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@H5 posted:

I'll be surprised if Marcus has a scoop.

He won't.
And all of the whiny whiners will whine that the MFer Rodgers is holding them hostage...even though nobody is forcing them to read about AR, or listen to podcasts or jack off to schefturd. Lather Rinse Repeat

@titmfatied posted:

He apparently still isn't sure if he even wants to play football anymore? Nothing indicates he's committed or communicated a decision to the organization yet. Could it be he's just playing games and delaying his announcement so Gute had to answer question after question about it today? I feel pretty sure we can set our clocks for another inbound round of passive aggressive innuendo from the eternally aggreived QB.

As opposed to the eternally aggrieved fans ? LOL.
Show me on the doll where he hurt you.

I'm also not sure why you think you're in a position to tell other people how to live their lives, but here we are.

Maybe read this one again ?

At what point do you believe the size of Rodgers’ ego allows him to forever leave Green Bay and quit holding the fans hostage? We are fed up with the annual drama. — Michael M.

"I apologize if this comes across the wrong way, but anyone who says he’s “holding the fans hostage” sounds spoiled. Sure, the annual decision process — it’s not even drama this year — might wear on fans wanting an immediate resolution.

But the guy is almost 40 and making a massive decision about his future. He has earned and deserves the time. He’s not holding the team hostage, as long as he makes his decision by early March, and he certainly isn’t going to speed up his decision so fans can move on with their lives. Packers fans have had Hall of Fame quarterbacks for the past 30 years. Some franchises would relish having just two years of that."

Its a very big lifetime decision  -  one that is prone to recriminations and mind-changing. Many other players retired and then changed their minds.
So he wanted some time to work through it,  in his own way.

GASP !  What a horrible person !

All of the other crapola you posted below is just another steaming pile.
No facts needed, just bs character assassination from a poor aggrieved fan.

titmfatied's made up shit  :

"Could it be he's just playing games and delaying his announcement so Gute had to answer question after question about it today? I feel pretty sure we can set our clocks for another inbound round of passive aggressive innuendo from the eternally aggrieved QB."

It's just an opinion? You're welcome to yours. I see a set of events one way, you see it from a different perspective. I don't mean it as anything personal to the way you see things.

Yours is every bit as valid as mine . Neither of us knows the guy personally.

People make job related decisions all the time.   Let’s not make this into something it’s not.  

I just think he loves the attention and platform and knows that once his football career is over he won’t carry the same weight and influence.  

I don’t know Aaron Rodgers and honestly that’s OK.  I respect what he’s done for the franchise and everything he’s accomplished.

But I’m done with him rambling on and all the drama and BS.   It’s time to turn the page.  I don’t care about his motivations or his intentions.    Let some other team embrace him and all of his quirks.

What’s frustrating to me is every day that passes and every podcast or interview he gives he comes across more and more sounding like a loon.   Football GMs don’t think or act like him.  So quit milking it and lowering your trade value and get on with it already.  

His mind was made up a long time ago.  He’s just trying to squeeze every last ounce of attention he can out of this offseason.   And he’s loving it.  

The Packers don’t have to love it and could have taken control of this a while ago but they continue to tap dance around the subject so here we are.  

Last edited by Tschmack
@ByRyanWood says people around the Packers organization have "real doubts" that Brian Gutekunst will trade Aaron Rodgers this offseason. Link
Bottom line: doubts exist that the FO has the guts to make the right call (I share that concern).

What Were Packers Thinking With Rodgers’ Contract?

Good overview by Bill Huber of the disastrous contract the organization gave AR last year.

Silverstein: There's no mistaking it, the Packers are trying to move on from Aaron Rodgers (paywall)

The confidence Love has earned inside the walls of 1265 Lombardi Ave. is unmistakeable both from those who are willing to acknowledge it privately and Gutekunst himself. The GM unequivocally declared Love ready to be a starter in the NFL and said multiple times that "all options are on the table" as far as next season.

Gutekunst told a colleague late last year that he thought it was Love's time to take the reins of Matt LaFleur's offense and in the last week others in the organization have said the same thing. Saying it publicly, hasn't been an option because there are so many moving parts when it comes to Rodgers and his future.

I've seen several people float the idea of a Love trade in this thread and I just don't see that as a real possibility.

@titmfatied posted:

It's just an opinion? You're welcome to yours. I see a set of events one way, you see it from a different perspective. I don't mean it as anything personal to the way you see things.

Yours is every bit as valid as mine . Neither of us knows the guy personally.


You have enough gravitas around here to not have to defend yourself from folks with self-professed superior knowledge of the game of football. I also don’t believe you’ve ever uttered a harsh word to another poster.

Also, Bong is an ass.

@packerboi posted:

I actually quite liked watching that 2019 offense.  It was fresh and different.  What we've gotten the last couple years felt more like a mix of MLF and MM's offense and it's been kinda weird.

@michiganjoe posted:

Silverstein: There's no mistaking it, the Packers are trying to move on from Aaron Rodgers (paywall)

The confidence Love has earned inside the walls of 1265 Lombardi Ave. is unmistakeable both from those who are willing to acknowledge it privately and Gutekunst himself. The GM unequivocally declared Love ready to be a starter in the NFL and said multiple times that "all options are on the table" as far as next season.

Gutekunst told a colleague late last year that he thought it was Love's time to take the reins of Matt LaFleur's offense and in the last week others in the organization have said the same thing. Saying it publicly, hasn't been an option because there are so many moving parts when it comes to Rodgers and his future.

I've seen several people float the idea of a Love trade in this thread and I just don't see that as a real possibility.

Here's a link to the full article without the paywall.  Some good stuff in here from Silverstein.  I'm assuming if he's writing it, most of his sources are coming directly from the packers.

Last edited by vitaflo
@packerboi posted:

Wow.  That take is terrible.  If you read the whole context of the quote, he is suggesting he doubted himself after the first year in LaFleur's offense and they drafted Love.  Then he had 2 MVP seasons.  He then acknowledges he didn't play well last year and is suggesting that he can play at a high level again, with 2019-2021 as his basis.  The reading between the lines stuff is getting ridiculous.

@50k Club posted:

Wow.  That take is terrible.  If you read the whole context of the quote, he is suggesting he doubted himself after the first year in LaFleur's offense and they drafted Love.  Then he had 2 MVP seasons.  He then acknowledges he didn't play well last year and is suggesting that he can play at a high level again, with 2019-2021 as his basis.  The reading between the lines stuff is getting ridiculous.

90 minutes is a big ask for most people these days to listen and pass your own honest opinion. Much easier to have someone else do it for you on Twitter.

If there was ever a quote that defined "people" in 2023 it's this one "Hurry up and be offended, we'll figure out why later."

@titmfatied posted:

It's just an opinion?

Yes it was and my response was over-the-top and unwarranted.
My frustration boiled over . Sorry.

Kindly accept my apologies and know that I hold you in very high regard around here and was quite happy to see you return to X4 recently.

Silverstein from a piece on the Marcus podcast: Link

Sources have said the Packers want to move on to 2020 first-round pick Jordan Love this season, but they need to find out what Rodgers wants to do and see if anything changes in their view of the future. Part of any resolution will be what to do with Rodgers’ $58.3 million guaranteed option bonus, which is due before the opening game of the regular season.

@Thunderbird posted:

wtf?!? An that allowed?

Seriously, nice post Satiori.

Credos to you.

It is not allowed. It was an apology that got Henry booted. Of course, he apologized for not being more of an asshole.😊

@michiganjoe posted:

Silverstein from a piece on the Marcus podcast: Link

Sources have said the Packers want to move on to 2020 first-round pick Jordan Love this season, but they need to find out what Rodgers wants to do and see if anything changes in their view of the future. Part of any resolution will be what to do with Rodgers’ $58.3 million guaranteed option bonus, which is due before the opening game of the regular season.

I just don't see Rodgers, as some are believing, forcing this relationship to continue if the FO wants to move onto Love. As I've said before, him feeling wanted and the Packers completely buying into Rodgers coming back is a very big deal to Aaron.

Short of that, he will either want to move on elsewhere or retire. And I don't think he's ready to retire.

Bill Huber mentioned on local radio that NE  could be a dark horse candidate to emerge as a team wanting Rodgers. Billicheat is 71. He gushed over AR last year when they played. And vice versa. Could be a destination many aren't even thinking about.

@packerboi posted:

I just don't see Rodgers, as some are believing, forcing this relationship to continue if the FO wants to move onto Love.

a little bird told me that the FO isn't fully in sync on this one

My understanding is that Gute is ready to move on, Murphy wants to "let" Rodgers finish in Titletown if he wants. Murphy effed up the Favray departure and then made it worse with his ham-handed attempt to pay Favray $25 M to stay retired and become an ambassador. Murphy thinks he can salvage this one by acquiescing.

The structure of the current Packers isn't like when Wolf was in charge, Gute answers to Murphy and the board and he took the job knowing he didn't have the power that Wolf did back in the 90's.
In this case, I'm not certain football is The Decider and that's unfortunate

I think they're hoping AR leaves town on his own, because if AR wants back in, it seems he has, or had a champion in Mark Murphy.

Gute on the other hand bet his entire career on Love

Last edited by Satori
@vitaflo posted:

I actually quite liked watching that 2019 offense.  It was fresh and different.  What we've gotten the last couple years felt more like a mix of MLF and MM's offense and it's been kinda weird.

We won the same number of games as 20 & 21 but Rodgers didn't fill up the stat sheets and win the MVP.

This is why I expect the Packers to trade Rodgers for peanuts. No team is going to give up much for Rodgers no matter how badly they want him.                                           

<Gutekunst could trade him for conditional draft picks that depend on Rodgers not retiring. The other team will need to have $15.8 million in cap room to hold Rodgers on the roster while it tries to convince him to play, but if he ultimately retires, it would all come off the books. The other team would hold his rights if he decided to come back.

There’s not much risk for another team. If Gutekunst already has found a team willing to do that, the cards are in his hands.>

@Goalline posted:

I think they are allowing him to be himself. 😂

I think Gute sees the writing on the wall. He drafted Love in the 1st round and if his job is in jeopardy he's going to sink or swim with his guy. Rodgers had 3-4 down seasons when that pick was made so Love wasn't drafted to sit on the bench.

Rodgers is no longer dynamic and just another QB in today's game. Keeping him in 2023 will do so much damage to the future of the franchise we'll think it's the 80s again. If we don't have a successful 23 season with Love we probably wouldn't have had one with Rodgers either. It's time to move forward.

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