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@titmfatied posted:

Evidence? Yeah, me and Rodgers talk all the time, then I call up Gutey to get his side of things.

The 49ers already tried to aquire him (you can bet Rodgers' agent let them know he'd be interested) and he said at Pebble I'm not going to San Fran (because the Packers don't want to trade him there, not because he doesn't want to go there). 49ers are as in win now mode as the Jets. It's not evidence, it's an avenue they haven't walked down yet that they could explore if the Jets are trying to lowball them. No one outside of the front offices of GB and the Jets knows anything, it's all just spitballing.

Speculation at best. The Packers aren't compelled to deal AR only to the Jets but there seem to be no other takers. Nothing is stopping the 49ers so what are they waiting for?

@titmfatied posted:

The 49er nuclear option is always there. Rodgers would forget about the Jets in a heartbeat if he could find his way there and the 49ers might be willing to over pay with the 2024 and 2025 credit card to make it happen.

I've felt all along if this Jets deal wavers too long the Niners are a strong possibility. Their QB situation is pretty bad news right now to the point where they brought in Sam Darnold. Lance and Purdy will both be out for awhile and neither is really a proven entity as far as leading a team through the playoffs goes.  Forget about the nonsense of not trading to an NFC team, let's screw the Jets!

@D J posted:

Speculation at best. The Packers aren't compelled to deal AR only to the Jets but there seem to be no other takers. Nothing is stopping the 49ers so what are they waiting for?

I think the Packers have given the Jets exclusive rights to Rodgers for the time being and aren't going to jeopardize that trade by involving other teams just yet. The Packers feel the Jets are the best chance to get a solid return. They have a draft position the Packers like, they need a QB like Rodgers, and Rodgers has agreed to go there. It fits. The Packers can't just make a trade with any team. The Packers have time to be patient.

@PackerRick posted:

I've felt all along if this Jets deal wavers too long the Niners are a strong possibility. Their QB situation is pretty bad news right now to the point where they brought in Sam Darnold. Lance and Purdy will both be out for awhile and neither is really a proven entity as far as leading a team through the playoffs goes.  Forget about the nonsense of not trading to an NFC team, let's screw the Jets!

I'd say a simple phone call to GB from Belichick would have the Jets soiling their trousers. That might be all it would take, before GB would have to start actively entertaining other teams. Funny thing about leverage, you have it until you don't, and from my vantage point, the Packers haven't even hinted at playing real hardball in terms of what they *could* be doing.

There's a ton of posturing from the media and Jets fans, even despite the fact that they're so accustomed to the rug being pulled out from under them. None of us know exactly what the parameters have been. But they're going out of their way to lowball GB in the court of public opinion, even though it completely flies in the face of the immediate impact he can give their team. If they're SB contenders with him, they should probably be willing to offer some type of value in return, no?

The rhetoric that's suddenly engulfed this saga is not unlike talking points we hear in partisan politics. It's curious how among reporters they end up using the same phrasing verbatim as the last guy or gal. Using some common rationale in an attempt to force GB's hand. Not to mention the idea being floated that Goodell should "step in." If that isn't some attempt to gain some unfair advantage, idk what is.

@Herschel posted:

The 49ers don’t have the 2023 draft capital Green Bay is looking for.

Everything changes once the Jets make that 13th pick. If that's Gutekunst's corner stone to the trade right now once it's gone there's an opening. The 49ers are watching all of this go down, too. I wouldn't be surprised if Gute's phone is ringing before it's announced that New England is on the clock. 49ers have all their one's and two's for 2024 and 2025

12 stating "as of right now I intend.."   and  pumping up Hackett as a great coach that wasn't hired just to land him, leaves him an opening to slip out the back door.

A bird in the hand (Rodgers) is worth two in the bush (Rodgers and the 13th pick). As much as I can't stand the 49ers I would gain great pleasure from watching the Jets royally mess this up. Part of me also recognizes that's where Rodgers would really like to end his career.

If Woody is watching Palantonio this morning deal might be done by the end of the day.

@Herschel posted:

The 49ers don’t have the 2023 draft capital Green Bay is looking for.

But if the 2023 draft passes with no deal that doesn't matter. I feel the Packers are going to deal with the Jets right up until the draft. It's all or nothing with the Jets as far as the 2023 draft goes. With the Niners the Packers could get a couple very high picks, even #1s, if it's far enough down the road like 2025 and 2026. Probably hoping for too much but that would be great.

Last edited by PackerRick

It’s fun to speculate, but the Packers will not (ever?) trade Rodgers to the 49ers.  Forget about the fact they really don’t have much draft collateral to work with, but SF is still a legit NFC threat and I doubt the FO will want to see Rodgers succeed and rub their faces in it.  

The Jets are the Jets but there are some other intriguing NFC teams like Carolina and Washington and Atlanta.  

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

It’s fun to speculate, but the Packers will not (ever?) trade Rodgers to the 49ers.  Forget about the fact they really don’t have much draft collateral to work with, but SF is still a legit NFC threat and I doubt the FO will want to see Rodgers succeed and run their faces in it.  

The Jets are the Jets but there are some other intriguing NFC teams like Carolina and Washington and Atlanta.  

I agree on SF.  There are for some reason a segment of Packers fans that don't care where he goes. But, I guarantee you many of those same fans will be be back pissing and moaning if SF wins big and saying I cannot believe they traded him there!

The really stupid thing is Joe Douglas needs for the team to succeed or he may not have a job in a year or two.  Do you think he really cares about 13th overall pick?  

I still think this deal gets done but the Jets should embrace the HR move and get it over with already.   The longer this drags on the more inept that FO appears which is hard to imagine given all the draft capital previously spent and whiffs they’ve had at the QB position.  The 13th overall pick won’t make or break that team but not getting Rodgers sure will.  

Last edited by Tschmack

I actually think the Packers would trade Rodgers to the Bears or Vikings before they’d trade him to San Francisco.  A motivated Rodgers to the Niners this year all but guarantees them the NFC conference title.  

I think the Vikings take a step back this year (perhaps 8-9 wins) and Chicago with a 2010-2011 version of Aaron Rodgers isn’t competing for anything.  

Last edited by Tschmack

Jesus fuck, just keep this ass clown out of the public eye.

The last time Green Bay Packers president Mark Murphy spoke about Aaron Rodgers, it fanned some flames. So this time around, the CEO is zippering his lips.

Speaking Monday at the Wisconsin Tech Summit at Lambeau Field, Murphy joked when asked about the Rodgers situation.

"Yeah and you know, we've got no other news really going on," Murphy said, laughing, via WLUK-TV Green Bay. "I would love to tell you everything you want to know about Aaron Rodgers and the Jets, but I'm sworn to secrecy not to say anything."

What boggles my mind about all this is that the Jets let it get this far without seemingly knowing what the trade compensation would be.

I would guess there'd be multiple teams that the Packers would have given permission for Rodgers to talk to. It's not like the Packers did anything wrong by granting permission to let the Jets talk. If you are the Jets, you have the first meeting with him, but then you have the conversation with Green Bay to come to an agreement before you indicate you are all in. Obviously, this is why the Jets are the Jets.

It's also possible that the Jets did know what the trade expectations were from Green Bay's side and are now trying to change that after the fact. If the Jets are truly just offering some mid-round pick and the Jets end up making that 13th pick  next month, the Packers should just hold onto Rodgers. Maybe some team loses their starter in training camp and becomes desperate. If you held onto him until 2 weeks before the season, someone would still give you a mid-round pick for him.

The annoying thing about this is the ESPN/NFL media apparatus is desperate to get Rodgers to New York. They are putting pressure on the Packers to cave and get this done so they can do 3 hours of content from every Jets minicamp practice.

@packerboi posted:

Jesus fuck, just keep this ass clown out of the public eye.

The last time Green Bay Packers president Mark Murphy spoke about Aaron Rodgers, it fanned some flames. So this time around, the CEO is zippering his lips.

Speaking Monday at the Wisconsin Tech Summit at Lambeau Field, Murphy joked when asked about the Rodgers situation.

"Yeah and you know, we've got no other news really going on," Murphy said, laughing, via WLUK-TV Green Bay. "I would love to tell you everything you want to know about Aaron Rodgers and the Jets, but I'm sworn to secrecy not to say anything."

The first time he talked to the press about this, he looked like an idiot.

This time, he's saying exactly what he should be saying. Keep some mystery involved and let the press run with speculation.

For all of the resources the Packers have at their disposal I am shocked at how clueless and unprepared Murphy appears in these public events responding to simple questions.  

I mean, all he has to say is he’d prefer not to comment on roster related decisions and defer to his general manager.   Or simply say he doesn’t want to discuss ongoing trade discussions regarding Rodgers but the team will provide an update when necessary.

The lame attempts to be funny or cute (β€œsworn to secrecy”) just adds to lack of credibility and trust and creates more doubt and angst.   He can’t retire soon enough.

Last edited by Tschmack

Of course the ESPN/NFL apparatus is desperate to get Rodgers in NY.  The league office is based there and ESPN might as well be based there.  

The hype and related media bonanza would be off the charts and fill the void created by no legit basketball presence (Knicks or Nets), no college presence (football or basketball), and mediocre to slightly above mediocre NFL w/the Giants.

Yes the Yankees still run that town and own the market, and the Mets are trying to buy their way into relevancy, but MLB is nothing compared to a decent Knicks team or Giants or Jets team in that corridor.  

Not to mention when you look at the Jets 2023 schedule there would be some phenomenal matchups.   Chiefs, Giants, at the Cowboys, at Vegas, Eagles, 2 against the Bills, 2 against the up and coming Dolphins, etc.  The ratings for those games would be off the charts.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

For all of the resources the Packers have at their disposal I am shocked at how clueless and unprepared Murphy appears in these public events responding to simple questions.  

I mean, all he has to say is he’d prefer not to comment on roster related decisions and defer to his general manager.   Or simply say he doesn’t want to discuss ongoing trade discussions regarding Rodgers but the team will provide an update when necessary.

The lame attempts to be funny or cute (β€œsworn to secrecy”) just adds to lack of credibility and trust and creates more doubt and angst.   He can’t retire soon enough.

He's the same as he ever was.

What boggles my mind about all this is that the Jets let it get this far without seemingly knowing what the trade compensation would be.

Is it possible the framework of a deal was in place pending a face to face with AR? Maybe afterwards the Jets weren’t comfortable with the number of years he’d commit.  I mean, it’s possible he told NYJ he’s playing one more season only. That could certainly change compensation from the Jets perspective.

……..It's also possible that the Jets did know what the trade expectations were from Green Bay's side and are now trying to change that after the fact. If the Jets are truly just offering some mid-round pick and the Jets end up making that 13th pick  next month, the Packers should just hold onto Rodgers. Maybe some team loses their starter in training camp and becomes desperate. If you held onto him until 2 weeks before the season, someone would still give you a mid-round pick for him.

Agree with the above wholeheartedly.

The annoying thing about this is the ESPN/NFL media apparatus is desperate to get Rodgers to New York. They are putting pressure on the Packers to cave and get this done so they can do 3 hours of content from every Jets minicamp practice.

There are so many things everyone doesn’t know, and just comments/hypothesizes on straw man arguments.

Last edited by PackLandVA

If the Jets are truly just offering some mid-round pick and the Jets end up making that 13th pick  next month, the Packers should just hold onto Rodgers. Maybe some team loses their starter in training camp and becomes desperate. If you held onto him until 2 weeks before the season, someone would still give you a mid-round pick for him.

Exactly. Why do the Jets any favors when they are lowballing the Packers? There's nothing I'd rather see than the Jets to blow this deal, miss the playoffs, and Woodie fires this circus act. These guys are being handed contender status.

I have no problem with the Packers trading Rodgers to the Niners if they throw us a decent offer. Any trading partner is going to need Rodgers' approval so it passes that test. As far as the Niners and Rodgers having great success who cares? This is more about the Packers future than whoever lands Rodgers. He's going to improve whatever team he goes to. We can't try and trade him to a rebuilding team like ATL without offending him. We can say what we want about Rodgers but all parties need an amicable split.

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