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My opinion is starting to ...evolve....

what has not changed: This is a really, really  big deal. As big as any off season Packers thing  I can remember. The only things that compare are Hornung's suspension, Bart being fired on Christmas eve,  the Reggie White signing and Favre's 2008 antics---but all of those you could see coming a mile away..the Rodgers thing, I'm still not sure,  he has really ratcheted up the suspense...this guy would be a heck of a game show host.

what has not changed:  I really dislike Rodgers. I just don't want to see him on the field anymore. Win or not win, just go away.

what has not changed: Gute really screwed up last year by not moving on

and the evolution., I thought he was going to stay and take the money, eclipse Favre's passing record, get a newer and more unique haircut....but  now I'm not sure......I have a glimmer of hope he'll move on...maybe the Irv Cross et al news will be as enlightening as the sensory deprivation

Last edited by Johnson

Dearest Iowa Cheese, esteemed poster and honorable man of the world

Terribly sorry for using the big awkward words, my bad.

Also, please accept my deepest apologies for posting this video below; I'm hoping your deep love for me will ameliorate your distaste for Miss Sarah.

Wooooo !!!

@Chongo posted:

Yes...Spotrac, a site for people who get hard looking at salary cap numbers, has always been in bed with Rodgers

Add in the fact the average NFL QB career is four years, that span ('19, '20, '21 and '22) seems like a fairly natural breakdown point.

@Satori posted:

a little bird told me that the FO isn't fully in sync on this one

My understanding is that Gute is ready to move on, Murphy wants to "let" Rodgers finish in Titletown if he wants. Murphy effed up the Favray departure and then made it worse with his ham-handed attempt to pay Favray $25 M to stay retired and become an ambassador. Murphy thinks he can salvage this one by acquiescing.

The structure of the current Packers isn't like when Wolf was in charge, Gute answers to Murphy and the board and he took the job knowing he didn't have the power that Wolf did back in the 90's.
In this case, I'm not certain football is The Decider and that's unfortunate

I think they're hoping AR leaves town on his own, because if AR wants back in, it seems he has, or had a champion in Mark Murphy.

Gute on the other hand bet his entire career on Love

Murphy is an idot

Just start Love in every pre-season game in 2023.   And then on Sept 10th start Love again. And again on Sept 17th. Rodgers will get the hint and wanted to be traded before the deadline.   Do what ever you have to to get under the cap.   Get this shit show over.

@Satori posted:

Yes it was and my response was over-the-top and unwarranted.
My frustration boiled over . Sorry.

Kindly accept my apologies and know that I hold you in very high regard around here and was quite happy to see you return to X4 recently.

All good. No hard feelings. I can understand getting pissed at what I posted from your point of view. I've definitely done the same in the past.

@ammo posted:

Hey YA YA, why the thumb down?  I thought you wanted Rodgers gone too.  Or do want Love gone also?  Maybe bring in Wentz?

What you suggest is Chickenship. Rodgers deserves better, Love deserves better.

The Bucks have won 15 in a row and their star player doesn’t act like a diva or headcase.  

Marquette is having a phenomenal season and is well positioned for the tourney.

Badgers football has more buzz and hype and excitement than any year I can think of in the last 30 years.

Yet here we are talking about the fuckwad Rodgers in all of his glory.  

I don’t care if they only get a 6th rounder for him.  Move his ass already.  Or let him sulk away and retire.  I don’t care.  If they don’t, then fire every single last one of those idiots in the front office.  

Last edited by Tschmack
@H5 posted:

I'm convinced Rodgers plays in GB or retires.

This was my original thought too, and I guess I still think it, but the more you listen to all the media nonsense  it sways one's opinion.

Last edited by Tavis Smiley
@H5 posted:

I'm convinced Rodgers plays in GB or retires.

100% this.

I think it all goes back to the restructure last year.  It was always built on the premise AR would be in GB through at least 2023.  Did Love's apparent development put a ripple in the plan, perhaps.  But the contract extension/restructure was based on AR playing at least thru 2023.  Add in AR's comments about understanding he would most likely need to adjust his contract again to free up money, and it points even more, IMO, that he's starting the 2023 season as the Packers' QB.

So until I hear it from AR and/or Gute that's he's been traded/gonna be traded/retires, I'll tune out the pundits, rumors, and sources.

@H5 posted:

I'm convinced Rodgers plays in GB or retires.

I watched the 90 minute podcast last night with Aubrey Marcus. It seems to me 12 is one of these guys that goes "all in," on personal relationships he values. Apparently he and AM spent a lot of time last season together during the season and 12 leaned on him to deal with the challenges of the up and down season. Be it a girlfriend or an ayahuasca bro...12 goes balls deep. Many have speculated 12 seemed to be at his best on the field when he was free from girlfriends.

People assume Rodgers is an attention whore, and while I am sure there is a certain amount of attention he enjoys, I think his transparency stems from trying to break out of his earlier ways of being ultra private with his personal life.

I think he grew up in a very religious and judgmental household and the way he conducts himself today is him trying to counter that upbringing.

But all the psychoanalysis aside, the Cliffs Notes takeaway from his darkness event is that he confronted the fears of retirement, and the fears of starting over at another place. He said at the end of it all he's at peace with retiring if that's what he decides. He's also at peace with the starting over because ultimately the opportunities that football has afforded him in his life he still cherishes. And to play some place else is positive because he gets to keep playing the sport he loves.

The only portion I struggled with was in talking about the special teams in Green Bay were ones where everyone bought in, and were accountable for their actions. He definitely said the right things you'd expect, but then you remember he didn't attend OTA's, he wasn't there working with his new WR. But it got me thinking to an encounter I was fortunate to have with Jeff Tedford many years ago when he told me "Aaron is a guy that loves to be coached. He craves it. He wants to be coached hard and criticized."

I'm not so sure this GM or coaching staff makes anything hard on 12. I think one of the reasons he was excited about Clements coming back was he was a guy who was hard on him in his youth. And I also think that's why he obviously cherishes his relationship with McVince...pre-Super Bowl, McVince was pretty hard on 12. And then success got him fat and lazy and he wasn't hard on anybody at the end.

I think 12 wants to come back, wants to make another run...if the Packers don't want him back, then he will retire. I think the Packers need to be hard-asses on expectations with him...insist he take place in OTA's, tell him we will bring Randall Cobb back as a coaching assistant, but if he wants to keep playing, it won't be here. Tell him these are the dollar amounts we've assigned to re-signing Tonyan, Lazard, etc. and if they agree to those amounts we will bring them back. I think it's a forgone conclusion Crosby is coming back...Gutey quickly attribute his leg strength woes to coming back so soon after surgery. Kickers are really hard to find...if it was as easy as cutting an over the hill veteran and signing a capable guy more teams would do it. If Bisaccia wants Crosby back, I am OK with it.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but if 12 comes back, they needs to hold him accountable. No more of this free-range parenting where you're not giving him expectations and structure. He is the #1 leader on the team, and they need to tell him to act like it. I think he'd accept that challenge, and if he doesn't, let him retire.

I think it's a forgone conclusion Crosby is coming back...Gutey quickly attribute his leg strength woes to coming back so soon after surgery. Kickers are really hard to find...if it was as easy as cutting an over the hill veteran and signing a capable guy more teams would do it. If Bisaccia wants Crosby back, I am OK with it.

I want Crosby back as well. Kicking in Lambeau from November on (and at Soldier Field for that matter) is very different than most places. I'd rather have Crosby at 80% of his prime if it comes down to a must make 40 yarder in December than some new guy who's never experienced that before.

I do think you consider using a roster position on a guy that can kick it out of the end zone every time. They can use Cobb's spot for that guy.

@Chongo posted:

I watched the 90 minute podcast last night with Aubrey Marcus. It seems to me 12 is one of these guys that goes "all in," on personal relationships he values. Apparently he and AM spent a lot of time last season together during the season and 12 leaned on him to deal with the challenges of the up and down season. Be it a girlfriend or an ayahuasca bro...12 goes balls deep. Many have speculated 12 seemed to be at his best on the field when he was free from girlfriends.

People assume Rodgers is an attention whore, and while I am sure there is a certain amount of attention he enjoys, I think his transparency stems from trying to break out of his earlier ways of being ultra private with his personal life.

I think he grew up in a very religious and judgmental household and the way he conducts himself today is him trying to counter that upbringing.

But all the psychoanalysis aside, the Cliffs Notes takeaway from his darkness event is that he confronted the fears of retirement, and the fears of starting over at another place. He said at the end of it all he's at peace with retiring if that's what he decides. He's also at peace with the starting over because ultimately the opportunities that football has afforded him in his life he still cherishes. And to play some place else is positive because he gets to keep playing the sport he loves.

The only portion I struggled with was in talking about the special teams in Green Bay were ones where everyone bought in, and were accountable for their actions. He definitely said the right things you'd expect, but then you remember he didn't attend OTA's, he wasn't there working with his new WR. But it got me thinking to an encounter I was fortunate to have with Jeff Tedford many years ago when he told me "Aaron is a guy that loves to be coached. He craves it. He wants to be coached hard and criticized."

I'm not so sure this GM or coaching staff makes anything hard on 12. I think one of the reasons he was excited about Clements coming back was he was a guy who was hard on him in his youth. And I also think that's why he obviously cherishes his relationship with McVince...pre-Super Bowl, McVince was pretty hard on 12. And then success got him fat and lazy and he wasn't hard on anybody at the end.

I think 12 wants to come back, wants to make another run...if the Packers don't want him back, then he will retire. I think the Packers need to be hard-asses on expectations with him...insist he take place in OTA's, tell him we will bring Randall Cobb back as a coaching assistant, but if he wants to keep playing, it won't be here. Tell him these are the dollar amounts we've assigned to re-signing Tonyan, Lazard, etc. and if they agree to those amounts we will bring them back. I think it's a forgone conclusion Crosby is coming back...Gutey quickly attribute his leg strength woes to coming back so soon after surgery. Kickers are really hard to find...if it was as easy as cutting an over the hill veteran and signing a capable guy more teams would do it. If Bisaccia wants Crosby back, I am OK with it.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but if 12 comes back, they needs to hold him accountable. No more of this free-range parenting where you're not giving him expectations and structure. He is the #1 leader on the team, and they need to tell him to act like it. I think he'd accept that challenge, and if he doesn't, let him retire.


@Chongo posted:

But all the psychoanalysis aside, the Cliffs Notes takeaway from his darkness event is that he confronted the fears of retirement, and the fears of starting over at another place. He said at the end of it all he's at peace with retiring if that's what he decides. He's also at peace with the starting over because ultimately the opportunities that football has afforded him in his life he still cherishes. And to play some place else is positive because he gets to keep playing the sport he loves.

Rodgers through almost the entirety of his career also never had a legit threat behind him at QB. I am not saying Jordan Love at this stage of his career could eclipse a healthy Aaron Rodgers, but there was a damn good reason why AR played through those injuries staring at 4-8.

He absolutely did not want to see Love taking command of this team and winning games. Or worse, winning out and making the playoffs.

And going into 2023, does Rodgers want to be back knowing this is an organization where at least some key guys would rather start Love vs him? There is also a real possibility, a likelihood, that should this offense struggle under Rodgers in '23, the chirping to start Love instead would be real. It would be loud, it would be constant. And it would be something Rodgers never had to encounter or deal with.

That either pushes him to retire or find a team where he will not have to deal with that.

Last edited by packerboi

I do think you consider using a roster position on a guy that can kick it out of the end zone every time. They can use Cobb's spot for that guy.

Not necessarily every time, but when needed.
If/when the Packers have a better coverage unit you may want to consider dropping the ball 4 or 5 yards deep in the EZ and giving the receiver an opportunity to fumble, hesitate, get tackled inside the 5 etc.

@bvan posted:

Not necessarily every time, but when needed.
If/when the Packers have a better coverage unit you may want to consider dropping the ball 4 or 5 yards deep in the EZ and giving the receiver an opportunity to fumble, hesitate, get tackled inside the 5 etc.


Bisaccia and other coaches don't want to concede the 25, that's just not in their DNA. Its both a machismo thing and something that analytics supports in terms of starting field position for your opponents.

In addition to the items you listed above -  a return team also runs a very high risk of an illegal block - and that puts them in a deeper hole to start the drive.

Kicking deep certainly has its value, but its really become more situational.
And if you have a kick- ass coverage team, you're going to bet on them stopping the bad guys short of the 25.

@H5 posted:

I'm convinced Rodgers plays in GB or retires.

That makes sense because no one in their right mind ever wants to start over when they're a year or two from retirement.  But...something tells me he would never want to be overshadowed by Brady when it comes to the ceremony in Canton. He'd want to own that stage. 

@Chongo posted:

The only portion I struggled with was in talking about the special teams in Green Bay were ones where everyone bought in, and were accountable for their actions. He definitely said the right things you'd expect, but then you remember he didn't attend OTA's, he wasn't there working with his new WR. But it got me thinking to an encounter I was fortunate to have with Jeff Tedford many years ago when he told me "Aaron is a guy that loves to be coached. He craves it. He wants to be coached hard and criticized."

I'm not so sure this GM or coaching staff makes anything hard on 12. I think one of the reasons he was excited about Clements coming back was he was a guy who was hard on him in his youth. And I also think that's why he obviously cherishes his relationship with McVince...pre-Super Bowl, McVince was pretty hard on 12. And then success got him fat and lazy and he wasn't hard on anybody at the end.


My take is that he loves Bisaccia because he coaches hard, while I think he "likes" MLF, he doesn't respect him in the same way because he doesn't coach hard. 

I wonder how he feels about Robert Salah? 615DD224-264F-46E0-806C-A59A663DB0E8

I don’t think anybody out there understands just how dire the #Jets offensive line situation really is? No way does Derek Carr, Aaron Rodgers or any other top tier NFL QB play behind these 8 offensive linemen under contract and the challenges all 8 have

@Chongo posted:
he confronted the fears of retirement, and the fears of starting over at another place. He said at the end of it all he's at peace with retiring if that's what he decides.

I can't really get over the "if that's what I decide" bit.  Our season has been over for 2 months.  Do I really want a guy on my team who doesn't know if he wants to play football anymore?  A guy who dogged Jaire earlier in the year for his comments about fears of defeat and how "the power of words" and "manifestations" matter?  But those things don't matter now when you don't know if you really want to play anymore because of your fears?

If a dude takes two months, has to go in a hole for a week to contemplate and still doesn't know what he wants to do, I'm not sure I'm buying he's "all in" on anything.

Last edited by vitaflo
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