats.

@PackerRick posted:

They can be deceiving. Such as 19 of 48 TD passes were inside the 5 yardline,  8 from 1 yard out.

A TD is worth 6 points.  Period.  I don't think many people outside of fantasy football GMs care if a QB tosses a 1-yarder or 99-yarder.  Well, maybe sports departments on the TV news.

@PackerRick posted:

.....but when Rodgers said this offseason he can still play at an MVP level rather than a winning level I believe it means more to him than most.

I believe you know this already, but you're referring to a line taken from a direct question asking if he believed he could still compete at an MVP level / win another MVP. I don't think it's "selfish" to answer the question honestly.

Since you want to take AR's words at face value, he also said this from the same interview: β€œBecause there’s no point in coming back if you don’t think you can win it all.”

Presumably this means there's no point in coming back – not even to win a fifth MVP – if the Super Bowl isn’t a realistic option. Which is why he said he didn't want to be a part of a rebuild, the genesis of said conversation.

@PackerRick posted:

That is why some took exception to his comment.

Some (translate - many/most) took exception to his comment because they're clickbait whores and read one sentence of a quote and the ensuing punditfication of parsing his words, and then they drew conclusions he's a selfish player who only cares about his own stats.  Which is why AR said he was disappointed with Gronk's comments, among others.

It just depends on how you interpret what an MVP is.  In 2020 Rodgers had the best stats but Tom Brady won the Super Bowl throwing 40 TDs and 4600 and never got a vote so what is it really worth? Who was more valuable to his team? In 2021 Brady and Rodgers both get beat in the playoffs and yet Brady got 10 votes. 

I realize this award is a regular season award but who was the better player in both of those seasons?

@PackerRick posted:

It just depends on how you interpret what an MVP is.  In 2020 Rodgers had the best stats but Tom Brady won the Super Bowl throwing 40 TDs and 4600 and never got a vote so what is it really worth? Who was more valuable to his team? In 2021 Brady and Rodgers both get beat in the playoffs and yet Brady got 10 votes.

I realize this award is a regular season award but who was the better player in both of those seasons?

No, it doesn’t matter how you or anybody else interprets it. The reality is that 50 independent sports writers vote on who they believe the best player in football is. That guy was Aaron fucking Rodgers 4 times.

A TD is worth 6 points.  Period.  I don't think many people outside of fantasy football GMs care if a QB tosses a 1-yarder or 99-yarder.  Well, maybe sports departments on the TV news.

They were legitimate TDs until fans felt the need to turn on Rodgers and rewrite history.

I remember during the Great Favre Kerfuffle of 2008 people here suggesting they always believed Wolf should have kept Brunell and any QB could have led the Packers to the SB 31 title.

The way Favre was playing in 1993 it was legit concern that Brunell might be the better option.  Don’t get it twisted.  Favre was a phenomenal talent but had a 10 cent brain and even worse judgment.  Had Rison and Desmond Howard and Keith Jackson not joined the Packers the dope (pun intended) from Dumassissippi may never have won a title.  

His latest BS with welfare fraud have him cemented as the biggest douchebag athlete to play in this state.

@Blair Kiel posted:

Humble brag, but I was the MVP my intramural β€œSicilian Connection β€œ floor hockey team for UWM intramurals in 1981.

It still means a fuck of a lot to me.

76' MVP of our HS baseball team vs. The track team softball game. Track guys had won the county championship while we won only 2 games. They thought they were gonna kick our ass. I hit 2 majestic homers and drove in 11 of our 22 runs.

Last edited by Packiderm
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