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@Timmy! posted:

Pffffttt. Jimmy Kimmel is a HUGE asshole.
Used to be a pretty funny guy early in his career, somehow got that late show gig, and started taking himself WAY too seriously.
He actually believes people want to know his opinions on any subject matter...

I mean, aside from being a huge racist he SEEMS like a pretty good guy...

@Timmy! posted:

Pffffttt. Jimmy Kimmel is a HUGE asshole.
Used to be a pretty funny guy early in his career, somehow got that late show gig, and started taking himself WAY too seriously.
He actually believes people want to know his opinions on any subject matter...

Kimmel is just a comedian and no bigger of an asshole than any other comedian. If he picks on somebody you like you're not going to like him. Somebody must like him because he's making $24 million a year. Guys like Rodgers give guys like Kimmel plenty of material.

Epstein's island was real, and there was/is a list. Not really a theory.

@PackerRick posted:

I'm not sure that's a smart comment for Bak to make. Probably wiser to stay away from Rodgers' conspiracy theories.

Last edited by H5
@H5 posted:

Epstein's island was real, and there was/is a list. Not really a theory.

I don't dispute that but Bak is claiming Kimmel's name is on the list with his comment. That's why I think the comment isn't smart.

@Pikes Peak posted:

That was agreed on?

Gutekunst has been vocal about knowing before then. Rodgers mentioned how it was with Favre during ARs first few years. Said he would not do it that way. Rodgers informed them on March 8th (IIRC) last year. Lots of reasons to expect the same this year, and absolutely no reason not to.

@YATittle posted:

The owner DISAGREES.

That's all that matters.

What he says publicly is for fan consumption. Anyway ...

My point has always been, why would a guy closing in on 40 want to go to a team with a mess at OL and few weapons? I don't see AR wanting that. That is my point, not caring about any other aspects of the possibilities of AR going to the Jets.

If they want him, fine, I don't care, but being realistic, why would AR want that mess?

@D J posted:

What he says publicly is for fan consumption. Anyway ...

My point has always been, why would a guy closing in on 40 want to go to a team with a mess at OL and few weapons? I don't see AR wanting that. That is my point, not caring about any other aspects of the possibilities of AR going to the Jets.

If they want him, fine, I don't care, but being realistic, why would AR want that mess?

I've said many times that Rodgers would refuse going to NY but that's a different conversation. Rich people don't care about what it costs because they have so much money, they want the win. Losing is unacceptable to those guys on any level. The guy is worth over $3 billion, do you think he cares what he has to spend or do to get a SB win at his age? He's not doing it for publicity.

Last edited by PackerRick
@Satori posted:

Here's a twitter cut- up from the 2021 season.
Friday fun,  enjoy a few throws over the middle and to non-Adams WRs too.

OK team, we have the best receiver in football, but to make X4 happy, we are not going to throw to him

@PackerRick posted:

I've said many times that Rodgers would refuse going to NY but that's a different conversation. Rich people don't care about what it costs because they have so much money, they want the win. Losing is unacceptable to those guys on any level. The guy is worth over $3 billion, do you think he cares what he has to spend or do to get a SB win at his age? He's not doing it for publicity.

Who or what are you arguing?  Woody Johnson's remark was for public consumption, for the fan base. If he wants to win so bad where has all that spending been since he bought the Jets over 20 years ago?

Losing is unacceptable? Is this the NY Jets we're talking about? They haven't made the playoffs longer than any other NFL team, 11 years now.

Last edited by D J

Isn’t it funny how sports, television, and gossip apps all combine to make headlines???  Wow.  Never knew how effective late night talk shows can lead topics on everything.  ♥️ 💚 💛

@D J posted:

Who or what are you arguing?  Woody Johnson's remark was for public consumption, for the fan base. If he wants to win so bad where has all that spending been since he bought the Jets over 20 years ago?

Losing is unacceptable? Is this the NY Jets we're talking about? They haven't made the playoffs longer than any other NFL team, 11 years now.

We're talking about a guy that wins at everything and this is his failure. He's in the billionaire club. He's in the Billionaire NFL owners club. He is not in the billionaire NFL owner Super Bowl club. I'm not arguing anything. Woodie is in it for himself and couldn't care less about shining on the fans. He's sees an opportunity to go in the side door and get a SB. He is probably the only reason the Jets haven't signed Carr, which is a much more sane transaction than Rodgers.

@PackerRick posted:

Kimmel is just a comedian and no bigger of an asshole than any other comedian. If he picks on somebody you like you're not going to like him. Somebody must like him because he's making $24 million a year. Guys like Rodgers give guys like Kimmel plenty of material.

Yep, Kimmel is the Mike Florio of late-night shows.

@PackerRick posted:

To make comments like that Bak better be sure. I think he's just trying to defending his buddy and probably getting involved in something he shouldn't.

Bakhtiari isn't the only 1 who has interred this with respect to the Kimmel bit.

Regardless, it will never matter because the list:  a) will never come out;  b) no longer exists.

Last edited by H5
@Timmy! posted:

Yep, Kimmel is the Mike Florio of late-night shows.

I've honestly never watched any of them and just figured they were all the same. They're comedians and if nobody watched them they wouldn't be making millions. Somebody must like them.

@H5 posted:

Bakhtiari isn't the only 1 who has interred this with respect to the Kimmel bit.

Regardless, it will never matter because the list:  a) will never come out;  b) no longer exists.

The pilot who flew everybody to Epstein Island -  sang a few verses during the trial -  so some names/evil acts were revealed

@PackerRick posted:

I haven't seen anybody else make those comments and I think it's unwise for anybody to make those allegations. They actually could be forced to prove it.

Not a single one of those people wants to shine a light on that book. They want it to quietly go away.

@H5 posted:

Bakhtiari isn't the only 1 who has interred this with respect to the Kimmel bit.

Regardless, it will never matter because the list:  a) will never come out;  b) no longer exists.

Kimmel doesn't likely have the clout to be on the list, anyway. He's just a comedian.

@Packiderm posted:

Maybe someday we'll have news about Aaron Rodgers instead of this bullshit!

Is that the guy that went into darkness to decide what to do but still hasn't decided? It's hard to determine which topic is more bullshit when a guy starts a comment with "obviously" and ends it with "allegedly".  “Obviously, there was some sort of Chinese spy balloon that was up in the air, allegedly,

@Goalline posted:

Not a single one of those people wants to shine a light on that book. They want it to quietly go away.

Which makes it highly unlikely Kimmel is a part of it since he mentioned it in his monologue.

Big implications for Rodgers and particularly, his chances of going to the Jets. If the Jets really felt Carr was a future HOF'er with them, they would have signed him weeks ago.

You feel like the Jets know they will be getting Rodgers and that's why there was no bidding war for Carr.

Last edited by packerboi

The Raiders let Carr negotiate is own trade deal with the Saints before they cut him. Not very smart. Now he takes the deal and has a better supporting cast because the Saints didn't give up anything to get him.

Last edited by PackerRick
@Pakrz posted:

I believe this is likely the week we see movement on 12's future.... one way or another.

It's still taking longer than it should have. Rodgers left the cave a week ago and was supposed to have a decision when he came out. Apparently the cave isn't as effective as advertised.

@PackerRick posted:

It's still taking longer than it should have. Rodgers left the cave a week ago and was supposed to have a decision when he came out. Apparently the cave isn't as effective as advertised.

No decision IS a decision on his part. The next “decision” is on the team.

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